Lies profile picture


And if I ever have a son, I think I'm gonna name him Bill or George, anything but Sue.

About Me

okay, I will survive a zombie apocalypse, but submarines scare the shit out of me. GET THEM AWAY FROM ME!20 year old zombieloving geek with too much spare time and two older brothers. And a PONY. My pony can kick your ass even BEFORE you blink your eyes. She's a mean beast terrorising the fields with her bad manners and her razorsharp attitude. Oh and she's purrrrty. I like people who hate horses because well, they got a point, don't they. Save a cow, eat a horse. But I really love my little white pony.OH by the way, here's some of the photo's I've made. You need a photographer? Send me a message! I do it for free! ( Yeah for free! Echo!)

My Interests

Interested in music, movies, nice people, nice parties, making guerilla movies, painting, tattoos, horses, Kustom Kulture, etc. etc.

I'd like to meet:


Created by OnePlusYou -

I'd like to meet Anil Gupta ( really talented tattoo-artist) and get a miniature of 'The Girl with a pearl earring' by Vermeer.


Jawharp and Kazoo. Oh check the list.


Horror, exploitation, gore, etc. etc.By the way: I'm currently working with a whole bunch of cool people on the new Dutch movie Carnifex. Check it out @ ( dutch site unfortunately)


no tv for me.


all sorts.


Johnny Cash, Hank Williams, Captain Spaulding ( Sid Haig), Chuck Norris.

My Blog


Dit zeer emotionele nummer heb ik ooit eens geschreven. Het ligt me zo na aan het hart dat ik hem nog maar een keer post. Bovendien vond ik hem terug via google. Het is een kort liedje.all the way fro...
Posted by Lies on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 07:50:00 PST

I Can Has Cheezburger? - Heyl Guise!

http://icanhascheezburger.comlolcats and funny pictures yay I made a lolcat:)...
Posted by Lies on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 08:03:00 PST