David profile picture


Looking for friends in South Dakota or anywhere else on the planet

About Me

I am a 40 y/o male living in Rapid City, South Dakota. I love horses, dogs, and the outdoors. I have dealt with more bot and webcam sluts than I ever want to see! If you send me a webcam invite you WILL BE DELETED. Every service i have used has had a bunch of bot and webcam, sluts who are plastic people i am tired of dealing with them!!!!

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Get Cool MySpace Stuff @ ProfileMods.com .

My Interests

my interests include horses, travel, the outdoors, love, and light

I'd like to meet:

People of all ages especially Rainbow Warriors


anything but opera or rapp


Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Forrest Gump, Breakfast Club, Friday, Next Friday, Friday after Next, The Matrix trio


Family Guy, That 70's Show, King of the Hill, E.R.


Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee


Chief Joseph, Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Geronimo, Quanna Parker, Chief Ronnie Branham, Chief Kenneth Branham