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mystery Jets..Don't worry boys I'll be in the U.K SOON ENOUGH!!!!
The one and the only!(if you dont know who this God is just go away...Please!)
Who I adore...
shores of californiahe's been trying with limited success
to get this girl to let him get into her pants
but every time he thinks he's getting close
she threatens death before he gets a chanceand that's the way it is in minnesota
and that's the way it is in oklahoma
that's the way it's been since protozoa
first climbed onto the shores of californiaand she's been trying with limited success
to get him to turn out the lights and dance
cause like any girl all she really wants
that fickle little bitch romance
that fickle little bitch romanceand that is why a girl is called a tease
and that is why a guy is called a sleaze
and that's why god made escort agencies
one life to live and mace and GHBand that's the way it is in minnesota
and that's the way it is in oklahoma
that's the way since the animals and noah
first climbed onto the shores of californiamust not be too kind
stop thinking love is blind
clench your fists yeah write
“she's just not my type...â€why all these conflicting specifications
maybe to prevent overpopulation
all I know is that all around the nation
the girls are crying and the boys are masturbatingand that's the way it is in minnesota
and that's the way it is in oklahoma
that's the way Aristophanes and homer
wrote the iliad and lysistrata (not in that order...)and that's the way it is in minnesota
and that's the way it is in oklahoma
that's the way it's been since protozoa
first climbed onto the shores of california-Mr.Jack White-
****The one and only Ms.Annie lennox****
Mystery Jets...ummy!
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Name: Helen Sara
Birthday: 5-10-82
Birthplace: Lansing
Current Location: same f-in place
Eye Color: brw
Hair Color: black-now bleached blonde
Height: 5*2
Right Handed or Left Handed: righty
Your Heritage: Mamma*Itailian-Poppa*Mayan /Mestizo /Tejano
The Shoes You Wore Today: blk-white
Your Weakness: Mamma's getti
Your Fears: User's-(People)
Your Perfect Pizza: cheese
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Peace of mind
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: Shut your Ass!
Thoughts First Waking Up: How's Ma doing today?
Your Best Physical Feature: dont have one
Your Bedtime: 12ish
Your Most Missed Memory: Playing with my brother and cousins @ Nonie's
Pepsi or Coke: dont care
MacDonalds or Burger King: mickey d
Single or Group Dates: never been on a group one
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: dont care
Chocolate or Vanilla: chocolate (German="Kinder")
Cappuccino or Coffee: a cold Dew please and Thankyou
Do you Smoke: nah
Do you Swear: yah
Do you Sing: everyday baby
Do you Shower Daily: nope
Have you Been in Love: with myself -kidding -nope- ...well it wasnt real~
Do you want to go to College: am
Do you want to get Married: did and will again,just with a non-user this time!
Do you belive in yourself: not as much as i should but-that is a'changin
Do you get Motion Sickness: never
Do you think you are Attractive: yes
Are you a Health Freak: nope
Do you get along with your Parents: yes
Do you like Thunderstorms: love
Do you play an Instrument: nope I'm a Ballet Dancer baby
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yeah
In the past month have you Smoked: yeah
In the past month have you been on Drugs:
In the past month have you gone on a Date: yeah- yikes!
&..39;In the past month have you gone to a Mall:' yea
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: yes
In the past month have you been on Stage: all the worlds a stage:-no
In the past month have you been Dumped: Dumped nah-pushed around Yes
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: nope
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: just credit for ma's cooking
Ever been Drunk: wayyyyyyyyyy tooo many times
Ever been called a Tease: I'm sure
Ever been Beaten up: nope
Ever Shoplifted: sure
How do you want to Die: as long as i get to see my family just before i'll b fine
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: a wonderful sister
What country would you most like to Visit: France
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: dark
Favourite Hair Color: dark
Short or Long Hair: both
Height: 5*8+
Weight: 170+
Best Clothing Style: anything but,Prep
Number of Drugs I have taken: Drugs? never heard of them
Number of CDs I own: a sick amount
Number of Piercings: 5
Number of Tattoos: o
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 1-100
2607_001.jpgThe film master the sweetheart and me.....Heroes? no such word-