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Curse Yourselves....

About Me


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br There is no greater single force of personality in the scene than Hecate, the founder of the fiercely independent Zhark International label and creator of 10 year's worth of "the most destroyed and blasphemous electronic beat fuckery". Her sound is a dark, almost alchemic hybrid of blistering, stuttering breaks, power noise, and Eastern influences, and she has collaborated with numerous artists from across both the breakcore and the Satanic, Black, and Death metal scenes.
Hecate born Rachael Kozak and currently living in Basel, Switzerland is keenly aware of status as a female label owner and artist in a male-dominated scene; sex is a major theme in her work, along with death and the occult. One of the most extreme examples of Hecate's aesthetic is Nymphomatriarch, an album made entirely out of recordings of herself and Venetian Snares having sex on their two-week tour in 2003.
If you're getting the idea that Kozak is the scene's ultimate provocateur, you're not half wrong. But for all itâ's blatant shock value, Nymphomatriarch, like all her releases, is still highly emotional, dark music that kicks ass, blowing everyone else away for raw complexity and energy. Hecate is clearly a force to be reckoned with, a claim recently reinforced by the April release of her Brew Hideous (Sublight/Hymen) album.
Taken from the Summer issue of XLR8R

Hecate aka Rachael Kozak has been pushing the boundaries of dark electronics for a decade now. Her industrial breaks have been at the forefront of the emerging breakcore scene as has her label Zhark.
With Brew Hideous her metal side has come out. Damnation beats and breaks collide with doomed vocals and black metal guitars. Will this be a one off collision of styles or is she going to expand upon the depraved mix of underground genres?
It seems like the possibilities of combining metal elements with harsh electronics is an untapped source. I am surrounded by talented musicians that want to collaborate. I have never fit into any easy category, and always supported the most debauched of collaborations and concepts. The future holds only the utter dematerialization of all that one finds recognizable. Nothing is sacred or easily defined."
Please expand on some of these collaborators.
" I am currently in collusion with a few very talented extreme metal musicians. A few weeks ago I was invited by Austria's Belphegor to compose an outtro to be used on their new opus. Michael Ford of Black Funeral has asked me to contribute to a new project, with me terrorizing the microphone in drunken fits. The other collaboration that has really inspired me, is my forthcoming work with Mirrorthrone, aka Vladimir. This project will utilize the true strengths of each other's musical abilities. New alliances are always forming."
When writing or performing do you enter another state or are you this intense with everything you do in day to day life?
When in recording mode I reside in another dimension most of the time. Life is just as intense but a little less chaotic. Why even live on this Earth if not to spread both my love and my venom?
Hecate is an intense and scary persona. How many people are scared of you? More everyday for a multitude of reasons! Understandably, I have come to represent the dark aspects of womanhood in a sonic barrage of rage and blasphemy. Fighting the forces I have to face everyday as a creative woman on this Earth, people should have nothing but respect for what I choose to represent. If they can't come to terms with me because their own perception of reality is altered, then they are a waste of my time. As the list of people to work alongside grows, the list of haters multiplies. It doesn't surprise me and obviously it won't stop me. Some of them should be terrified."
Taken from July 2006 TERRORIZER MAg

My Interests


Member Since: 12/12/2004
Band Website: zhark.org
Sounds Like: The opening of a portal to the unspeakable void of existence.
Record Label: Zhark, Hymen, Sublight
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


Just finished up a new interview withUS Black Metal Sect...!Check it out here!CLICK!ciao!H...
Posted by Hecate on Fri, 11 Apr 2008 11:24:00 PST


Hails...I needed to get a new number -mail me if you need it!RHK
Posted by Hecate on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 11:34:00 PST


Hails---I am back from months of travels....Japan was excellent - Bogota and Mexico were fukkin extreme as well!I will be posting a report on South America/Mexico sometime in the future.This spring i ...
Posted by Hecate on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 11:11:00 PST


Hola!A new interview - with Ilker and Regenmag - is now online....If you are curious about what's going on with Zhark International, my move to Berlin, and the most up to date news on my collaboration...
Posted by Hecate on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:05:00 PST


Hails!I was just graced with a lot of work from a fan in England this week...Thanks to Sarah for spending her time making banners and several cool images based off of her inspiration for my works...If...
Posted by Hecate on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 03:19:00 PST


Thanks to Consume for this very entertaining review of our last show on the MEGALOMANIAC KILLING TOURhere's an excerpt....(follow link at bottom for more + pixx)"EEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLL...
Posted by Hecate on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 01:18:00 PST

Hecate hits South America

Greetings....I am planning on coming out to South America (namely Bogota and then Mexico) for a festival in February/March. If you are a promoter or know some to contact in the area - let me know!Se...
Posted by Hecate on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 07:52:00 PST

Working Vengence - New Crisis Theory!

Hails-Here is a clip of a track I have been working on with Christoph from Praxis....We are back at it again with Crisis Theory...!This one is a more slowed down evil industrial grinder.Japan tour rep...
Posted by Hecate on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 08:53:00 PST


Hails_   The show has been switched to the new info updated on my dates... After a crazy week of non stop Belgian/Spanish action I made it out here in one piece... special thanks to the Wood Crew...
Posted by Hecate on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 05:17:00 PST


Hails-We have a few shirts available for mailorder,but they are VERY limited - we also have grrrlys if you want one!cost is 15 euros plus shipping-reply to this if you want one reserved!!Total Hell!-R...
Posted by Hecate on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:51:00 PST