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Uclangelita X

It's not in our culture to be poor. That's only been the last 500 years of our history; look at the

About Me

From Indian to Latina. From Prickly Pear to Desert Fruit. Come caca! I'm the last of the Mexica, Maya specifically Caxcan. Tengo sabor Latino pero no soy Latina! Not Hispanic! Not Mestiza! Not Raza! These are Eurocentric labels of exclusion rather than inclusion. They reject Indigenous identity. Denying heritage in order to seem like one of the majority = silent genocide. The crime of labels. Sure you can trust the Government just ask an Indian! www.diyrevolution.net La Revolution no ha terminado!
Un pueblo que no sabe leer y escribir, es un pueblo facil de enganar. - Che Guevara
"Nonetheless, this otherwise natural process was dramatically altered by colonization. These colonizing efforts were accomplished by force and often with great speed, producing dramatic changes within Indigenous societies and interfering with the natural process of adaptation and change. This disruption has had a genocidal effect; groups of Indigenous peoples that existed 500 years ago no longer exist. There should be no doubt that their extinction was not an accident--it was the product of a concerted effort to subjugate and eliminate the native human population in order to allow for the pursuit of wealth and manifest destiny. As a result, extinction is the most dramatic effect of colonization. Allowed to run its full course, colonization will disrupt and destroy the natural evolutionary process of the people being colonized to the point of extinction."SYMPOSIUM:RE-FRAMING INTERNATIONAL LAW FOR THE 21ST CENTURY 1999, JAYAN NAYAR.
Who you tryin' to get kAyZy with ese? Don't you know I'm loca?

Mexican, Mayan is preferable because it is a label of inclusion rather than exclusion. Plus, we believe in peace, we let anyone in. We're not an occidental culture. A quick history lesson: The Mexica welcomed Cortes with cups of xocolatl. When Indigenous people deny their culture, heritage, and motherland they stop tending to their garden and butterflies stop coming.
We are not White! Not Latino! Not Hispanic! Not Mestizo! Not Raza! We are Red/Brown/Indigenous and not homogeneous! We have always been multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and mixed and continue to be. Timexihcatl. We're Mexica. Mexican. Mexique. Mexicano. Meshicano. Chicano. Xicano. We are original inhabitants of this continent! We didn't cross the borders, the borders crossed us! Native Americans, Mexis, Salvis, Guats, Nicas, and other Indigenous populations are one people, from the northernmost tip of Alaska, to the southernmost tip of Tierra Del Fuego. It's time that we begin thinking as one people because there will not be black and brown unity until there is red and brown unity.
Labeling a Mexican, Mayan "Latino/Hispanic", "Mestizo", or "Raza" is like labeling a Tibetan "Chinese" or a Jew "German". The crime of labels. Imagine the resentment this generates and how it can manifest itself right in your own backyard.

My Interests

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Cortes was not worried about Mexica souls, he was after our gold!

I'd like to meet:

The Beatitudes.
Blessed are the poor in spirit:
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are the meek:
for they shall posses the land.
Blessed are they who mourn:
for they shall be comforted.
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice:
for they shall have their fill.
Blessed are the merciful:
for they shall obtain mercy.
Blessed are the clean of heart:
for they shall see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God.
Blessed are they that suffer persecution for justice' sake,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.


Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth, always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath. - St. Michael
Because in this world you either fuck or you get fucked. Don't just lay there like a dead fish!
Denying heritage in order to seem like one of majority = silent genocide. There is a direct correlation between cultural genocide and second class status. Don’t assimilate! Acculturate!
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I still each have one apple. -- assimilate
But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. -- acculturate
- George Bernard Shaw
No matter what kind of car you drive or what kind of fancy clothes you put on, you will never be them. They're always gonna look at you as nothing but a little monkey. I'd rather be proud of what I am, rather than desperately trying to be something I'm really not, just to fit in.- Immortal Technique - The Poverty of Philosophy


A Native American child cannot develop a good level of self-esteem when confronted with their heritage being held up as an object of ridicule. It is also extremely difficult for a Native American child (or any child for that matter) to attain a high level of achievement while having a low level of self worth or self-esteem, as "… it is clear that average grade shares a traditionally reciprocal relationship with self-concept, one feeding off the other, and vice versa. - Wood & Clay
As part of their social studies and history classes children are taught about Native Americans, usually as part of history with little leading up to modern day society. The problems here arise when children are taught that Native Americans were a homogeneous people across the North American continent... silent genocide is the destruction of a people by destroying pride and knowledge in their cultural heritage. Schools, either knowingly or unknowingly contribute to this destruction. They unknowingly contribute to this by causing students to deny their heritage in order to seem like one of the majority (aka Latino/Hispanic, Amerikkkan) and thereby succeed in school. They also unknowingly contribute through a lack of understanding of Native American peoples and cultures; a lack of understanding that is perpetuated through the classroom. Schools knowingly contribute to this destruction by using Native Americans as mascots, in many cases setting them up for ridicule as misshapen objects or people. - Ralph P. Reed
You cannot change the past but you can make the future, and anyone who tells you different is a Fucking lethargic devil...Porque sino entonces te mando por el carajo cabron gusano hijo de puta, seramos libre pronto, viva la revolucion, VIVA LA REVOLUCION! - Immortal Technique - Poverty Of Philosophy


Extra! Extra! Hispanics increased their hold as the country's largest minority group, at 14.5 percent of the population, compared with 12.8 percent for Blacks. Hispanic is a term for people with ethnic backgrounds in Spanish-speaking countries. Hispanics can be of any race, and most in the U.S. are White. When demographers talk about the shrinking percentage of White people in America, generally they are talking about Whites who are not Hispanic. - cbsnews.com
This is crapola! What kind of colonial crack are you on? We are primarily Indigenous mixed and full and not homogeneous! We have always been multi-ethnic, multi-lingual, and mixed and continue to be. Timexihcatl. We're Mexica. Mexican. Mexique. Mexicano. Meshicano. Chicano. Xicano. Wake up and smell the pinche cafe cabrones! Come to your senses! It's all smoke and mirrors! This result is mostly due to rape (see blog - Bartoleme de Las Casas), racism, oppression, ignorance, and self-hate! "Denial ain't just a river in Egypt." - Mark Twain. In other words: No mamen gueyes! We're not White!
Watch movie: "Once Were Warriors". What do you think happened to the original inhabitants of New Zealand after they were displaced? Those who tried to pass for White weren't accepted! They turned into cholos and started hating on everybody! Mara Salvatrucha formed in Los Angeles where Mexican-American gangs would prey on Salvadoran immigrants who came to the U.S. escaping the Salvadoran civil war.
Be yourself, no matter what they say! See video below. Ladino is just another word for Latino or Latin. Latinos are the Southern Europeans (Portuguese, French, Spanish, Italians, Romanians) and their descendants who labeled Cemanahuac as if it were theirs. Indian is not what we call ourselves. Indians are from India!


Why value diversity? Education! (nuances and idioms make all the difference) Compete globally! (doesn't have to equal the destruction of the latter - guerra florida - flowery war - guerra de a mentiritas) Expand your marketplace! Cultural exchange! Innovation! Trade! Traditions! Curiosity! Variety! (that way one can like sweet while the other one sour and another salty, I like picosito myself!). Also, history forgotten/lessons not learned are bound to be repeated!!! (i.e. Taliban destroying the two thousand year old Bamiyan Buddhas in Afghanistan).
Q. What do Mexican girls look for in a man/government? A. A high threshold for pain o sea 'Macho de Corazon'. Somos Hijas de La Mala Vida. We're not enablers. That way we can check ourselves before we wreck ourselves! Is the American dream dead? The Amerikkkan dream is dead. See video below.
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Watching this movie is like watching Godzilla. You don't really believe this monster came out of the sea, do you? - Lisa
If you don’t care for a filmmaker’s vision of things - - show us yours, and get as many people to be as compelled by it. That's how it is supposed to work. At its best, the freedom to do so is what the stars and stripes are meant to represent. Provided of course, that we who enjoy that freedom have the courage to imbue our national symbols with a meaning that transcends the foibles of evil men. - Eric Matthew Davis


DNA, will shine more and become more geniune, if the genes that are brought together and introduced to the gene pool are from distant cultures, rather than, the same that eventually will be doomed to decay over time which is the result of inbreeding because not only does it distance us away from genetic predisposed illness secondary to exponentially greater genetic variety, it makes for very cute babies but our trunk will always be Indigenous! Not Latino! Not Hispanic! Not Mestizo! Not Raza! The crime of labels .
Remember recipe for fried plantains: Don't forget to add the milk, makes them look more appetizing, but the flavor will always be in the fried plantains.
Many of the areas of highest biological diversity on the planet are inhabited by Indigenous peoples. The "Biological 17", the 17 nations that are home to more than two-thirds of the Earth’s biological resources, are also the traditional territories of most of the world’s Indigenous peoples. (The countries that comprise the "Biological 17" are: Australia, Brazil, China, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, the United States of America, and Venezuela). When looking at the global distribution of Indigenous peoples, there is a marked correlation between areas of high biological diversity and areas of high cultural diversity. This link is particularly significant in rainforest areas, such as those found along the Amazon, and in Central America, Africa, Southeast Asia, the Philippines, New Guinea and Indonesia. Of the nine countries in which 60 per cent of human languages are spoken, six also host exceptional numbers of plant and animal species unique to those locations. - United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
The Aztecas del norte compose the largest single tribe or nation of Anishinabeg (Indigenous) found in the United States today. Like other Native American groups, the Aztecas of Aztlán are not completely unified or homogenous people. Some call themselves Chicanos and see themselves as people whose true homeland is Aztlán. Some call themselves Mexican-Americans (or variants thereof) and conceptualize their status as that of United Statesians ("Americans") of Mexican background. Others view themselves "Hispanos" (In New Mexico and Colorado especially) and choose to emphasize their Spanish language rather than their Mexican blood…The ancestry of the above groups has one common denominator: they all possess Mexican Anishabe (Indigenous) descent to some degree. It is from this common Mexican (ancient Nahua-Azteca) background that the basis for modern Mexican and Mexican-American identity is derived. Thus, Mexicanismo is ultimately the central, core element in the self-definition of all (Xicanos), Chicanos, Mexican-Americans, Hispanos and so on (Forbes 13).
Forbes, Jack D. Ph.D. Aztecas del Norte. Fawcett Publications, Inc., 1973.
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When you are aware of the impermanence of all phenomena, you are like the bow and arrow of the all-seeing Rahula, piercing through ignorance and delusion. - Romio Shrestha
No para siempre en la tierra: sólo un poco aquí. Aunque sea de jade se quiebra, aunque sea de oro se rompe, aunque sea plumaje de quetzal se desgarra. No para siempre en la tierra: sólo un poco aqui. - Netzahualcoyotl

My Blog

Tao Te Ching

The best athletewants his opponent at his best.The best generalenters the mind of his enemy.The best businessmanserves the communal good.The best leaderfollows the will of the people.All of them embod...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 07:03:00 PST

santeria, bamba, salsa

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: k El Cholazo Tio ChinoTaino Cappuccino kDate: Sep 20, 2008 11:18 AM ...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 01:40:00 PST


ASK A REAL MEXICANDear Real Mexican,I am a sniveling self-hating little vendido who writes a column called Ask A Mexican. In my column I normally show my disgust for my own people, and use all the rac...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 09:04:00 PST


Posted by Uclangelita X on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 06:34:00 PST


From Indian to Latina. From Prickly Pear to Desert Fruit. Come caca! I'm the last of the Mexica, Maya specifically Caxcan. Tengo sabor Latino pero no soy Latina! Not Hispanic! Not Mestiza! Not Raza! T...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 06:12:00 PST

We didnt land on Plymouth Rock, the rock was landed on us.

Posted by Uclangelita X on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 05:01:00 PST

Natives who survived were tortured, branded, & enslaved; worked to death in fields and mines.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------From: eNativeGirls Clothing and NG. modelsDate: Sep 13, 2008 11:32 PM ...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:36:00 PST


Posted by Uclangelita X on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:36:00 PST


Thanks (TZAPOTL) tecpatl mazatl tepeyolotltzin!...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:50:00 PST

Most everyone today uses the term "Aztec" in reference to the Mexica, which is absurd.

"Mexicans" are one of the many Original Inhabitants (so-called Indians) who originated on this continent we call Ixachilan (see "Native American Oral Traditions and Archaeological Myths"). We are desc...
Posted by Uclangelita X on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 07:35:00 PST