I was a carpenter-and I was proud of my work...Until that grand jury tried to prove my capability of making that ladder to steal that baby. How degrading! That was a shitty ladder, man. And by making that ladder, I would be a disgrace to my heritage.I'm also intrested in long walks on the beach, drinking German grog and...Whatever it is that you do when you're not convicted of baby abducting.
Charles Lindebergh.. So I could hit him in his rich little face and possibly ruin his shitty airplane and his fame...And Dominic Monaghan-He has a strange physical resemlance...I guess it's the German in him...
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Any educational film reguarding my life, death, innocence and petetion to reopen that trial.
I don't have cable.
My writing is barely legible or sensical-as is how my brain interprets English. I recently moved to the United States...Germany would be a lot nicer-they at least don't go around prosecuting people and sentencing them to death for no reason...At least not in my time...::plugs ears:: lalalalala...I wasn't around for Hitler, so don't compare.
The person who got away with this and pinned it on me. I only wish I had such grace and intellect as you did.