the love artist profile picture

the love artist


About Me

i dig you

find me here:

and here:

and here:

and def here:

& of course, here:

stay close


I will never forget you


My Interests

I love:

you, morning practice, boxing, clarity, coffee, tech support, BLACK, external hard drive, tiny dancer, babies, the museum of devotion, big daddy, holding hands

the bath, THE SUN, chocolate in the morning, heat, candy, having my back watched, this is forever, sharing a solitary path, crinolines, blizzards, wild gift, submersion (sunday, fever, liquid, art, snow, love, deluxe hotel or otherwise), MORE BLACK AND THEN SOME PINK, sexual fluidity, bustles, boots boots and more boots, THE TEMPLE, devotion, peplums, the power cord, fingertips, the goth lolita, PUJA, the big excrutiating, echoes, caves, today, today, today, the grand canyon, the rio grande, YOU, reverse ecstasy, lily(S) of the valley, roses & cone flowers, rhubarb candles, making pie, stockings, humility & taking to my bed.

I'd like to meet:

you know who you are

the love artist has super love Friends


I can't hear the music for the ocean


**the diving bell & the butterfly**


i miss my trash, no apology


the marriage between zones 3 4 & 5, shikasta, neuromancer, the beautifully worthless his dark materials, autobiography of red, powerbook, pattern recognition, the man who fell in love w the moon


oh god, all of you that show up everyday, really, thank you . . & dr ann

My Blog

bring it on

(late night response from ms propheta west) . . . realized very clearly yesterday that the goddess is a demanding lover who will tolerate no bullsh*t in her presence, which is after all, "reality." so...
Posted by the love artist on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 09:00:00 PST

the real call to duty

after all the soul searching & lack of humor below, just stating for the record that the love artist has spent the afternoon & will probably spend most of the evening in bed, &, in the present moment,...
Posted by the love artist on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 05:56:00 PST

in the trenches of the sulky (bardo)

(missive to dallaire)hey love,i have been doing the call to duty for the last 5 days, to an intense reaction. Some of the days I feel choked & claustrophobic, a lot of coughing & a lot of internal st...
Posted by the love artist on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 02:02:00 PST

call to duty

i started a new sadhana a couple of days agoexcuse the expression but it is totally totally busting my conceptual balls, my ego, my defense/conceptual immune system, all means of delusionbut i notice ...
Posted by the love artist on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 12:22:00 PST

sulky boudoir 2

i was a bitch yesterdaywell, hardly venomous but a little surly. it's hard when you really practice to love everybody & you believe in the opening behind every moment for learning & expansion, it's ha...
Posted by the love artist on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 04:48:00 PST

sulky boudoir

boudoir:(the concise oxford dictionary of english etymology)boudoir lady's private room. XVIII.F. boudoir prop. 'place to sulk in', f. bouder pout, sulk, of imit. origin. see OIRsulky boudoir would be...
Posted by the love artist on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:52:00 PST

heavy petting

i know you have all probably seen this a million times already but . . . i just can't get enough of itit's so cutei have to admit this is the stuff of my dreamsonly in my dreams there are no bars& i'm...
Posted by the love artist on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 08:18:00 PST

the verge of tears

you make our souls tasty like rose marmaladeyou cause us to fall flat on the groundlike the shadow of a cypress still growing at its tiprainwater through a mountain forestwe run after you in different...
Posted by the love artist on Mon, 23 Jun 2008 02:57:00 PST

this is me (in love) making my way back to you

i am
Posted by the love artist on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:32:00 PST


i'm trying & trying & trying to swim back to you . . one day or two off the groove on the love artist train & where do i even start? staying up all night with high priestesses & sipping ayahuasca, pra...
Posted by the love artist on Tue, 17 Jun 2008 05:23:00 PST