Ernie profile picture


If you think you're better than me you're probably correct.

About Me

Lippen und Arschlöcher
Molluscicides are pesticides used in agriculture or gardening, specifically to control molluscan pest species.
“Should one be shallow enough to view existence as a system of rewards and punishments, one soon learns that we pay as dearly for our triumphs as we do for our defeats ...” - Tom Robbins
I'm Ernie. The most important things to know about me first of all are: I have an affinity for eccentric facial hair, I encourage people judging my appearance negatively to weed out surface level passive livers, and I am able to function best with the philosophy "If it exists- I can learn from it. If it makes me laugh- its not all bad; if it causes me harm- I eliminate it from my life; if it interests me- I pursue it, and if I take time to pursue something- I am going to ensure I am passionate about it. "
Other important facts about me:
I piss-stomp, there I said it.
My high score in Stampede is 22,958 (3rd highest in the world), you can't beat it but you're welcome to try. I bet you couldn't beat it on difficulty B with 20 tries.
I have a strong Schadenfreude but I still believe in helping others and making life more fun and enjoyable... when misfortune strikes though I'm able to laugh and enjoy it.
I eat cereal with water now.
I hate discrimination, it is one of the only things that offends me. Included in this I hate when people refer to a group as "They" even though the people talking have no idea who "They" really are. Example: "They (hispanic people) are taking all of our jobs." There is something to be said for people who can sum up an entire race in one pronoun.
I want to set up a Jägermeister booth at the mall and have people taste test Jägermeister Vs. the competitor, a bottle with a random "Brand B" label on it, on hidden camera. The competitor will be a 10W30 motor oil and I'll laugh in their dumb faces while they vomit.
Weeks later I'll set up a similar booth asking people to identify the weight of each motor oil by taste.
Pardon me while I feltch.
I also want to film a skit where Owen and I trick Lizzy into not liking GOD so we can leave her behind during the rapture. BYE!!!!
I like, no love, science.
Same with math.
I'm an ordained minister.
I've found a new love of anatomy thanks to my anatomy flash cards!
I love to create (yes I create many of thing) art, musical and visual.
I'm a world class "Stampede" player on the Atari 2600. Oh, I mentioned that.
I like to pull on my cats tail and say "ding dong, hello! Pickles for sale! Hello, is anyone home? Applesauce man! Have you upgraded your cable lately? Ding dong! HELLO!?
I'm a biking consigliere, so ask me about it. Its on.
"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you" -Nietzsche
I'm into writing and performing music. I tend to shy away from writing serious themes because it isn't my style. I'm mostly interested in laughing and trying to perform complex time signitures and overly fast drumming with dumb lyrics.
I've played drums with a ton of bands, the longest time I drummed in a band was like 3 years with Autumn Eternal. I quit the band because we stopped writing stuff and lost motivation and now they think I'm a douchebag... except for Wayne. After that I joined Senior Citizen but we broke up and now I drum for The Dean Scream, we're a rock n' roll acid trip that is 80% solos.
I still rock the 6 string bass for Dr. Blood's Orgy Of Organs, I've been in that band for 7 years and we're still the most badass thing ever. Necro-Mangling and Organ Wrangling.
I'm a full time nursing student in Mansfield Ohio. I want to obtain my BSN and my long term goals include medical school. I haven't decided on Allopathic or Osteopathic medicine yet, but both offer very similar career paths so I'm not worried about it. No matter what I do, I will be happy working in the health care industry. The fields I am drawn to in nursing are trauma or intensive care. The fields that interest me most in medicine right now are surgery (specifically neuro but the idea of manipulating the body internally with tools rather than pills is awesome), internal medicine, and cardiology.
I am an ordained minister. If you want to get married hit me up. I will do it cheap. We can negotiate, but I promise to beat any prices so long as I'm not paying you to get married. I don't claim a specific religion, but I am close to a spagnostic (really an apathetic-agnostic).
I currently work at Radioshack and at the Visiting Nurse Association as a home health aide. I also pawn things and sit cars on dubs. I've recently started ebaying stuff and want to get into the fine art of scrapping (not the dumb books, the hillbilly metal slanging).

My Interests

Theres raw sewage running through your veins. Your gore-rotted arteries are filled with bacteria latent waste. Filth, sludge, feces, all pumped through the atria. Pulmonary circulation packed tight with dreg, expelled in each exhale. You're full of shit and it flows freely in your mannerisms and rhetoric, verbally and non verbally communicating shit. People are all full of shit. They speak it, sing it; waft the fumes and you'll smell it for yourself. Shit peddling assholes, filled from the big toe to the top of your frontal lobe with the thickest, most foul assault on the olfactory sense that I can think of is all people have become. I am interested in reading through bullshit and acting like I believe every word of it; so bullshit me often and regularly I enjoy it.
"I have the nicest..."- BULLSHIT, better things exist. "He was the sickest person ever admitted to..." BULL-SH-IT "I was" BULL SHIT!!! "I" BULLSHIT, YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT! YOU'RE FULL OF IT! FACE THE TRUTH!
Good books lately, I'm getting into that scene to expand my mind.
Hanging with old friends and new friends.
The perfect creature is a squid.
Science, math, and all of that.
Playing music (Drums, guitar, bass, and vocals, I try to play keyboard but I especially suck at that.)
Cats and methods of ridding the home of them.
Good movies.
I like buying things.
Art, visual and other forms
Juice and Gatorade.
Diamonds are murder and sugar is slavery. Carpet is disgusting and factory farming is perpetuating my belief that humans are scum. McDonald's is making the US fat and the US is making Eurasians emaciated. We believe that working in a factory here should pay 30 dollars an hour and working in a factory in China should pay 30 cents a day. We truly believe that Americans should look out for America and forget about the rest of the world... unless they believe in a different God or can make us richer.

“If anybody says he can think about quantum physics without getting giddy, that only shows he has not understood the first thing about them.” -Niels Bohr

I'd like to meet:

I'm not concerned with it.
Seeking a sex partner preceded by the headline "Woman's bra bursts, 2 killed, 14 injured."
Billy Mitchell (If and when he is on the move.)


..Blood Duster, Bigdumbface, Cliteater, Cream, Ackercocke, Cattle Decapitation, Hate Eternal, Rancid, Macabre, Tool, Dream Theater, Cannibal Corpse, The Black Dahlia Murder, The Faceless, GWAR, Duke Ellington, Between the Buried & Me, Behold...The Arctopus, Cradle of Filth, William Elliot Whitmore, Eazy-E, Hank Williams 1, 2, and 3, Miles Davis, Psycroptic, Primus, Dillinger Escape Plan, Dimmu Borgir, Johnny Cash, Dr. Blood's Orgy Of Organs, and Ween. A ton of other stuffs too but you get the idea.


..Ice Spiders, Audition, , The Wickeds, Motorhome Massacre!, Night at the Roxbury, Austin Powers 1-3, I Accidentally Domed Your Son, Brian's Song (Ok, not really, that movie sucked a ton), South Central, RIP Quervo Jones, Treasure in Da Hood, Baby Boy, 13 Zameti, The Last Supper, Superbad, Menace II Society hands down is a Hughes Bros. masterpiece. I also enjoy horror films like Cannibal Holocaust and biographies.


HD Dick Goddard because he looks like hes dying of cancer. The science channel, The Whitest Kids You Know, the history channel, adult swim, and discovery health. I watch House MD, Futurama, Cosmos, Mystery Diagnosis, and Jeopardy the most. I like death metal shows and hate the metal channel.


Physics, Medicine, Nursing, Algebra, Biology (Micro or otherwise), Anatomy, Physiology, Chemistry, Calculus, Cosmology, Music, Religion, and Art.
Brain Droppings, Napalm and Sillyputty, and When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops.
Einstein's theory of general and special relativity.
The Hip-Hoptionary.


Bobby Henderson for starters. Johnny Cash. Joao Magueijo. Dr. Blood (the real one). Billy Mitchell

Diary Of A Piss-stomper
hometown:: Lucas
Orientation:: Straight Celebate but I make exceptions

race:: White
hair color:: Brown
eye color:: Green
height:: almost 2 meters
weight:: 235

My Blog

Life Lesson

Black Angus.................... 100 ptsLight Brown Jerseys............ 25 ptsMedium Brown Guernseys......... 15 ptsDark Red Herefords............. 3 pts 4820 pts on average in a herd.The game, de...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 20 May 2008 01:33:00 PST

Dear United States of America

I have lost what little faith I once had in you.  I have no patriotism.  I have no trust in you.  Your housing market is failing.  Your economy is built on a false floor and is hea...
Posted by Ernie on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:24:00 PST

Some life goals:

Become a physician with a great reputation for being a great doctor and a great person.Own a castle or large Victorian or stone Gothic revival home on large and beautiful lot of land.Learn 2 foreign l...
Posted by Ernie on Wed, 14 May 2008 08:13:00 PST

Losing faith

I have been examining medical schools outside of the US and have been satisfied with several in the UK and Canada.  I want to attend an English speaking school, and these schools offer that, they...
Posted by Ernie on Tue, 13 May 2008 08:45:00 PST

Winning the game

.. type="text/javascript">.. -->//..[CDATA[ var m3_u = (location.protocol=='https:'?' elivery/ajs.php':' hp'); var m3_r = Ma...
Posted by Ernie on Mon, 12 May 2008 08:34:00 PST

Actions and reactions

I have been going over an issue in my mind lately.  The question at hand is: "Which is more important, a man's goal or the means a man takes to get to that goal."  "The action or the result?...
Posted by Ernie on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:39:00 PST

My addictions

I am addicted to things and need help with cognitive restructuring techniques:1) I buy things impulsively to feel better.  If I'm depressed I buy things to feel good, if I'm manic I buy things to...
Posted by Ernie on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 08:06:00 PST

Awesome names!!

I never want kids, we all know that, but the one fun part would be naming the kid.  I found this article on names, I would definitely use "Knight Sir Lancelot" because that is the most awesome na...
Posted by Ernie on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 11:17:00 PST

Hit The Bricks!

Hit The Bricks:1.) A sometimes insulting way of telling someone to go away, get lost, or leave you alone.  Commonly acompanied by the word "junior".2.) To uninsultingly instruct one or more peopl...
Posted by Ernie on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 09:37:00 PST

Things I never want to become

I decided as a personal reference page that I would compile a list of things I never want to become.  No matter what I do in life, I never want to be these:1)  I never want to be an obliviou...
Posted by Ernie on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 08:10:00 PST