Stef profile picture


Sex, drugs and sausage rolls.

About Me

Hello. My name is Stef. Nice to meet you.
I'm 29 and I live in London, England.
Most nights you'll find me at a gig. Or at home fiddling with my guitars. Or listening to music somewhere. Or out with friends.
I like music, a lot.
I used to play bass and sing backing vocals in sonicflyer . We went to Moscow and played with Noel Gallagher. It was sweet.
You can see some of my music photography here if you like. One of my photos of Dave Grohl was published in the NME! That was pretty exciting.
I film things, too. You can see some of the results here .
Also, I was in a secret organisation once, and subsequently helped to initiate its downfall, but let's not go into that here.
Being kind doesn't make you fake,
Being pretty doesn't make you stupid,
Being sexual doesn't make you promiscuous,
Being compassionate doesn't make you naive,
As being spiteful doesn't make you "real,"
As being intelligent doesn't make you correct,
As being straightedge doesn't make you ethical,
As being rich doesn't make you entitled.
Nothing makes you inherently better than anyone,
And no one can render you worthless.

My Interests

When playing Vice City, if "Cum On Feel The Noize" comes on the radio I have to stay in the car and listen to it. Even if it means failing a mission.
Also, music, guitars, rock n roll, all that other cool stuff you're supposed to put on your interests lists to make people want to get to know you better. Oh, and Super Mario Kart.

I'd like to meet:

Musicians, artists, creative people, people with something to say, nice people, ex-Neurocammers, humans.


Oasis, Nirvana, Radiohead, Primal Scream, Doves, Elbow, mclusky, Prodigy, Regina Spektor, Guillemots, The Dresden Dolls, Foo Fighters, Soulwax, Oceansize, The Arcade Fire, Mindless Self Indulgence, Manic Street Preachers, Air, Primal Scream, The Pixies, The Stills, Stellastarr*, Plan B, The Postal Service, NIN, MC Paul Barman, Chemical Brothers, Cooper Temple Clause, Six By Seven, 65daysofstatic, Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, Youthmovie Soundtrack Strategy, Junior Senior, Muse, Dntel, The New Pornographers, Smashing Pumpkins, The Killers... and so much more.


Back To The Future, Big Trouble In Little China, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Ken Park, Night On Earth, Lilya 4-Ever, Spun, The Rules Of Attraction, The Royal Tenenbaums, Old Boy, Sympathy For Lady Vengeance, Sin City, Forrest Gump, A Hole In My Heart, Dancer In The Dark, Broken Flowers, Se7en, Pulp Fiction, Lost Highway, Memento, Requiem For A Dream, Little Miss Sunshine, Shaun Of The Dead, American History X, Donnie Darko, The Squid And The Whale, Buffalo 66, American Beauty, The Goonies, ET, Lost In Translation, Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire.


No thanks. Twin Peaks was great though. And Spaced and The Office make me laugh.


Anything by Bret Easton Ellis, Shakespeare, Douglas Coupland, Paul Auster, Mark Z Danielewski, or Charles Bukowski. Also Palahniuk and Delillo, depending on my mood. And A Prayer For Owen Meany, Hairstyles Of The Damned, Catcher In The Rye, Perks Of Being A Wallflower, The Grapes Of Wrath, Lord Of The Flies, The God Of Small Things, Death Of A Salesman... too many to list. And a lot of comics, especially The Maxx (and all Sam Kieth), Optic Nerve, Eightball, JTHM, Preacher, Batman, and old school Punisher.


We could be heroes, just for one day.

My Blog

I will be supporting Noel Gallagher in Moscow on March 23rd.

With my band sonicflyer. See our blog for full details.
Posted by Stef on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 04:47:00 PST

Today is Day 2 of the Radiohead double-header!

Last night's setlist was: 01 Videotape02 The National Anthem03 2+2=504 Lucky05 15 Step06 Morning Bell07 I Might Be Wrong08 Nude09 How To Disappear Completely10 Airbag11 Karma Police12 House Of Cards13...
Posted by Stef on Fri, 19 May 2006 04:24:00 PST

I met Pete Doherty yesterday

We talked for about five minutes and he managed not to get arrested during that entire time. Amazing.
Posted by Stef on Mon, 10 Apr 2006 07:47:00 PST

Every time some random band contacts me on myspace

I am going to send them this: "See here, youblazing bastard foolspoetswith youridiot scrollsyou are sopompousin yourknowledgesoassuredthat you areon a hot rollto nirvanayou soft lumps ofhumanityyou im...
Posted by Stef on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 02:01:00 PST

Michael Molotov

In July 2003 I spent a couple of weeks in San Francisco, staying with my friend Simon, and his wife Makie, and their cat Moonna, in an apartment downtown. It was a nice apartment, but I didn...
Posted by Stef on Sat, 25 Feb 2006 06:54:00 PST

I met Joseph Fiennes, Nick Moran, and the Secret Machines.

All in the past four days. Aren't celebrities fun?
Posted by Stef on Sun, 22 Jan 2006 10:48:00 PST


There is a chicken shop on my road called Chicken Palace.At the moment they have a hand-written sign in the window which says "2 pcs chkicen + chips 99p".This really annoys me, for two reasons:1. Dude...
Posted by Stef on Wed, 07 Dec 2005 06:02:00 PST

My favourite pen at work

Has just run out ink.
Posted by Stef on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 05:49:00 PST

With an F not a PH.

I have worked here for months but my boss still can't spell my name right, despite the fact that I have pointed this out to him a hundred times. Am I wrong to be pissed off?
Posted by Stef on Wed, 09 Nov 2005 02:44:00 PST


This morning on the tube the guy sat next to me was reading from a little notebook, whispering the words to himself under his breath. I think he was about the same age as me.The words were written in ...
Posted by Stef on Thu, 03 Nov 2005 06:36:00 PST