Miss Shauna[My ghost still does not like you] profile picture

Miss Shauna[My ghost still does not like you]

Damn monster is still under my bed...img src=http://i82.photobucket.com/albums/j246/Shauna_photo/tha

About Me

Hi, this is the one and only Miss Shauna :)Lets see...what you guys need to know about me. Um, there's not really much to tell. I'm genuinely a nice person, I love all types of movies and music, and...blah blah blah all the other boring stuff.
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
You're Lingerie Bettie...look at you, you sexy thang, your a little dark and maybe a little depressed deep down. maybe you've been caught a few times posing in front of that mirror of your's.
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You are fetish Bettie. *meow*
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You're Bettie Page!
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Your fairie is romantic. You always wish to be the girl in the love story who gets the guy of their dreams. Always trying to find your true love. You're heart is gentle but strong at the same time.
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Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com Star Wars - What would you be in the Star Wars universe?
Congratulations, you are a Jedi - guardian of peace and justice in the Republic.
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Your Lightsaber is BlueBlue is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, and truth.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Star Wars What Jedi are you?
You are OBI-WAN KENOBI. LIGHTSABER COLOR: Blue DIED: by Darth Vader on the Death Star. SCENES: Episode 1,2,3,4,5,6. FAMOUS FOR: Killing Darth Maul. Training Anakin Skywalker. Discovering Count Dooku and the Clones. Fighting in the Battle of Geonosis. Rescueing Palaptine. Killing General Grievous. Escaping the Clones. Dueling Anakin. Watching over Luke Skwalker. Congrats
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Star Wars What Star Wars Villian are You
You are Darth Vader. You have a Red Lightsaber and you are Darth Sidious Third Apprentice. You are famous for your Black Helment and your best attack is Force Choke.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Star Wars Light or Dark Side Character Test
You are PADME' AMIDALA. You were the Queen of Naboo and then became a senator for the Republic. You are also a great friend to Anakin Skywalker. You love your homeworld Naboo and believes the Senate will settle things.
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab Code Star Wars Are you a Sith or a Jedi?
You are a JEDI. You are on the light side of the Force and will do your best to bring peace to the galaxy. You can carry a green, blue, yellow or purple lightsaber. Congrats
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Your song is BINARY SUNSET! It plays at the begining of Star Wars Episode 4 when it shows Luke on Tatooine. Congrats
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Padme Amidala
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You are Padme! You appear to be sweet and innocent, but are really only sweet. You have seen the ways of the world, and know how to handle yourself, all while remaining loving and caring!
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Quizilla | Join| Make A Quiz | More Quizzes | Grab CodeYour results:
You are Superman Superman 85% Spider-Man 85% Wonder Woman 82% Robin 80% Supergirl 72% Green Lantern 70% The Flash 65% Hulk 50% Iron Man 50% Batman 40% Catwoman 35% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
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My Interests

Um..instead of talking about my general interests I'm going to post random pictures here instead..I think that is more entertaining!!
Get your own countdown at BlingyBlob.com.."OH, WHY HELLO THERE MICHAEL!"....Freddy says, "I'm gonna drop this house from Elm Street on you, just like your sister in the Land of Oz!!"..."OH THE HELL YOU WILL FREDDY!!"....OMG!!!..gomyspacego.com

..Someone's been taking his vitamins....Poor little girl....Amish Bam?....My new baby cousin, Dakota Lee (Isn't he cute?)....My cousin Allen (The Proud New Uncle!!)....Dakota's first experience with the tanning booth..

I'd like to meet:

These are the people I would like to meet at the moment:..Jimmy Olsen....aka Sam Huntington....The Girls from "The Descent"....Olive(Abigail Breslin)and Dwayne(Paul Dano)....Richard(Greg Kinnear)Sheryl(Toni Collette)Frank(Steve Carell)Dwayne (Paul Dano again)and Grandpa(Alan Arkin..not in the picture)....The Real Little Miss Sunshine :)..


Oh gosh..okay basically I am into everything..however..I am not a huge rap fan..Kanye West is cool though..I do not care for boy bands..people like Britney Spears tend to get on my nerves..but I like pretty much everything else..you will be able to tell from my different song selections I will be putting on my myspace..haha..(my myspace)..okay enough on this subject..


Good lord..I don't even know where to begin..to make this easy on myself I'm just going to post 5 movies that will change every now and then that I think people should see....Little Miss Sunshine....The Descent....Clueless....Superman Returns....The Departed..


..Desperate Housewives....Scrubs....Boston Legal....Grey's Anatomy....Lost....Smallville..


Like with everything else this is too hard..however..my all time favorite series is..Harry Potter.. ..but for the rest I'm going to put down 3 books that I think you should read (keep in mind that I will be changing these every now and then)..Salem's Lot By: Stephen King....Wicked by: Gregory Maguire....Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by:Gregory Maguire....I'm a bookworm..


Donnie Darko...aka...Jake GyllenhaalBuffy Summers ..aka..Sarah Michelle GellarClark Kent..aka..Tom WellingPeter Parker..aka..Tobey Maguire ..Batman.. ..aka..Christian Bale ..If you haven't noticed..all of these people have helped to save the world..AND WHAT THE HELL..I'm gonna put up Eli Roth just because I love the guy..

My Blog


Okay...too all of my fellow myspace pals...I leave to go on vacation tomorrow and will not be back until the 14th of August...if you leave me a message and i do not answer back it is because i am on v...
Posted by Shauna (Phoebe) was here on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 12:42:00 PST