Movies,THE New York Yankees,The Patriot's getting to the top again(MAYBE..).
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Your Movie Buff Quotient: 94%
You are a movie buff of the most obsessive variety. If a movie exists, chances are that you've seen it.
You're an expert on movie facts and trivia. It's hard to stump you with a question about film.
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ABBA (There's none higher),The Ramones, Sex Pistols, ,Metallica,AC -DC,Circle Jerks (L.a. Hardcore lives),motorhead,Venom,The Meatmen,Godless Rising(my brother's old school death metal band),the smiths(shoplifter's of the world..unite),Slayer,THE BEASTIE BOYS,Jusdas Priest, And last but not least MY KID AIN'T SPANISH (the finest garage band that never was,hee hee)
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Star Wars( all of them,i could watch OBI- WAN washing dishes an i'd be satasfied, lol) Lord of the Rings trilogy,Grizzly,Jaws,Seven Samurai,Clockwork Orange,2001,History of Violence,Scarface,Raiders of the lost ark,Minority Report,Munich,A.I,Breaking 2 electric bugaloo(LOL),Blade 2,DAWN OF THE DEAD (THE ORIGINAL),DAY OF THE DEAD,The Thing,Escape from New york,HALLOWEEN,Lost in Translation,The Godfather 1 an 2 forget 3 its lame,Gangs of New York,Casino,After Hours,Bridge on the river Kwai,The Wildbunch,THE OMEN 1 AN 2,Alien an Aliens,ROCK AN ROLL HIGH SCHOOL,Event Horizon(i've got a soft spot for this movie) Japanese Horror(not the watered down American versions either)
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Monday night Raw,Smackdown,Yankees Games,Patriots foootball(when on),vh1,three's company,sanford and son,seinfeld,good times,the simpsons,family guy.
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The Davinci Code(fast read),lord of the rings,angels and demons,cell,the stand,the shinning,the historian,cracking the code,blood sweat and gatorade(sim's to mckonkey)Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0
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