The Work Factory and its workers are interested in helping entrepreneurs and proprietors conduct buisness like meetings and having open spaces for people to conduct buisness.The Work Factory has much to offer. Our buisness services include legal, accounting, techonology support, aadvertising/marketing, and publishing. We have more to offer than just buisness. We help you learn and work with networking in ways like buisness development courses, workshops and events designed for professional growth. The Work Factory offers personal workstations with the lastest office software and meeting facilities available by the hour!
We'd like to welcome anyone interested in using our space. There is contact information at our website:www.theworkfactory.comI edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Work Magazine TV
The Seven Most Powerful Selling Secrets, We're Still Here, Poor Man's Philanthropist, In and Out Of Hollywood, and The Guessing Game.