FFGLParis profile picture


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About Me


Après Jean Genet et Idoles & Icônes, le Festival de Films Gays & Lesbiens de Paris vous invite pour sa prochaine édition, à la réalisation de films courts autour du Sacré.
« Le créateur de cinéma, faiseur de lumière, en latin Lucifer, est bel et bien le diable. » Jacques Grant
« Rien n'est sacré, tout peut se dire. » R. Vaneigem
Extase, blasphème, chasteté, persécution, dévotion, perpétuelle indulgence, sexes des anges,... AMOUR, GLOIRE ET BEAUTÉ !
Saints Sébastiens, Soeurs Sourires, Sacré/es Coeurs et Vieilles du Temple, prononcez vos vieux cinématographiques ; exprimez vous dans l'allégresse ou la souffrance... Faites-nous partager vos vocations de créateur/trice et par là, accéder aux mystères qui sont en vous !
- genre : fiction, animation, documentaire et expérimental
- durée : maximum 3 minutes
- support projection accepté : dvd
Les réalisatrices et réalisateurs des films retenu/es seront contacté/es après le 15 septembre. Les films seront diffusés dans le cadre du Festival qui se déroulera du 4 au 11 novembre 2008 AU REX.
Pour participer aux pré-selections, les films devront nous parvenir sur support DVD uniquement, au plus tard le 31 août.
Infos à : [email protected]
Les films sortis en salle que nous avons présentés en avant-première au Rex lors de notre 13eme Edition:
LE ROI ET LE CLOWN, de Lee Jun-Ik, film coréen qui a fait la Clôture du Festival. Sortie nationale le 23 janvier.
A BIGGER SPLASH , de Jack Hazan
Sortie en salle le 16 janvier, copie neuve.
Un portrait fictionnalisé de l'artiste David Hockney tourné en 1974. Une splendeur!
Nous remercions tous les spectateurs et spectatrices qui soutiennent le Festival.
Nous vous tiendrons au courant des projets futurs et des rendez-vous à venir.
A bientôt!
Le site du Festival: www.ffglp.net
Le Festival en images: http://www.youtube.com/ffglp44
A place to celebrate the LGBT artistic expressions
Since 1994, the Paris Gay & Lesbian Film Festival is showing LGBT movies from all over the world. The mainstream distribution doesn't release these movies very often, afraid they might not be profitable. We stand up for independant movies, art movies, and movies not yet released to the pubic.
The Festival offers a chance for young cinematographers to show their first movies. It's a laboratory of forms, talents and themes. An experimental section called Sexperimental presents new forms of cinema and video.
It is also a meeting center for movie professionals and LGBT community. A place where actors, producers, and distributers can make new projects. We celebrate the union of our diversites, asserts our visibility, through parties and events.
A place for social and international discussions
The Festival warranties the visibility of the LGBT community to the rest of french society and the world. The movies express the worries and hopes of the french LGBT people. Our Festival carries their message to the public and to the powers in charge. It shows the willingness for social improvement It discusses about the problems met in french society : gay wedding and adoption, homophobia, AIDS, equality of rights in work and every other domain. It also acts as a memory lesson showing older movies about the abuse towards gay people before the eighties.
The Festival is also a forum for oppressed people, opening its screens to foreign movies depicting the situation of LGBT communities throughout the world, with its fights, its betterments, and the injustices which still persevere. It also shows french LGBT movies in the rest of the world.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Lesbians, Trans People, Gays, Fem, Queers, Bisexuals, FTM, Fag Hags, MTF, Dyke, Intersexuals and whatever...
The ones who doesn't know, and every open-minded straight people.


Anachron, Anatomie Bousculaire, Marc Almond, Antony and The Johnsons, Atomizer, Blondie, Boy George, Pete Burns, Jennifer Cardini, Aaron Carl, Cartel Couture, Cazwell, Central Standard , Charbons Production, Chimeres, Coco Rosie, Depeche Mode, Marlene Dietrich, Dirty Important Person, Dirty Sanchez, Divine, Flaming Pussy, Eurythmics, Fischerspooner, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Glamour to Kill, Jean Genet, Ari Gold, Gravy Train, Hot Ticket, Katastrophe, Kendall, Khan, Kids on TV, Kraftwerk, Jonte', Amanda Lear, Amanda Lepore, Lesbians on Ecstasy, Le Tigre, Jonny McGovern, Madonna, Marie-France, Matmos, George Michael, Kylie Minogue, Minty, Mylo, Klaus Nomi, The Organ, Pay TV, Peaches, Perro Panda, Phiiliip, The Presets, Punk Bunny, QBoy, Queen, REM, Rupaul, Scissor Sisters, Scream Club, Sextoy, Skin, Jimmie Sommerville, Jeffree Star, Sylvester, Tasty Tim, Team Gina, Tiga, Tobias Thomas, Roddy von Seldeneck, Trash Aka L, Villain, Zygomatik


Aimee & Jaguar, Angels in America, Blue Gate Crossing, Born in Flames, Brokeback Mountain, But I’m a Cheerleader, Can I be your Bratwurst ?, Ceci est une Pipe, Dancing, Do You Know That Bad Girls Go to Hell ?, Dr Jekyll & Sister Hyde, Faustrecht der Freiheit, Flying With One Wing, Front Room, Garçon Stupide, Gaudi Afternoon, Glen or Glenda, Go Fish, Goldfish Memory, Happy Together, The Heart is Deceitful… Above All Things, Hey Happy !, The Hole, A Home at the End of the World, L'Imbalsamatore, It Wasn’t Love, Juste un Peu de Reconfort, Krampach, Madam and Eve, Mango Kiss, Odete, O Fantasma, Oï Warning !, Oublier Cheyenne, Party Monster, Plata Quemada, Poison, Porno Picture of Dorian Gray, The Raspberry Reich, Sois Belle et Tais-Toi, Taxi Zum Klo, Virgin Machine, We Are Transgenders


Leigh Bowery, William S. Burroughs, Claude Cahun, Jean Cocteau, Copy, Alister Crowley, James Dean, Marlene Dietrich, Marguerite Duras, Guillaume Dustan, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Felix Gonzales-Torres, Jean Genet, Rock Hudson, Derek Jarman, Freddie Mercury, Klaus Nomi, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Matthew Shepard, Jack Smith, Sylvester, Andy Warhol, Oscar Wilde, Virginia Woolf

My Blog

Bandes Annonces FFGLP 2007

Toutes les bandes annonces n'étant pas disponibles, le programme complet du FFGLP: www.ffglp.netmyspace.com/ffglpPlaces reservables à partir du 9 nov. au Grand Rexwww.legrandrex.comouBilleteries Fnac,...
Posted by FFGLParis on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:51:00 PST