For booking: [email protected] Phone Number: 770-572-9152 Address: 13 Branann St.Suite D4 McDonough GA 30253
Any one who is ready to change there life for Christ and walk in there true destiny.
Gospel: my wife (Shalindria) the clark sisters J.Moss Marvin Sapp Shea Norman, Ted Winn, Elder George Sarten,Elder Kervy Brown, Kim Burrell, Jonathan Nelson, Sha Simpson, & Tonex t
Dream Girls All of Tyler Perry Movies and plays (LOL) The Color purple Leap of Faith
TBN, Daystar, Word network,B.E.T GospelGPTV PBS.mypimpspace { Created using MyPimpSpace - } .mypimpspace { Background Properties } table, tr, td { background-color:transparent; border:none; border-width:0;} body {background-color:996600;background-image:url('');backgr ound-attachment: fixed;background-position:center;border-color:660033;}
The word of God! (The Holy Bible) Takeing prayer to the next level
Jesus Christ (He saved the day!)My Bishop, Bishop M.D Miller for beliveing in me when I did'nt believe in myself and for showing me how to be a man of God a real true man of God! My Pastor, Pastor Felice R. Walker who is teaching me true Holiness and training me to be that which God has called me to do and pulling those things forth that God has already imparted on the inside of me. she seeked for me when I was lost and taught me when I was found I love her so much its people like her that give Pastors a whole new wonderful meaning!!! My Grandmother Bigg MaMa AKA The late pastor Lucille Weems for teaching me the way of holiness and instilling in me to live what I preach about and to Survive the negative words of others "its not what people say about you but its what you and God know!" (words of the late Pastor Lucille Weems, May 25, 1933-March 4, 2000) I miss you Bigg Mamma... "smile"