after some re-ordering - literature, film, art, music, life in new york, and now travelling, polaroids...
people smarter than me
still anything that makes me dance
Godard, woody allen, stanley brakhage, do the right thing, BRAZIL + all Terry Gilliam, Wes Anderson, Gus Van Sant, Jim Jarmusch, David Cronenberg, Kubrick, Fellini (especially 8&1/2), Truffaut, Robert Altman, Michael Mann, Ingmar Bergman, Pedro Almodovar, Alejandro Gonzalez Innaritu, for starters...
fuck television.
Dostoyevsky, hemingway, fitzgerald, henry miller, hunter s. thompson, milan kundera, william burroughs, michael cunningham, Bukowski, in cold blood, camus, paul auster, kurt vonnegut, herman hesse, the picture of dorian gray, candide, cormac mccarthy, guns germs and steel, jonathan franzen, etc...