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About Me

Vostok came into existence during September 2003.

The initial idea behind this project was to create a Black/Doom band that in terms of song structure, and riff structure, was more akin to Technical Death Metal and Prog Rock. Lyrically the band was to deal with subjects concerning human nature, the Scottish highlands and several other metaphysical ideas.

Though some material dates back to 2003, only a few songs were completed due to other commitments. Collaborations with members of Cairn are planned for the near future........

My Interests


Member Since: 5/12/2006
Band Members: Hamish Mackintosh - Guitars, Bass, Drums, Vocals, Keys.
Influences: Musically: dISEMBOWLMENT, Norrt, Thergothon, Skepticism, Catacombs, Taake, Weakling, Leviathan, Deathspell Omega, Enslaved, Emperor, Negura Bunget, Ved buens Ende, Furze, Burzum, Blut aus Nord, Unholy, Twilight, Lurker of Chalice, Krohm, Atheist, Cynic, Guapo, Miasma, Don Caballero, Dysrythmia, Opeth, Gordian Knot, Wold, Portal, Wolves in the Throne Room, Fleurety, Bergraven, Rachels, Khanate

Lyrically: Fredrich Nietzche, David Hume, John Gray, Arthur Shopenhauer, Milan Kundera, George F Peterkin, Arthur C Dennet, Richard Dawkins, Niccolo Machiavelli, Heidegger, Alistair McIntosh, Charles Warren, Dr H Stewart Mackintosh, The Highland Clearances, The Highlands, History, Human Nature, Nature.
Type of Label: None

My Blog


The last recording was not up to scratch so I've decided to re record everything. Sorry for the delay, but it should be worth it in the end. In the interim period, I will put up some rough recordings ...
Posted by Vostok on Wed, 28 May 2008 05:50:00 PST


I was saddened to see that in issue 20 of Zero Tolerance magazine, Alex Kurtagic's column was not featured. I am fully aware that the content of his column was logically flawed. However, the worst way...
Posted by Vostok on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 11:00:00 PST