Elder L.Jaworski McDowell profile picture

Elder L.Jaworski McDowell

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

body { background-color:004593; background-image:url(http://www.myspacelayoutsupport.com/mys pace-backgrounds/images/christian/cross04-x.jpg); background-position:top center; background-attachment:fixed; In this life many people are on a journey, looking for love life and acceptance and when those things are not found life become unwonted and rejected. For many along the journey are looking for these three things in money drugs and sex and in that there is no satisfaction and sad to say many have died and many are sick because they failed to find love life annd acceptance for themselves, and all they needed was Jesus Christ through man to show them these things. Is this you? are you the one that is searching for love and life and all the wrong places? are you the one that has tried man after man woman after woman and find out that when the sex is over and the relationship is over you still fight within yourself because your still not happy? Have you ever tried drinking and smoking your problems away and when the high is over you find yourself depress? Well myfriend if you answered yes to all these questions Boy have I Got good news for you!!! JESUS CHRIST wants you to try Him He will love you the way you never been loved before. He will heal you every were you hurt. well you tried everything else whynot try Christ just this once I promise you, you will not regret the day you tried Him. well you may say I tried that Christian stuff and it didnt work for me!well my friend maybe you did but at that time did you realy want to change? God realy changes those who realy wants to change. and if you want to try Christ Read Romans 10:9&10 for that is the road map to being save and having done this find a Holy Ghost filled Church that is preaching The unhidden word of God and get in it and stay there! I never would have thought I would be were I am today. Being a christian is one of the best things to ever happen to me. I remember at a young age I wanted to die(14)I felt as if my life had no meaning I was looking for Love in all the wrong places I was rejected by my dad and misunderstood by my mother I was the outcast in my family. I remember long nights crying hard because I wanted to die, BUT GOD...! In the mist of me feeling lost and being lost God found me, messed-up torn-up & beat-up by the cares of this world. %D%A I grew up in the church I knew how to shout and speak in tongues and sing and preach but after doing all of that I still was a saint with a sinners problem. I was a hipocrit and I was on my way to a devil's hell! But one day I woke up and realized that I had done all I could do trieing to free my self from the snare of the devil and I realized that I could not do it on my own I needed someone bigger than the devil I was fighting against and that someone was God!%D%A I begain to listen to the word of God and study the word of God and through that I was delivered and set free. it was'nt my shouting nor my preaching but it was the power of the word of God!%D%A I am now Preaching the Gospel with power and with boldness and I am not ashame.%D%A God has givin me a beautiful wife and children and I am so blessed because God gave me my life back and I cant let it go. I am so grateful. I am now inlove with my God He is my one true friend and I long for more of him every day. I am yet thirsty and hungry for more of his power more of his presence more of his glory. I challenge you the reader to become hungry for Him and I promise you you will be filled and you will see his hand working in your life just like it has and is working in mine!%D%A If you are reading this and you are at aplace in your life were you dont understand how you got there I want you to know that, that was me and the God almighty took me out of that place and took me in His arms and I have never been the same. yes like any one else I am tempted to do wrong and at times I have even sliped and fell but I got back up again and allowed God to fix me in places that I alone can not fix and I tell you the truth He is yet and still working on me. I challenge you today let Him work on you. You know for your self that the way you are is not the way you really want to be you are trying to please people and you know deep down you are falling and you are at a place were you dont even know who you are I know that was me but THANKS BE UNTO GOD I AM FREE!!! Never to return to the place I was in. But no matter what, know that God loves you and there is nothing you can ever do to stop that. And from my heart to yours I love you too!

My Interests

For booking: [email protected] Phone Number: 770-572-9152 Address: 13 Branann St.Suite D4 McDonough GA 30253

I'd like to meet:

Any one who is ready to change there life for Christ and walk in there true destiny.


Gospel: my wife (Shalindria) the clark sisters J.Moss Marvin Sapp Shea Norman, Ted Winn, Elder George Sarten,Elder Kervy Brown, Kim Burrell, Jonathan Nelson, Sha Simpson, & Tonex t


Dream Girls All of Tyler Perry Movies and plays (LOL) The Color purple Leap of Faith


TBN, Daystar, Word network,B.E.T GospelGPTV PBS.mypimpspace { Created using MyPimpSpace - www.freecodesource.com } .mypimpspace { Background Properties } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body {background-color:996600;background-image:url('http://i50.ph otobucket.com/albums/f308/Serious121405/07_08_0.jpg');backgr ound-attachment: fixed;background-position:center;border-color:660033;}


The word of God! (The Holy Bible) Takeing prayer to the next level


Jesus Christ (He saved the day!)My Bishop, Bishop M.D Miller for beliveing in me when I did'nt believe in myself and for showing me how to be a man of God a real true man of God! My Pastor, Pastor Felice R. Walker who is teaching me true Holiness and training me to be that which God has called me to do and pulling those things forth that God has already imparted on the inside of me. she seeked for me when I was lost and taught me when I was found I love her so much its people like her that give Pastors a whole new wonderful meaning!!! My Grandmother Bigg MaMa AKA The late pastor Lucille Weems for teaching me the way of holiness and instilling in me to live what I preach about and to Survive the negative words of others "its not what people say about you but its what you and God know!" (words of the late Pastor Lucille Weems, May 25, 1933-March 4, 2000) I miss you Bigg Mamma... "smile"

My Blog

Check out this video: Melonie Daniels @ GMWA

Check out this video: Melonie Daniels @ GMWA Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elder L.Jaworski McDowell on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:22:00 PST

Check out this video: Nikki Ross - Total Praise

Check out this video: Nikki Ross - Total Praise Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elder L.Jaworski McDowell on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:21:00 PST

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - I Believe

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - I Believe Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elder L.Jaworski McDowell on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:20:00 PST

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - Lift Jesus Up

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - Lift Jesus Up Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elder L.Jaworski McDowell on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:18:00 PST

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - Is My Living In Vain

Check out this video: Kim Burrell - Is My Living In Vain Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Elder L.Jaworski McDowell on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 09:19:00 PST