Drum & Bass,Frank Sinatra, Drinking,Jack Daniels, Guinness, Capoeira, Grapevinez, NightLife, Friends, Big Wave Surfing, Puma, Quicksilver, D&G, Movies, Long Pontless Drives, Getting Lost, Dance, Martial Arts, Gadgets & Gizmoes, World Domination, Beautiful Eyes, Abbott & Costello, Calvin Klien, Philosophy, Psychology, Music & Film Theory,
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Bay Area Drum & Bass ::: San Diego Drum & Bass
Alessandra Ambrossio
Lisa Guerrero
Nigella Lawson
Callie Thorne
Marisa Tomei
Watch This Video, It's Classic!!
Drum & Bass, Elliot Smith, Fiona Apple, Saves the Day, The Chemical Brothers, Depeche Mode, Oasis, Travis, "Brit Pop", U2, Coldplay, Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inche Nails, Metallica, Van Morison, Crystal Method, Alice In Chains, Dogg Poung, "DPGC", Beatles, Bjork, System Of A Down, Rilo Kyle, MGMT, Silver Sun Pick Ups, Kanye West, Interpol, Tommy Dorsey, Glen Miller, Dizzy Gillespie, Cab Calloway,
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Magnolia, Rushmore, Mean Creek, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Step Into Liquid, Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas, Fight Club, Domino, Leon: The Professional, Wicker Park, Mulholland Drive, Enemy At The Gates, Black Hawk Down, Igby Goes Down, The Cable Guy, O' Brother Where Art Thou, Brick, Ronin, Zoolander, Donnie Darko, GoodFellas, High Tension, Human Traffic, Dead Presidents, Ong Bak, Kung Fu Hussle, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Trainspotting, The Breakfast Club, Godfather, The Jacket, Bladerunner, American Beauty, American History X, A History of Violence, A Scanner Darkly, Mystic River, Lost In Translation, Billabong Odyssey, Royal Tenembuams, The Crow, Vannila Sky, There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men, Michael Clayton
I like Dramas and Dark Humor
Rescue Me,
The Graham Norton Show,
The X Files,
Conan Obrien,
Usually Watching Movie Channels,
the Iliad, the Odyssey, J.D. Salinger, Man's Search For Meaning - V.E. Frankl, The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri, Writings of Subcomandante Marcos of the EZLN, Art of War by SunTzu, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, Bolivian Diary, Guerrilla Warfare, The Diaries of the Revolutionary War in the Congo, The Motorcycle Diaries,