I love live music, smaller venues are better. I love the jewel that we all live on, it provides for us all and I have a great deal of disdain for those who don't respect it. My thumb is incredibly strong, as it can stop a fully loaded truck; this is handy as I can then jump in and have it carry me somewhere new and exciting. All my digits assist me greatly in much that I do, from playing instruments and whittling nik-naks to horticulture, construction and general creativity or manual labour.
Anyone who's up for a laugh, or inspires, educates, entertains or motivates. Anyone with a true appreciation and respect for our home planet and it's inhabitants. All my friends from myspace and the bastard that nicked my bike (Silver Marin with skinny wheels last seen in the Orford area of Warrington, outside Dubs house.) You know who you are, but if you're reading this you really ought to give the computer back to whoever you knicked it off you thieving little scrote
What I'm listening to just now...
Ranulph Fiennes, Che Guevara, Tom Waits, John Peel, Jo Whiley, Mark Radcliff, The Milk Tray man, Hong Kong Phooey, The Diggers and Levellers of the 17'th century, and, in fact, everybody who ever achieved anything, particularly for the greater good, and without stomping on the rest of us.