Ladyfest Göteborg profile picture

Ladyfest Göteborg


About Me

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The cultural scene (music/art/performance/movies) is mostly dominated by men, despite the fact that there are so many awesome female artists. To support them, we have started Ladyfest Gothenburg. We want to see a change!

Ladyfest Gothenburg wants to encourage women to be creative and to work for equality between women and men in the cultural scene. During a day, we gather amazing female artists who can inspire and be rolemodels for other women. Men are welcome to all our events.

Ladyfest started year 2000 in Olympia, Washington as a festival organized by women with female artists. Since then Ladyfest has spread and today there are Ladyfests all over the world.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Bunny Rabbit @ Underjorden 27 maj.

My Blog


Puh! Nu är vi hemma från Arvikafestivalen. Det var så galet roligt, tack till alla ni som besökte vårt tält och hängde, stajlade kläder, gick tipsrunda, önskade artister och blev tejpade! Tejp, vilken...
Posted by Ladyfest Göteborg on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 02:53:00 PST

Nya bilder!

Tack alla ni som kom på vår fest på Uppåt Framåt den 5 juni! Det var galet och svettigt och alldeles underbart. Vi har uppdaterat vårt space nu med en massa bilder från förra året, från fruntimmersvec...
Posted by Ladyfest Göteborg on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 04:22:00 PST

kalas at hagabion

today I (ladyfest) had some nice dinner at Hagabion. the people that are me talked about the upcoming big LADYFEST. wihoo!
Posted by Ladyfest Göteborg on Wed, 17 May 2006 12:14:00 PST