Jarrod and Hannah profile picture

Jarrod and Hannah

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm married to the love of my life and we've got Mia Naomi (4) and another baby girl, Mackenzie Grace, born September 6th, 2006. Mia is as girly as they come. Pink, pink, pink, sparkles, nail polish, princesses, ballet...you know. She's already decided to become a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader when she grows up. It's probably too soon to say, but Mackenzie seems to have her dad's personality. Doesn't complain much and so sweet, but definitely let's you know when she's not happy. She does like to have conversations and loves to sing Shania Twain songs with me. Jarrod's probably gonna want to try for a boy to even things out at home, but I have a feeling we'll end up with a bunch of girls before that happens. God help him :)Myspace should have "pregnant" as one of their body type descriptions. Don't you think? Jarrod's a Sgt in the Army, and we're stuck in El Paso with a Cav division for another few years, but looking forward to moving back to southeast Texas. He's deployed to Iraq until the end of January... 15 long months. Bubba and I have the best friends and family anyone could ask for, although it took us quite a few years to weed out the bad ones. I don't really know what else to say.
The fembots sleeping...
mia with a mullet ;)
wet kisses :)

My Interests

Taking care of our family. Spending time with Goose (we don't get enough time together). Politics. Religion. Collecting things like China and picture frames (I'm obsessed with picture frames... don't know why) COOKING! Playing with the girls. Traveling. We all enjoy being outside. Shooting. 4-wheeling. Mudding. Spending money we don't have, lol.Jarrod's into bikes(like Harleys), old trucks, guns, constantly working on the lemons we own, getting dirty, beer and football... As rough and tumble and redneck as he sounds, he's also sooo sweet and thoughtful. He has the softest and most genuine heart of anyone I've known. Aww...

My Cav Wife roses 'cuz he promised to come back home..

I'd like to meet:

______VINCE YOUNG_______Any old friends we've lost contact with, Jesus, Paula Dean, David Alan Coe, Hank Jr., Keifer Sutherland and George W. and Laura Bush


We like a lot of music. I like HIM, Dashboard Confessional, Fall Out Boy, Waylon, Hank Jr, DAC, TI(Jarrod LOVES TI, hahaha), 30 seconds to mars, 311, Incubus... and a million other bands


Too many, ask us what we don't like. But safe bets for him are anything with Mark Wahlberg, Jet Li and Denzel Washington. I like Robert Duvall, Renee Zelweger, Natalie Wood, Paul Newman, Kate Hudson and Goldie Hawn movies.


Don't get too much time to watch shows on a regular basis, but I like Wife Swap/Trading spouses... are people really that crazy? Jarrod is into 24, The Unit and all the CSI's. And he likes watching all my shows with me too. In the fall it's football... more college than pro. GO LONGHORNS! (Ok guys, give colt McCoy another year to grow into it) go titans, vince young is the greatest
Cursor by:
"Oorah!" Graphics!


Hmmm... so many. But I love to read a lot of history, Brit Lit, Ernest Hemingway, the Bible, Phillipa Gregory and anything by Jerry Bridges or John Piper. Bubba reads military history, my gossip mags and the auto trader... "Keep the skoal baby...right on!"


1 2. 3. my beautiful beautiful wife, she has been through so much and she continues to shine and show me all the love in the world
5. Jesus Christ- Loved us before we loved Him and carries us through everything, good and bad...

My Blog

Dont wake me up til January...

How does a year go by so fast and so slow at the same time? I can't believe Mackenzie is almost a year old. I feel like I just brought her home a few months ago. But then I think about how long Jarrod...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 11:26:00 PST

I Need You

I Need You (Tim McGraw and Faith Hill)I wanna drink that shot of whiskeyI wanna smoke that cigaretteI wanna smell that sweet addiction on my breathI wanna ride across West Virginia in the back seat of...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 10:58:00 PST

my amazing, gorgeous, wonderful wife....

    not many things in life are always a blessing, hannah is a blessing, nd the best thing i could ever ask for. she is the most loving, caring, happy, strongest, supportive person i ha...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 09:51:00 PST

~The Army Wife Creed~

  I am the wife of an American Soldier.I am a supporter of the United States Army -an encouragement for the protectors of the greatest nation on earth.Because I am proud of my husband and the uni...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 08:18:00 PST

I love you Bubba! You're my hero...

December 10th, Jarrod had the privelages of hearing Donald Rumsfeld speak and of meeting the Secretary of Defense in person. For those of you who think we shouldn't be in Iraq and keep giving the same...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 12:17:00 PST

Forever Love

FOREVER LOVE Reba McEntire The first time I laid my eyes on you I knew. We'd spend this life side by side.I still feel the same though you're so far away. I swear that you'll always be mine...Forever...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 02:55:00 PST


I am a small and precious child, my dad's been sent to fight& The only place I'll see his face, is in my dreams at night. He will be gone too many days for my young mind to keep track. I may be sad, b...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:14:00 PST

Another looong deployment 13 months

Well, I'm back in Cali without my hubby. We packed up the house all last weekend cuz Jarrod leaves tomorrow for Baghdad, and I'll be without my best friend again. Laying on the floor in our empty apar...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 10:36:00 PST

Another 45 day separation...

Well, Jarrod's gone again for another 45 days of training in the desert, and I can't say enough how hard that is. On one hand, I'm used to it, and it's been our life up til now. But on the other hand,...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 12:59:00 PST

my wife and daughter are my everything

     i am never on here, but since i am, i just wanted to say how much i love my family. hannah and mia are the greatest things in my life, in fact, the greatest things that have e...
Posted by Jarrod and Hannah on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 06:01:00 PST