We like to think of ourselves as a band that can be appreciated equally by strippers, goths, men over 27 with skeezy facial hair, and children who are too young to view their profiles unless you are their friend alike. That is our main target audience. the college crowd, and early 20 something career crowd may also like us, we're still running testes.
We invented a game, it's called "Banana Trudge", this is how you play:
you can play with 3+ people.
you are all having conversation as normal
then someone can say "Banana Trudge" and you all have to get up and switch places,
then you just continue your conversation. Anyone who is too lazy to move or who calls the game stupid or refuses to play is then "out"
It can be played in any atmosphere, but cocktail parties, bondage clubs, and buisness meetings are the most highly suggested milieus.
We are Mariah Mills and Ally Dahlberg. We are the pop sensations. Please send all bananagrams to us in our myspace! All of you fans have been so supportive. A'capella is the new indie!
Please stay tuned for more BHTNSGI hits on our next album: Trust us, we're lawyers!
And/or our next album after that, "Trust us, and/or Trust The IRS, Whichever You Think Will Help You Survive The Apocalypse and/or Make You Popular" but that's all 'pie in the sky' right now, so to speak!banana hutchinson was also thinking of adopting this little go-getter. We are anti-jailing seven year old swim champs in Alcatraz, and now that he has escaped and began his rampage of punching sharks in the nose, well, if he doesnt want us as his mummy and mumsy, then at the very least we'd like to be comadres. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/5008254.stm