Profile Generator
I'm incredibly loyal to those who touch my heart. I'm a romantic, sexy, honest, dependable, picky, detailed, optimistic, eclectic, light-hearted, intelligent, analytical, kind, and sensitive fashionista. I'm a bit of an enigma. I can be comforting when people need me to be, but a hard ass just the same. People shouldn't come to me unless they want to hear the brutal, honest truth. I take pride in who I am because I know I am worth everything and I give the same intensity back to those I love. I say the word FUCK a lot. I get bored easily and therefore always have a million things going on, but I will drop everything for a friend in need. Karma is a concept I believe in and live by. I put out there exactly what I expect to get back. "The effects of all deeds actively create past, present and future experiences, thus making one responsible for one's own life, and the pain in others." I believe everyone deserves a second chance but when you screw that up, sorry bout it! "I live more than I cry, you piss me off goodbye. Got bruises on my heart and sometimes I get dark," but I'm an optimist and I know that there are better things waiting just around the corner.
I love people and surround myself with good friends and a loving family, but enjoy my time alone as well. I consider myself a very strong person and I have overcome plenty of hurdles and obstacles to prove that. I live everyday as though it is my last and never have regrets. I fully believe that everything in life happens for a reason and if you dont try, you can't complain. "Don't let your past dictate who you are, but let it be part of who you will become."
I've learned with each passing day that settling is NOT an option. If you ever say to yourself "I can deal with it." move on because chances are one day you won't want to deal with it anymore. Never live your life waiting for things to change or get better... only you have the power to make it so. If something isn't what you want NOW... it isn't going to miraculously be so tomorrow just because you waited. Know what you want and don't settle till you find EXACTLY that.
"Here I am... perfect as I'm ever gonna be. You'll see. Love me for me. Stick around. I'm not the kinda girl you wanna leave. You'll see. Love me for me."