World history has been defined by the road trip. While on a road trip Marco Polo provided bachelors everywhere a chance to look like a chef when he discovered spaghetti in China. Centuries before Jimmy Buffet had a cheeseburger in paradise Chris Columbus was sipping umbrella drinks in the Bahamas. Long before Brokeback Mountain Lewis and Clark showed us that nothing beats two guys trekking their way through the west. The next great road trip is about to begin
RoadTrip365 seeks to capture the essence of the road trip. Everyday in America twentysomethings are taking to the roads despite high gas prices, student loans, and possibly missing American Idol. Why? This is the time in their lives that is about the journey, not the destination. A road trip is not about where you are going, but who you are going with and experiencing the unknown.
You’ve had an awful night waiting tables? There’s nothing like a good day trip to inspire your soul. A road trip can be your muse. It can rejuvenate a weary mind. This generation is dedicated to exploration and experience.
RoadTrip365 will be here to assist them in preparing the journey and in sharing the journey. There is currently no website that effectively captures our generation’s adventurous nature. RoadTrip365 will fill the void.
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