This guy failed to break the world record for fastest piece of furniture. Doesn't the whole thing just scream "Douglas Adams?"This is always enjoyable.
This guy failed to break the world record for fastest piece of furniture. Doesn't the whole thing just scream "Douglas Adams?"This is always enjoyable.
My life is spent mainly at Bath and Body Works and school which means that, depending on how long you've known me, my stories are either interesting or redundant.
Douglas Adams and Jane Austen. I can't get enough of either of them.
I have playlists on my ipod dedicated to the 60's, 70's, musicals, Japanese music, Motown, music from BB Dubs, gay bars, and hipster clubs, so your guess is as good as mine.
Right now I actually am fucking Matt Damon, by which I mean that I'm enjoying the Bourne movies. I've also been revisiting my love for historical drama. I realize that these two things do not go together at all.
I have recently discovered that Japanese live action sitcoms based on what was originally an anime that was originally a manga are just about the most bizarre creations on the planet. They're like train wrecks with soft lighting. I am highly amused.
Current literary adventure: Currently reading the entire Hitchhiker's Guide series. Also, interestingly enough, my British literature class seems to be featuring Pride and Prejudice. Which, you might remember, I just read.
Recent literary adventures: Life, the Universe and Everything; The Restaurant at the End of the Universe; The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Persuasion; Northanger Abbey; Emma; Mansfield Park; Pride and Prejudice; Sense and Sensibility;Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows; The Conquerors; Anne of Green Gables; All Quiet on the Western Front; Empire of the Sun; The Complete Stories and Poems of Edgar Allan Poe (Tales of Mystery and Horror); A Treasury of Royal Scandals; Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince; Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix; Persuasion; Sense and Sensibility; The Making of the West, Volume 2; From Alfred to Henry III, 871-1272; Moscow 1812; The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul; American Psycho; Take the Cannoli; The Count of Monte Cristo; The Lord of the Rings; Of Mice and Men; Claudius the God; I, Claudius; Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency; Wilderness Empire; Mythology
Mr. Allan W. Eckert. His books fucking rock.