Conservative Atheist profile picture

Conservative Atheist 1300 on your AM Radio Dial (NewsTalk~1300)

About Me

Currently Hosting a New A.M. Talk Radio Show on A.M.1300WERE:I am a Big Uggly 6/4 Tall Brute! Now that thats out of the way I would like to also add that I stand up for what I believe in no matter how popular it is or isnt. Often times I can find very few people if any that agree with my point of view and sadly enough even fewer still that will stand up and openly agree with me even though they agree in secret. This world is full of spineless cowards that simply follow along with the herd which is never ok. Now I am not saying that I always swim against the current because if I agree with what most people are saying or doing I will not go against it just to be different but if I do disagree with what they are doing I wont hesitate even for an instant to speak out about it in a very aggressive manner. A good example of this would be many of those Liberal clowns at OSU who would blindly follow along with the croud just to be popular which made me sick! They all wore the same rain slickers and the same style of clothes to the point where it was literally like looking at a herd of some! The sad and pathetic thing was that the students that didnt want to follow the croud simply followed a different wearing a green mohawk or peircing every body part they could or wearing really dark make up or fake vampire mostly hung out at this place called not a gay bar just a freaky alternative hang out that from the outside parkinglot looked like a Viet Nam concentration camp. What those poor misguided kids didnt realize was that they were conforming as well but just to a sub-culture instead of the mainstream culture....but whats the difference conforming is conforming and all of it is brainwashed mindnumbing efforts to fit in to some sort of click or group. I guess my messege is just be yourself and that doesnt mean make a determined effort to be different it simply means be yourself without consideration for whats popular or whats not popular....simply let it come natural without any effort whatsoever. The first step is examining the world around you and deciding who you are and who you would like to be. The next step is to set certain principles to live by and to constantly test those principles. The 3rd step is to stand up for what you believe in and not to fear redicule even when the person your disagreeing with is a friend...Be Your Self!Never Fortget 9/11 ! ! !
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWhy didnt this Brutal Crime get any National and International Media Attention???......Watch and listen to the Horrible Details of the case if you can stomach it...The Crime You Never Knew About!
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My Interests

Radio Broadcasting: Discussing Social Issues: Politics / Religion / Race Relations / Various other topics. UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship....its a mixed martial arts competition NOT! to be confused with Pro-Wrestling...
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I'd like to meet:

People with strong opinions who are willing to defend them: both those who agree with me and those who have differing view points then my own. A prime example of someone that I admire and would like to some day meet would be Bill Oreilly, Ann Coulter, Christopher Hitchens and last but not least (Denis Prager).


Anything that isnt!: Rap / Country Music / Disco / Punk Rock / Glam Rock =


God Father Trilogy, StarWars 6-Films, Good Fellas, Troy, Brave Heart, Rob Roy, Saving Private Ryan, Cast A Giant Shadow, Final Analysis, Consenting Adults, Guilty As Sin, Malice, Wild Things, The Original Sparticus, Ben Hur, Last Train from Gun Hill, Anything with Albert Brooks, Liar Liar, The Cable Guy, Broken Spur, Heat, Ferris Buelers Day Off, The French Connection, SuperCops = A True Story about 2-cops made in the 70s, Stalag13, 48-Hours, Running Scared, Throw Mamma From The Train, and many many more movies that I will add as I think of them.....


The Andy Griffith Show, Seinfeld, That 70s Show, The Rockford Files, The Streets of San Francisco, The Honey Mooners, All In The Family, Two and a Half Men, King Of Queens, Everybody Loves Raymond, Court Shows, The History Channel, The many Discovery Channels, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, 60-Minutes, 48-Hours, 2020, Dateline, Biography Channel, All of the various Movie Channels, Law&Order and the Spin-Offs, StarTrek Deep Space-9, The Shield, Rescue Me, Curb Your Enthusiaism, The Larry Sanders Show, Oz, The Sopranos, The Drew Carey Show, NewsRadio, Fraser, My Wife and Kids, Life According to Jim,........others will be added as I think of them.


Authors: Ray Bradburry, Steven King, HP Lovecraft Books: Into that Darkness = Interviews with the Comandant of Treblinka and the Jewish Victims of that Polish Death Camp, Mr.Sammlers Planet.....I will add other Books as I think of them.


George Washington, Abraham Licoln, Benjamin Franklin, Tony Blair, Ronald Reagan, General George S. Patton, King Richard The Lion Heart, The Fire Fighters and Police and Emergency Rescue Workers of 9/11 and all of the Dead and Wounded Soldiers that have fought for the USA Past and Present. The The Signers of the THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE

Your Political Profile

Overall: 80% Conservative, 20% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal
Ethics: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 100% Conservative, 0% Liberal How Liberal / Conservative Are You?

My Blog

RadioShow = SeriousIssues: BlackRacistCults: Friday-July6th Midnight EST with Special Guests!

Radio Show = SeriousIssues: Cleveland, Ohio Black Racist Cults with Special Guests representing some of the most Vile Black Supremist Groups around the Nation. The show is now on (AM 1490 WERE). ...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Thu, 05 Jul 2007 06:17:00 PST

Congressman Dennis Kucinich Interview: Sat 05/05/07 On My RadioShow.

My next Radio Show will air this coming Saturday night at 12-Midnight featuring my interview of Presidential hopefull Congressman Dennis Kucinich on (AM 1300 WERE) on your AM Radio Dial in Cleveland, ...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Tue, 01 May 2007 10:14:00 PST

Previous Blogs.......

My best Blogs are the ones I first did so if anyone is new to my friends list and they want to get a better idea of who I am I would suggest they go to the first Blogs I wrote on here and work their w...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 01:30:00 PST

Roe Vs. Wade should be overturned Abortion needs Restrictions!!!

Taking the Life of an innocent Child because its the more convenient route to take shows the moral decay in this society that leads to things like the forementioned Columbine incident and grown marrie...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 11:06:00 PST

Why do women chop their hair off ?!?

I must say I have always wondered why women chop their hair off?  Its very unattractive to Men and isnt that who you are trying to attract? The only Reasons I can come up with are Laziness, Apath...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 05:43:00 PST

New Web-Site Finally up and running!!!....with Women at Abortion Clinic Pics!

My new web-site  is finally up and running so feel free to go and check it out. I still need to work some bugs out and add a few things but its a work in progress...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 09:01:00 PST

A response to a Bulletin Post by = ( Imagine a World Without Israel )

How many innocent Germans do you think were killed durring the Invasion of Berlin durring WW2?  Unfortunately there are many casualities in war both combatants and non-combatants alike.  Th...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 09:59:00 PST

The Conservative Atheist Show: Topic Israeli / Hezbollah-Lebanese-Serian-Iranian Conflict ! !

The Conservative Atheist Show comes on tonight at MidNight on AM1300WERE here in Cleveland, Ohio and the Topic is the Israeli / Hezbollah-Lebonese-Serian-Iranian Conflict ! ! ! I will be in...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 02:21:00 PST

How to see ALL Blogs.........

OK everyone apparetly there are a few people that are not familiar with all of the features on myspace specifically the Blogs I base this on the fact that several people have sent me messeges asking m...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Wed, 24 May 2006 03:24:00 PST

Liberal Scandals and Scoundrals: 1.Ted Kennedy and the Kennedy Clan!

Well lets start by clearing up a few things like the fact that everyone assossiates Richard Nixon with the Viet Nam War when in reality JFK started the War and his VicePresident Lyndon Baines Johnson ...
Posted by Conservative Atheist on Fri, 12 May 2006 02:01:00 PST