She is a girl - an introverted extrovert - happy and sad, lost in a world she battles to make sense of. She can be like a broken record, spinning round and round in circles until her needle slips and makes the scratch
I will mind run forever and ever and ever
I love
Mind expansion, Acid, the buzz metro train doors make before closing,the number 14 bus, bursting the blister in my mouth when i've burnt it, sticking my tongue out until it gets dry,weird noises, wondering why you never see a baby pigeon,Robots,getting to the platform and the metro turns up, the smell of hardware shops, telling my dad I love him and seeing his eyes smile, mugs with stripes on, the shoe tree, finding a scribbled message on post it notes and not remembering why I wrote it, saying i'm going to buy a goldfish next week and then next week comes and I still havn't bought one, I'm not always what you want me to be, I miss my piano, I drink too much buckfast - it makes my tongue brown, playing records when your straight out of bed, remembering my mams smile, making up new names for things that dont need new names, how my hair grows so fast, wandering around with the lights out but always being able to find things, hearing a song I havn't heard for ages and feeling like you've gone back to that time and place again, no hate please, the cold side of the pillow, finding solo playing cards in city streets, mind running,