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About Me

I am Justin Time: peak experience engineer, evocative sense environment constructor, nature hacker, purpose findernaughtnauta reflection and inclusion of all (there are no true boundaries). a systematic creative expression peculiar to my (illusory) sense of self. i will do what i am meant to do here in this place (and all places) and in (and out of) time - i have no choice in the matter. with my illusion of choice i choose the path of least resistance (tao) in an attempt to achieve the perfect balance between me and the inertia of the Universal Structure (the peaks and troughs of Novelty against Form). i choose to become a total environment architect, and strive to create evocative experiences for my people. i choose to seek knowledge/gnosis to learn and come to an Understanding with the process called Universe. global output mechanism: Orgnsm.org



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Exceed! Exceed!

My Interests

ethnobotany, astrophysics, quantum mechanics, complexity theory, time, relativity, psychology, biophysics, biomimicry, evolution, logic, human endeavor, human relations, genetics, eugenics, exploring taboos, indulgence instead of abstinence (but not compulsion!), martial arts, yoga, user interface design, typography, total aesthetic environment architecture, information design, visual effects for film, graphic art, surrealism, visual accompaniment to live music, film making, problem solving, programming, systems development

I'd like to meet:

myself, my holy guardian angel, the hive mind of our star cluster, you, horus.


broken, symphonic, lyrical, bombastic, dynamic, evocative, progressive


noir, experimentation with the concepts of time and keyframe interpolation, epic, futuristic, avant-garde




black comedy/satire, science-fiction/future-noir/cyberpunk, artbooks, philosophy, biology, magic


aleister crowley, philip k dick, martin luther king jr, friedrich nietzsche, peter chung, david lynch, benjamin franklin, floria sigismondi, rupert sheldrake, kenneth anger, trent reznor, tom muller, richard fenwick, ashley wood, hr giger, william gibson, jochem paap, mark romanek, mike young, albert einstein, terence mckenna, terry gilliam, sigmund freud, chris cunningham, stephen hawking, david fincher, richard devine, joost korngold, boyd rice, rob brown and sean booth, robert anton wilson, genesis p orridge, carl jung, alfred north whitehead, aldous huxley, john c lily, paul laffoley

My Blog


Blog Location Redirection: http://orgnsm.org/journal,subscribe to my feed: http://orgnsm.org/journal/syndicate, http://orgnsm_feed.livejournal.com...
Posted by justin on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST