Honky Tonk Badonkadonk profile picture

Honky Tonk Badonkadonk

She's got legs and knows how to use them...

About Me

Mya Videos | Music Video Codes | Chicago LoftsWho is Janie? What a complex question for any of you who actually know me. I am a crazy talkative loving caring perfectionist. I am only scared when it is night. I am brave when in a group but otherwise I am not as bold. I do not like crying in front of people. I am a complete animal lover. I want to save every stray animal I see and in many cases I have attempted doing so. I love bright colors even though dark colors look the best on me in my opinion. I love change, but hate when things change too suddenly, but I deal. I love talking to strangers and saying crazy random comments to see how they react. I am in love with an amazing man who, as corny as it sounds, he completes me. Every day with him is amazing. We are so different yet so similar. When I watch movies with a couple in it I always think of him. The littlest things make me think of my baby. He completely gets me, and there are not many who do. He is the first man that I feel secure with. He never lets me down. I cannot imagine being with anyone else. I am currently at the University of Maryland. I am going to school to be a teacher, which is my passion. I love children and teaching so it just seemed right to pick teaching as my profession. I love spending time with my family including my cousin Amanda who is like a little sister. I spend time with of course my boyfriend. I also try to have time for my two adopted little sisters, Helaina and Neah. My ideal day is laying around the house in PJ’s with my friends and family watching movies while eating popcorn and drinking diet cokes with lime. I love planning. I love redecorating. I love shopping. I love Gary. I love my mom and dad. I love Lucky. I love reading. I love movies. I love music. I love driving. I love NOT getting speeding tickets. I love Lorelai. I love teaching. I love Snowball. I love school. I love life. I love Frenchy. I love Panera. I love pickled mushrooms. I love salads. I love shooting pool. I love Shakira Shakira. I love my family. I love colorful socks. I love pillows. I love animals. I love vicky underwear. I love snow. I love randomness. I love comedy. I love mixed drinks. I love coke with lime. I love movie theatre popcorn. I love dark chocolate. I love Mexican food. I love taking pictures. I love celebrations. I love Jericho. I love bowling. I love bright colors. I love the internet. I love short phone calls. I love talking in-person. I love swivel chairs. I love Christmas. I love babies. I love dressing up. I love my future. I love cars. I love Victorian houses. I love puppies. I love Terps. I love hot summer days. I love Frankie and the Actions. I love Three Brothers’ Ranch Dressing. I love singing to country music. I love FRIDAYS Restaurant. I love friend green beans with wasabi dressing. I love tanning on the beach. I love hot showers. I love painting my nails. I love bumping into old acquaintances. I love traveling. I love Gilmore Girls. I love jewelry. I love road trips. I love personalizing things. I love the 80s. I love television without commercials. I love exfoliating. I love opening presents. I love parties. I love some people. I love arcade games. I love Gary. I love making things. I love soy. I love buy one get one free sales. I love summer break. I love Ikea. I love making jokes. I love making fun of people who think their “gangsta” when really they come from white suburbia where their drug of choice is Ritalin. I love Arby’s corn beef sandwiches. I love challenges. I love sneezing. I love the smell of chocolate cookies baking. I love plain spaghetti sauce with no noodles. I love soft skin. I love bagel with soy cream cheese. I love fire works. I love dancing in the dark. I love the rain when inside. I love heated blankets. I love test driving cars. I love my life. I love GARY!!!! Custom Contact Tables

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I'd like to meet:

There are a lot of people that I would like to meet, in order to see how they are in person. I have found that after meeting people and getting to know the real them I tend not to favor their company. First impressions are never right so you have to spend time with people in order to see if they step out of character. So back to the people I want to meet both living and dead. Some of these people I would love to interview so I could ask “what the fuck were you thinking?” While on the other hand there are people I would love to just see and get to know because I have never met them. Dead List: My dad’s parents, Elvis, Abraham Lincoln, Cleopatra, Hitler, Martin Luther King Jr.. Jesus, Moses, Frank Sinatra, Emmett Till, Anne Frank, Leopold Vietoris, Joan of Arc, all five Yates children, Edgar Allen Poe, Nat King Cole, Judy Garland, William Shakespeare, Jim Henson, Vivien Leigh, George Herman Ruth, Jim Morison, and Leonardo Da Vinci. Still Alive List: George Stanley Burdynski Jr., Andrea Yates, Jack Johnson, George Carlin, Axel, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Dave Chappelle, Adam Sandler, Oprah, Queen Elizabeth, and The Pope.


Joss Stone, Trapt, Hoobastank, Maroon 5, Guns N Roses, Green Day, Old Blink 182, Metallica, Third Eye Blind, Alanis Morissette, HOMESPUN, Semisonic, Matchbox 20, 50 Cent, Goo GOo DOlls, Good Charrolette, Goldfinger, Eminem, Mario, Disturbed, Ja Rule, Fastball, Collective Soul, Bush, Billy Idol, Adam Sandler, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Linkin Park, Twista, Beatles, Tom Petty, Fiona Apple, Rage Against the Machine, Pearl Jam, Nine Inch Nails, RadioHead Dave Mathews Band, Mars Volta, At the Drive in, Madonna, Otis Redding, Offspring, Sublime, Snoop Dog, Ludacris, Nelly, Justin, Frankie Boy, Incubus, Marvin Gaye, John Mayer, Jimi Hendrix, Jason Mraz, Marcy Playground, Hella, Madonna, Cold Play, Nirvana, Ozzy, The Doors, Aerosmith, COUNTRY MUSIC :) And the classics from the 80's


The Longest Yard Crash, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Hitch, Kinsey, Boogie man, Hotel Rwanda, The Day After Tomorrow, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Scarface, The Incredibles, Mistic River, Ladder 49, Taking Lives, Harold and Kumar Go To WHite Castle. Sleepy Hollow, Drunk Punch Love, Hide and Seek, Meet the Fockers, Charlie Brown Christmas, Billy Madison, Spanglish,Grudge, Saw, I What Women Want, Pick-Up Artist, The Grinch, Hair, Shrek, American Sweethearts, Jingle All the Way, Congo, Halloween (all of them), Romeo and Juliet, Deep Blue Sea, Friday 13th (all of them), Van Wilder, NAPOLEON DYNAMITE Butterfly Effect, Zoolander , Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, Freddy Got Fingered, 16 Candles, Gone in 60 Seconds, Fight Club,Seven, Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,Win a Date with Tad Hamilton, Cheaper By the Dozen, Airforce One, Top Gun, and Dirty Dancing Anything with Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, or Nicholas Cage in it!


Football when Green Bay is playing, King of the Hill, Comedy Central, Family Guy, MTV music videos, Will and Grace, Friends, Big Brother, and Survivor Ocean County Choppers - My newest love Law and Order - special victims


SEX, DRUGS and CoCoa PuFFs, Put that one up becuase it is a show stopper of a title. Really I only have time for school books and that is no fun to list. Reading can be a pain when you do not have time to enjoy it!


RUMplestiltskin and my man Adam Sandler what a hottie!

My Blog

Fuck I got Tagged... like 5 months ago

Here's how you play: Once you have been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, list their names ...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 04:25:00 PST

Update on the Life of Janie

I have been very busy since the last time I have spoken with many of you. I believe my last post was from February regarding my two year anniversary with my Baby and then commenting on the wedding. Ev...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 07:17:00 PST

Two Year Anniversary

  I am really excited because tomorrow my baby is taking me away on a weekend getaway. February 11, 2007 is our two year anniversary and I am ecstatic! I cannot wait to give him his surprise gift...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Sat, 10 Feb 2007 05:16:00 PST

The Wedding

My parents 25th Wedding Anniversary is going to be this Sunday, February 4, 2007 at 3pm. For those of you invited and who RSVPed then here is a friendly reminder, but how could you all forget? It is g...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 06:58:00 PST

I'm falling in love all over again

Hello everyone, Okay so I hardly blog on here, but I am feeling so wonderful that I had to write about it so you all are so lucky to hear me speak aloud. I am unbelievably happy!!! And as corny ...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:11:00 PST


You aren't going to be her first, her last, or her only... she's loved before; she will love again. But if she loves you now, what else matters? Shes not perfect - you're not either. If she can make y...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Tue, 10 Jan 2006 03:50:00 PST

Blah blah blah - Drunk?

Ever sit back and be dazzled with the life that you have lived thus far? Not able to believe what you have done the good and bad. The places you have been or are at. The beautiful lights of NY, the am...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Haunted House

Haunted House Cascading winds shuffle along. Shadows blowing across like lovers dancing Amongst a nude back. Shivers creep. Breaking glass disturbs tension in a cold room. Starring at life bl...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Holiday Message

We create our own monsters. Problems are only as big as we interpret them. We must stop getting chased by our own demons. We must not focus on the negative, but look forward to the positive. Our shoul...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

My Final... Tell me what ya think

Building Blocks Life has no purpose without the intrinsic foundations which are the building blocks of life. Without these essential building blocks ones life has no support, no structure. Intr...
Posted by Honky Tonk Badonkadonk on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST