Mica profile picture


Life is full of fleeting glimpses of beauty, and the purpose of life is to make that beauty last.

About Me

Well, hmm... I bounce when I walk. I am usually smiling. I like to win things and give them away to complete strangers. :) I love to meet new people. I am a hard worker. I have a lot of insight into my behavior and that of others, and I am always open to new perspectives and ideas. I am an honest and loyal person and expect the same of others. Once you get past my crispy cookie crust you get a lot of gooey goodness. HAHA!

My Interests

I love to hike, especially summit hikes in the snow; the resistance is awesome. I love to sing and I have been in a few bands. Hostile Smile is my current band, and it is my baby! I am so happy to finally be singing the songs that I have had in my head for years. You can check us out on Myspace Music by just clicking my number one friend. I loved performing! I write a lot of poetry as well as songs. I love musical theatre!!! I enjoy hanging out at home and reading a good book as well as going dancing and socializing. I love to meet new people. I just started rock climbing, and I am hooked! I have recently begun auditioning for films. I have been in love with acting since I was born. (Seriously, ask my sister. ) :) We just finished working on the film Scattered. The premiere is the 28th of July, so let me know if you want to come. I love fashion and have had a lot of fun doing photo shoots. I love to be a part of the creative process of creating an interesting picture.

I'd like to meet:

Honest, respectful, interesting, fun, reliable people. If you want to add me then send me a message. :)


Everything from Tori Amos, Sublime, Nine Inch Nails, Bob Marley to The Pat Metheny Group, and hip hop.


Interview with a Vampire, Fight Club, Kill Bill, and The Shining just to name a few.


I don't watch much television. In fact, we haven't even bought an antena for it. :)


Anything by Anne Rice, Dean Koontz, A Short History of Nearly Everything, The Alchemist, Psychology Textbooks, Astronomy Textbooks, and I LOVE to read plays.


The mentally ill patients at my work who manage to be happy and resilient against all of the obstacles that stand in their way.

My Blog

I got the part!

I am so excited!  I was just cast in my second short film. It's called Scattered. You can check the preview out on mirmontmedia.com after we shoot.  His last film was fan...
Posted by Mica on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 03:25:00 PST

The way that I imagine love

Fiery eyes draw me in No chance to run.. I stare. Taken by the passion that emenates from your soul, Comforted by your compassion.   I fear love, And yet, I feel better knowing there are people ...
Posted by Mica on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:35:00 PST

Hostile Smile

I have written so much in the last couple of weeks, and I have so much creative energy right now! I just need to find some people who are willing to collaborate and help me with composing the music fo...
Posted by Mica on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:11:00 PST


Waiting for you Each moment alone allows me to revel in the visceral servitude brought by despair Falling with each breath you release So small and shallow.   Broken, in so many ways And I hope y...
Posted by Mica on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:37:00 PST

My breaking heart

I sit here and wonder why I am so surprised at the recent events in my life.  Why have I been so naive as to expect that things would go any other way, and why is my heart trying to jump out of m...
Posted by Mica on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 10:55:00 PST

The airport

Walk within this dream Dazed by all of the subtle ambiance. Trapped in a place that I don't know. Where do I go? So many offers, and yet, none that I may take For me or him. How can you understand? Do...
Posted by Mica on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:38:00 PST

Hello, Goodbye.

Glimpse a distant memory of the dance of sweaty limbs, The kiss that could not last. Remember, sweet, the hold upon your soul, The shifting pace that we'd begun to know. And here you are, Familiar, ye...
Posted by Mica on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:29:00 PST

Love as it should be.

Met my match. Destiny called on the loudspeaker, And for once I listened... Hoped, dreamed, and didn't deny, Fell into this dreamy world of bliss That I convinced myself I knew, Yet never even glimps...
Posted by Mica on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 05:24:00 PST


I hiked Pheifferhorn yesterday with my friend Liz and my coworker Kurt.  It was so awesome!  We went up through Red Pine Canyon, and then went down through Maybird Gulch.  I wouldn't su...
Posted by Mica on Sat, 15 Jul 2006 07:39:00 PST


Vibrations strong and deep Wake me from sleep. Felt by all Understood by few. Renew With the wetness of the snow. Wash away. Caress and encompass. Feel, All that is real.  Back and forth, Floati...
Posted by Mica on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 10:38:00 PST