I love:
you, morning practice, boxing, clarity, coffee, tech support, BLACK, external hard drive, tiny dancer, babies, the museum of devotion, big daddy, holding hands
the bath, THE SUN, chocolate in the morning, heat, candy, having my back watched, this is forever, sharing a solitary path, crinolines, blizzards, wild gift, submersion (sunday, fever, liquid, art, snow, love, deluxe hotel or otherwise), MORE BLACK AND THEN SOME PINK, sexual fluidity, bustles, boots boots and more boots, THE TEMPLE, devotion, peplums, the power cord, fingertips, the goth lolita, PUJA, the big excrutiating, echoes, caves, today, today, today, the grand canyon, the rio grande, YOU, reverse ecstasy, lily(S) of the valley, roses & cone flowers, rhubarb candles, making pie, stockings, humility & taking to my bed.
you know who you are
the love artist has super love Friends
I can't hear the music for the ocean
**the diving bell & the butterfly**
i miss my trash, no apology
the marriage between zones 3 4 & 5, shikasta, neuromancer, the beautifully worthless his dark materials, autobiography of red, powerbook, pattern recognition, the man who fell in love w the moon
oh god, all of you that show up everyday, really, thank you . . & dr ann