Senator Padmé Amidala profile picture

Senator Padmé Amidala

I've had it up to here...

About Me

Some people ask who I really was... I survived more than what has been reported, and I did not die pregnant. I was more than the Former Queen and Senator of Naboo, more than a brave freedom fighter when need be(and perhaps that is why I could never completely join the germinating rebellion) I was Anakin Skywalker's wife. Anakin Skywalker, one time Jedi Knight, who became the Emperor's new right hand as Darth Vader during the rise of the Evil Empire. Matthew Stover's "Revenge of the Sith" suggests that my marriage to dearest Anakin defined me more than anything else in her life... that's partially true in some respects.
Many people see my story as a tragedy. I could see it as a tragedy, but only a partial tragedy. I believed and hoped so fiercely in my Anakin that I lived long enough to give birth to the twin heroes that would save not only my husband but the rest of the galaxy. I was a "shatterpoint" in that my love transcended generations to bring Anakin back into the light side of the Force through our son Luke. I convinced my friend, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, to keep the good memory of my husband, the legendary Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, alive despite what events had occurred on Mustafar just moments before... This, in a way, kept Obi-Wan from villifying my sweet Anakin to our children(although I doubt Kenobi would have done this had I not said anything)... this is all from my last actions and my dying words. I went to Mustafar to not only find out if what Obi-wan had told me was true, but to try and bring Anakin back to the light and away from the Dark Side if it was true. And I did try, for it turned out to be true to my dismay, and this new Darth Vader's (a person who looked and had a voice like my dearest love, but was so completely opposite than the Anakin I had married) jealousy and greed, nearly killed me, the woman Anakin loved, and I who loved him... Despicable, some say, a tragedy, his story..... I survived that horrific encounter with my husband (or at least the person within his body) and stayed alive to give birth to the product of their love, Luke and Leia. On my deathbed on Polis Massa, I declared Anakin's goodness to our best friend! Clutching, fittingly, a token of his pure love for me, the japor snippet he had given me 15 years earlier. Obi-Wan may not had believed that there was good in Anakin then; He may not have realized how my statement had or had not influenced him. But he also kept hope. My son would realize what I had died believing, the knowledge that Anakin Skywalker still had good in him, that it hadn't burned away, that it hadn't been lost forever. My son Luke Skywalker and his twin, my daughter Leia, realized my dying statement, my last strong belief by bringing their father, my beloved Anakin, from the dark to bring balance to the Force and thus saving the galaxy and their father. They helped him fulfill his destiny as The Chosen One.....The Chosen One's better half, as I have been called, the key to fulfilling the prophecy was me, Padme Skywalker...
But in case you don't know too much about my life, here's all the information:
If I, Padme Naberrie, would have known that with the name Amidala (at 14, when taking the throne on Naboo) would come war, death, and a little boy named Anakin, I might have stepped away from it, away from the political life. But then again, I might not have, and I didn't. Padme Naberrie Amidala, the small girl from Naboo's countryside, had never backed away from a fight.
It seems that I was little more than a child when I took the throne of Naboo. But to talk to me, people have said, was to speak to a woman. At fourteen I was already an accomplished political mind, having trained in the Legislative Youth Program and seen my fair share of crisis situations. I was already quite powerful and, as some of my friends would say, a force to be reckoned with.
And when I was made Queen, the people wasted no time falling in love with me, as weird as that sounds. I was unwavering in my support of peace and prosperity. Where my people loved me, I returned their love with genuine appreciation and courage in my beliefs, in their better outcome.
So when my people, those I loved and knew, were threatened, I absolutley refused to allow them to be led into war. Faced with the oily dishonest Neimodian, Viceroy Gunray, I trusted in the government I had been serving and did not, could not allow any action which would lead to violence in any way. My planet, my people's planet, was precious to me as well as its inhabitants. But the ideals of democracy were even more so dear to my heart.
I trusted in the flow of events, even when the tide brought a rush of battle droids with my death programmed into them. Even in the face of absolute destruction, I was fixedly resolute. I planted her feet in the earth of my dear Naboo and waited for an answer while calmly repeating, "I will not cooperate," to every demand that the Trade Federation offered. I believed in the negotiations of the Supreme Chancellor's envoys, and stood firm while waiting.
But my people were being carted away to camps and I was next to join them. Dejectedly and with no small amount of forced humility, I submitted to the protected role of handmaiden while my decoy, Sabe, became queen.
I never faltered, even as I walked next to her loyal handmaiden-queen to be led to a camp. Death was no longer a possibility to me; it seemed to be written into my very fate, as definite as the sun rising and falling.
But luckily, which seemed to happen quite a lot to me, my salvation came at the brink of doom. It fell from the sky -Or rather leaped down from a vine-draped archway to destroy my droid escorts and lead me toward safety. It was in this moment that I met two of the most important men to shape my destiny: Qui-Gon Jinn, the Jedi Master who would protect me and introduce me to what would be my doom, and Obi-Wan Kenobi, a Jedi Apprentice who would become a legend and my last true friend.
The two explained the situation to Sabr, believing themselves to be speaking to the Queen, and admitted that the negotiations which could have saved my people had never occurred. Qui-Gon, with enigmatic wisdom, declared that refuge lay on Coruscant and there they should go. And though Sabe knew that I would want to be with my people, she agreed to leave when Qui-Gon predicted my death. Who could possibly deny a Jedi's prescience?
We blasted out of Theed Palace's hangar and into a battle with the Trade Federation's blockade; a battle which crippled our ship and forced me to meet yet another player in my destiny: an astromech named R2-D2, famous for his quick droid wit. Small, unassuming, he had a knack for saving lives with his quick fixes, and would, at one point, help every member of my future family.
But his rapid repair job was not enough this time and my ship was forced to land on Tatooine for parts. It was there, in a junk shop owned by a tight-fisted Toydarian named Watto, that I met my "angel of death." Sandy-haired, intelligent, and charming even at ten years old, Anakin Skywalker had something in his eyes which both frightened and compelled me. He called me an Angel and even made me feel like one at times with his sweet words and kind actions. I had to remind myself at times that he was only a little boy. His selflessness, his courage, his wisdom, belonged to someone much older. He was a slave made strong by hardship, but even then, there was no accounting for his Otherworldly perception. With reflexes lent him by some mystical power, he won the local Podrace and won us the parts we needed for our damaged craft
When Qui-Gon announced that Anakin would be joining them, I wasn't that surprised. While I certainly was no Jedi, I could certainly recognize potential when it blazed in front of me. His presence aboard the ship was somewhat calming and a comfort as my planet fell to ruins and my people died. I immersed myself in caring for Anakin and promised always to care for him as he pressed a pendant carved from a japor snippet into my hand. I knew I would miss him. But later, when came to say goodbye, I had no choice but to push him aside because I wore the mask of the Queen, my true face, the one everyone saw. All other emotion had to come second because Padme, the girl who was intrigued by this sweet boy, was my hidden face, unallowed to show.
With the hard unforgiving countenance of a Queen, I faced the Senate with my plight. But the Senate, displaying its usual cowardice, bowed under the weight of its own corruption. Naboo's Senator, Palpatine, moved me to replace the Supreme Chancellor, and I submitted; now I realize I was a pawn, and throughout my life, I would be used by him. Valorum was removed and with his dismissal came my decision to return to my people, where I was most needed. Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Anakin joined me, but it was the garrulous Gungan, Jar-Jar Binks, upon whom my plan hinged. It was his people who would draw the droid army away from the city while I went to my palace to capture Viceroy Gunray. In the meantime, our few pilots would go into orbit to disable the droid control ships. But only in unmasking myself as the Queen, coming out of my handmaiden disguise, begging for help from the Gungan leader, Boss Nass, was I able to convince the Gungans to help the Naboo. In an accidental flight into space, little Ani disabled the droid army . Only in the death of my courageous and selfless Jedi protector Qui-Gon Jinn was the Sith (it was unknown whether he was the master or apprentice at the time) Darth Maul killed... this cleared my way to the throne room.
When the dust settled, the Naboo and Gungans were victorious; I once again had control over my peaceful planet. I could not help but grieve the loss of my friend and mentor Qui-Gon.... After his burial, I formed a lasting piece with the Gungans in a ceremony in Theed. I had to say goodbye to Anakin, who went to begin his training as a Jedi Apprentice with Obi-Wan Kenobi, another great friend of mine. Even as I watched my Ani go, I felt that he and Obi-Wan would still play an important role in my destiny.
Ten years passed and with them went fragments of the system I served as best as I could. Count Dooku, a disgruntled former Jedi, led an increasing number of systems away from the Republic. The Senate, of which I was now a part due to the urging of the new Queen, wanted an army to combat this Separatist movement, and I was the strongest voice against this army, a voice strong enough for my enemies to want me silenced.
After an assassination attempt, which took the life of my decoy and friend, Corde, I was assigned a pair of Jedi bodyguards. The two were very familiar, at least in name. Obi-Wan looked much the same, but I couldnt help but notice that Anakin had grown up a great deal. Still, it took only one look to tell me that he felt the same about me as he always had. But now the innocence of him was gone, strangely intriguing me. Where his gaze had before been full of awe, now there was a desire that somewhat frightened me. Something told me that I would never be able to deny him, and that I would not want to. It was a little uncomfortable to be around him with such emotions established.
Following a second attempt on my life, Anakin and I were sent to Naboo for my safety. His inner dragon raged against the idea of leaving my battle in the Senate but I could not deny that being able to relax and see my family gave me a joy I hadnt felt in so long. Obi-Wan had promised a swift investigation and capture of those behind the plot against my life, which also helped ease my mind.
The first stop on Naboo was to the palace, my former home, to visit Queen Jamilla. The new Queen was as peaceful and tranquil as the planet itself, and firm in her belief in democracy. She was a caring friend and was grieved by the uncertainty in my life. She sanctioned our flight to the lake country and sent us on their way.
I could not have realized that I was seducing Anakin, but more often than not I found myself choosing more feminine gowns, more revealing gowns, than I had before. As we explored the balcony of Varykino, it seems dear Anakin could not stop himself from stroking the skin of my back, left bare by the flowing fabric of my dress, nor could he (I could not either) prevent the kiss which resulted from it. And though I pulled away, rebuking myself, I knew that the damage had been done to us both.
An excursion to my parents and to the plains did not lessen the strain between us. With every word, every glance, every touch, I let more of myself be known to him. I was not fighting him so hard; I cared for him.
But when he laid his emotions out to me,
I unwillingly forced myself to deny him. There was duty and loyalty, both of which I knew must come before love. I could read the hurt and want in his face and was ashamed to be the cause, because I wanted it as badly as he did. The dress I had chosen for that night was designed to tempt, not hurt. What right did I have to seduce him and then push him away? For a moment, I wished that duty could fade and I could be just Naberrie, not Amidala, just for one moment....
But I never backed down. I followed Anakin to Tatooine, in pursuit of his mother, and I was his strength. I watched him ride away to find his mother and then watched, in pain, as he returned with her body. I cradled him as he admitted his rage and the murders he committed. And I, the fighter for peace, told him it was okay, even though I knew deep within my heart it was not. Reflecting back, I should have run from him then. But like a fool, as people in love always are, I stayed and calmed him.
Yet I knew better than to expect calm, though, and was not surprised when Obi-Wan contacted us in dire need of help. Anakin, bound by insecurity and guilt, could not force himself to leave Tatooine, to break orders. But I would not be denied of what I wanted and to Geonosis we went.
When one lives a life surrounded by intrigue, one should expect traps, but I did not and found myself chained to a cart, ready to die. Here, with death looking me in the face again, almost indefinitely for the last time, I finally let my emotions speak and admitted my love for Anakin. We shared a passionate kiss, full of meaning, four deepest hopes and fears realized, as the sound of whip popped through the air and the cart lurched forward.
Under the hot glare of the Geonosian sun, I was chained to a stone, which burned through my thin white shirt. Next to her, Anakin stood in the same position and next to him was Obi-Wan. With only the slightest tinge of mirth, I rotated the pick in my mouth with my tongue, then arched my body up to place it in my hands. Soon after, I was on top of the pillar facing the nexu. But Anakin's beast dispatched that beast and Obi-Wan joined the two us atop Anakin's beast.
Without weapons, tired, and alone, we faced a swarm of battle droids. But in the same moment, a hundred blades of differing colors lit the stadium.
Joined by an army of Jedi, we split up and fought the horde of droids. Again faced with defeat, we were again refreshed by a surprise army, this time of clones. Although I was against the clone army, I realized that in order to leave Geonosis alive, the clones were needed. The arena was soon cleared and the three of us climbed into a transport to join the true battle. En route, however, the transport suffered a minor hit that sent me tumbling to the desert sand below. By the time I rejoined Obi-Wan and Anakin, Dooku had escaped and Anakin had lost his arm. But the battle of Geonosis was complete and there was little more I could do there.
With Anakin by my side, we returned to Naboo, and under a setting sun, we were married, shutting the window on my fate, allowing ourselves to live the lie we knew would destroy us.
If I would have known before our secret marriage that with the name Skywalker would come betrayal, heartbreak, and my own death, I may have takenn the chance to run from him then, too. But, then again, I might not have. I always followed my heart, even when my own mind raged against it. My heart was always strong. Too strong, sometimes, as I would soon realize.
Our marriage, even at the start, was not perfect. Anakin was away more than he was home and to keep their union secret, we lived the constant lie I had predicted. But we loved each other passionately, and that was enough for us to ignore everything.
Anakin fought the Clone Wars as a soldier, I as a Senator, and we saw each other only once every few months.
So when I became pregnant, I was already far along before Anakin even found out. This time, when he came back from the war, I had never been so relieved. Reports of his death were rampant and our child in me, the prospect of losing him was doubly terrible.
But, as he always had, he came back to me and shared my joy in the realization of my pregnancy. There was something different about him, though, and I could feel it. His emotions had always ruled him. He had always been tortured by the weight of the Prophecy thrown about his shoulders and had struggled with the arrogance which came from it. But now, coupled with it, was a paranoia, which stemmed from a series of dreams which disturbed me more than I was willing to admit. Anakin had foreseen his mother's death. When he saw my similar fate, who was I to say it would not occur?
But there were other things upsetting him, which he would not confide in me. I knew that it related, in some way, to the Jedi but he would not tell me what was plaguing him. I could feel his torment driving a wedge between us, and my heart began to ache...
But, as was often the case in my life, I put this aside and turned to the Republic; a Republic rapidly becoming a dictatorship.
I could no longer trust the man who now controlled the government. But if I were to rise against him, with others, I would be betraying my husband, for the dictator was Anakin's mentor. And on the one occasion when I summoned up the courage to talk to him about it, his anger deterred me greatly. His anger was becoming a rising problem.
He was beginning to make absurd promises about being able to keep me from dying and became instantly jealous if I so much as mentioned the help of other Jedi, particularly Obi-Wan. I the Warrior had no idea how to combat the tumult inside Anakin.
Somehow it was not surprising when Obi-Wan came to me to admit Anakin's dark deeds. The words "Dark Side" did not shock me as it should have, but I forced myself not to believe. Still, when he told me that Anakin had murdered children, babies, my hand reflexively and immediately flew to my belly and I let my secret be revealed. This, I would not believe. Nor could I tell Obi-Wan where Anakin was. I knew that if I did, it would mean Anakin's death. Somehow, though, I knew Anakin, the real Anakin, my beloved, handsome, caring, passionate Anakin, had died already.
Terrified, I went to him, taking my personal ship to meet him on Mustafar. Safe in his arms after I landed, I knew he would explain away Obi-Wan's lies. But when I asked him, his only concern seemed to be jealousy against his former brother and best friend. I begged him to come away with me, his last chance to escape the Dark Side. But his face lit with an obsessed gleam and he spoke of ruling the galaxy together. My world went white and shattered at his words. Obi-Wan had been right and I was forced to admit that the man I had loved, and still love, no longer existed.
Futilely, I begged him again to leave everything behind but his face contorted into a mask of rage and I turned to see Obi-Wan standing on the landing ramp of my ship. I could only cry, "No!" before the vise-like grip of Anakin's (more correctly, Darth Vader's) anger latched about my throat. I gasped pleas and then my vision faded to black as I breathed once more...
When I woke up, the pain of betrayal and heartbreak made me wince. But my dear friend Obi-Wan's gentle hand on my cheek helped to soothe the pain, but not enough. He was dark with soot and sadness and I asked if Anakin was alright before I again fell into darkness.
I woke to pain, again, but this time a great tearing pain, which shredded through the last remnants of fortitude I had. Obi-Wan stood beside me, sending waves of peace into me and held my son as he was born. I named him Luke, and smiled at the image of Obi-Wan holding him. At least I could trust him to take care of Luke... And yet, the pain was not over and I wept as my daughter freed herself from my tired body. I named the girl Leia and couldnt help but smile at the heartwrenching ironies of my life. The man Anakin had been most jealous of stood beside me, where Anakin should have, would have been.
Perhaps the fact that I knew Obi-Wan would care for my children freed me from my last ties to the living. I spoke of Anakin's goodness and knew that I did not want to live in a galaxy where democracy no longer existed, betrayal ruled, and Anakin did not live. I could not handle my pain, of childbirth, of deception, lies, betrayal, losing my dearest loved one who I knew I could never have openly, so I let go and drifted off...
I could not have known how dearly I would be missed and how sorrowfully mourned. My body was carried through the streets of Naboo, my family, the Queen, the Governor, and Naboo's populace stood in tearful crowds as I was entombed.
Nor could I have known that my two children would right all the wrongs of the government which I watched crumble.
But most importantly, that the man who had betrayed me would spend the rest of his life hating what he had become and hating that the man he had become had destroyed the only thing he had ever loved... me.
And yet, through our son, he was redeemedand found peace. We have met again beyond the grave.......
.. You scored as Padme Amidala.

Padme Amidala


Anakin Skywalker


Clone Trooper


Mace Windu




Emperor Palpatine






Obi Wan Kenobi


Darth Vader




General Grievous

Which Revenge of the Sith Character are you?
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My Interests

I love democracy. It's needed to keep the best interests of everyone at heart. Although I was once a monarch of a world, I realize that is too much power to have and that democracy is a better way to work things. I like politics, swimming in the Lake Country, reminiscing, talking with my husband, reconnecting and bonding with Anakin, Luke, and Leia, knowing new people, and helping people out.

I'd like to meet:

Anakin, my sweet husband, the love I will never forget... -I can forgive you Anakin, I'll forgive but never forget.... My love, you'll always be that. I could never hate you, never think badly of you.... I know that who I confronted on Mustafar wasn't you. I know it was the Dark Side of you, Darth Vader, who nearly killed me. But because he had betrayed you, and killed you, he shattered my heart... And I know that you were redeemed by my one of last connections to you, our son Luke, who you didn't know existed or his realtion to you until he was nearly eighteen. And I know that you will always love me, as I will always love you..... Come back to me, and we can move past this...

Obi-Wan, my last true friend, it has been too long. I thank you for watching over my son Luke and helping my children redeem their father, your best friend, my husband.... And also for being there with me when I couldn't make it, when I knew the end was there. But you never told Luke anything bad about his father, which I am so joyous about. My friend, it would be such a pleasure to talk to you again, and hopefully you and Anakin have reconciled by now.

Bail Organa, my fellow Senator, I must heavily thank him for raising my daughter Leia, and instilling in her the beliefs I had in democracy.

My family - Dad (Ruwee), Mom (Jobal), my big sister Sola, her children...

R2-D2 and C-3PO

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My Blog

Visiting Talus

*Padme waits for Darth Vader to return from his mission on Endor so they can visit Talus together... She admits she isn't pleased that his mission involved "repelling" Wookiees, but to be with her clo...
Posted by Senator Padmé Amidala Skywalker *thinking/engaged* on Sun, 09 Apr 2006 03:07:00 PST

Anakin's Last Thoughts

Anakin's Last Thoughts... If only I had listenedTo your haunting mouthMaybe then we wouldn'tBe here now. I should have knownIt was all a lie,Just a deceitful trickTo make us die. You knew the visionsI...
Posted by Senator Padmé Amidala Skywalker *thinking/engaged* on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 02:33:00 PST