Women In Action (WIA) profile picture

Women In Action (WIA)

“Be the change you wish to see in the world”

About Me

Women in Action (WIA) is a small community based organization in Arusha, Tanzania. Set up by Elizabeth 'Mama' Mosha in 1993, WIA started out providing homebased care and support to people affected by HIV/AIDS, in particular women and children. The organization has since expanded its services by providing counseling services, small business loans to widows and a tuition free English medium nursery school for vulnerable children. To date, WIA has helped more than 1000 people living with HIV/AIDS and their families. As WIA is not funded by any major donors, all of our work is supported by the help of dedicated local and international volunteers
This page has been created by volunteers in an effort to raise awareness and generate funds to help the kids at WIA. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or if you want to donate. Thank you.

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My Interests

Women In Action is located in a town called Arusha in North Eastern Tanzania, although the school itself is located in a rural suberb called Sombertini. Arusha is close to Mt.Kilimanjaro and many of the large safari parks like the Serengeti.

The organisation was set up by Mama Mosha, a former teacher and nurse. She is one of the most dedicated and inspirational women one could hope to meet.


My Blog

Women In Action UPDATE November 2006

So just to let everyone know...we now officially have all of Blue Class sponsored for next year!  Thank you so much to everyone who'se sponsored a child...if you haven't received your welcome pac...
Posted by Women In Action (WIA) on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 07:12:00 PST

WIA Sponsorship Program 2007

To ALL friends of WIA,The WIA 2007 child sponsorship program is in full swing and there IS work to be done. Thus far, through friends of WIA, we have managed to secure sponsorships for 14 of our 27 ch...
Posted by Women In Action (WIA) on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:08:00 PST

Women In Action UPDATE

Hey everyone, Just a bit of an update with whats been going on at WIA these past few weeks.  As some of you know, Iza is still out there at the moment, doing a fantastic job teaching Blue Class....
Posted by Women In Action (WIA) on Sun, 16 Jul 2006 10:29:00 PST