1) Rediscovery of the Year (2008) - David Sylvian - by Garret
The following has been quoted from : http://www.sonicstate.com/articles/article.cfm?id=113
If your not familiar with Japan's work, you may be under the impression that they were just a bunch of 80's effeminate futurists (in the words of Alan Partridge), but their musical talents are really quite something - trust me!
10 Reasons to Love Japan
1. Life in Tokyo, 2. Mick Karn's amazing bass lines,
3. Steve Jansen's effortless complexity, 4. Ghosts, 5. Tin Drum,
6. Quitting while they were ahead, 7. No use of Shakuachi flutes,
8. The Prophet Five, 9. No reverb,
10. Pale and interesting
There were times when I felt painfully alone. I have no community of friends in this part of the country. Every friendship I have outside of my children is long distance - David Sylvian
This is not the official David Sylvian's Fan Club e-mail address. It's an individual effort from http://www.myspace.com/japansylvian Please read disclaimer posted herein.
Webmaster's Disclaimer/Friendly Reminders
This My Space is purely/conceptually a BLOG SPACE mainly depicting 'The Sylvian's Philosophy' in ways you may have never seen before...what David Sylvian thinks! (or what others think of him - the way he thinks) I hope that the information garnered from many places will help Sylvianians understand him better!!
To my friends/visitors...don't only read the main thread/topic in the blog but also the 'counter comments' being made as well---w/a (just 'View All Blog Entries' and 'Read Comments' - you'll see what I mean).
'Adding' Music (March 1, 2007)FYI, the 'Add' buttons for all the songs displayed here have been deactivated to protect the copyrights of the REAL owners (Mr. Sylvian and associates)(Remember, I am NOT David Sylvian - just another fan) As fans, we should all learn to respect intellectual properties belonging to Mr. Sylvian/Bates (and associates) and the tireless hardwork he has been putting to bring us the music we hear today. I hope everyone understand this.
If you have the time, please reread all the disclaimers posted herein. (From time to time, you are likely to encounter some 'revisions'/'amendments' (be it major/minor) being done to ensure compliance with relevant standards/regulations)
On Friends Ranking - 01/10/06 I may change the ranking of friends from time to time - without notice. There are certain criterions that you have to meet to influence your ranking. Such as; but not limited to;
a) participation seniority (first come first serve basis),
b) your love for Japan/David Sylvian, Ryuichi and the equivalents,
c) your participation in this blog etc.
d) others that I ain't telling you....
But alas, despite of the abovementioned criterions, I still have full authority, prerogative, rights and discretion to change the ranking at my own free will. AND ABSOLUTELY NO 'HITCH HIKERS' (I assess my friend's list ALL THE TIME. I may have added and accepted you but I will still delete you from my list should I found out that you're just hitch hiking or looking for cheap publicity)
Please also understand that transparency is extremely important to me. So, if you wish to add me as your friend or vice-versa, please note that you should not set your Account/Privacy Setting to "Not Accepting People You Don't Know" or "Require e-mail", "Private Mode" etc.
I will be posting other disclaimers as well or editing this one from time to time.Personal Note : I'm NOT David Sylvian and DO NOT represent any party associated with David Sylvian/Japan. This myspace.com/japansylvian is a fan-based corner created by me as an individual who is one of the many fans of David Sylvian/Japan and anything related to him
This is a new and very special category. It will take A LOT of effort for any friends to be here in this Club. This section will be periodically updated.