Happy Rhodes profile picture

Happy Rhodes

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator


Music's the way, the only way I know
It's time to let the brooding heart
Choose the way to go

Hello, welcome to Happy's MySpace page. Just so you know, this is a FAN-RUN PAGE , but with her blessings andhelpful suggestions. ALL COMMENTS ARE READ BY HAPPY, AND MESSAGES DIRECTED TO HER WILL BE SENT TO HER - Vickie

Happy Rhodes (her real name) has released 11 albums in her 20+ year career (her 11th, Find Me , was recently released). Happy lives on a beautiful farm in upstate New Yorkwith her husband, musician Bob Muller. They're building a home studio to make more music. She has a day job building pro audio equipment forDangerous Music, and lives her life. She appreciates people who listen to her music, and thanks all her fans for supporting her over theyears.

Yet even MORE song samples, by album and in chronological order, can be found at wretchawry.com

Watch this live clip

Ok, not actual videos, since Happy's never made a video to any of her songs, but there are a few dozen live clips (audience recordings), oneinterview and two in-studio performances (one of those is below) on YouTube and Google video (the ones at Google Video are subtitled with thelyrics and chatter).
Here is a List of Happy videos on YouTube (incomplete).
Here is a List of subtitled Happy videos on Google Video.

This was being recorded at the same time it was filmed. This is the acoustic version of "Temporary and Eternal" that ended upon her album The Keep. Happy's never made any videos of her songs so this is as close as we'll ever get. It was never released to the public sofew fans have ever seen it until now. That's Carl Adami on bass and Kevin Bartlett on electric guitar. This was recorded in 1995.
YouTube is responsible for it cutting off before the very end. If the video isn't showing up (it comes and goes), the direct URL is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XVVkbUwprc .

Google video of Happy's cover of Queen's "Lily of the Valley" and her own "Possessed." Turn the captions off by clicking on the "CC" at the bottom of the player. This is at the Tin Angel in Philadelphia in 1996. Kevin Bartlett is on electric guitar and Carl Adami is on bass.
Direct Google Video URL: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1881983147377405687 &hl=en

Feeding the fire

Don't try to tell me there's no
Reason for any moment in time
Every memory of mine
Those years are lines of
Color on my face
My past is warpaint
The past is warpaint

Biography from auntiesocialmusic.com (used with permission)
HAPPY RHODES is an enigma. This is according to the Music Industry, which has never been able to pigeon-hole her into any category. Her music is otherworldly yet substantial and her 4-octave voice has a haunting familiarity to it.
Most listeners find her work difficult to describe and yet she incites an almost unheard of devotion among her fans. She goes from Kate Bush highs to David Bowie lows and you find yourself being beckoned to follow her into her multilayered worlds.
She was born on August 9th, 1965 and named Kimberley Tyler Rhodes. Three days after her birth, while still in the hospital, her brother Mark called her "Happy-baby" because she was so smiley and he couldn't pronounce Kimberley.It seemed so fitting that it stuck. The family never knew her as Kimberley and so when she was 16, she made Happy her legal name.
Happy's youth wasn't easy. She lived in poor neighborhoods, in a poor family and experienced a never-ending onslaught of peer rejection and abandonment. Despite the truly bad odds, she was driven. Music was an early inclination, as were dance and art. Her father, Vernon H. Rhodes Jr., exposed Happy to his very eclectic musical tastes early on. She would sit on the floor in front of his console stereo and listen to Switched-On-Bach until she could sing along with every note. "I remember some Saturday mornings I'd wake up to Bagpipe music BLARING through the house and that meant that he'd be listening to his whole collection all day...... I loved walking around the house, singing along with every record or reel-to-reel tape." When Happy was 11, she got her first guitar. She had no desire to learn the instrument the way everyone else was doing it. She simply wanted to begin writing immediately. Creating was always the main objective for her, not excelling at any one particular instrument. It became instantly clear that Happy's path would not be one of virtuosity. But by the time she was 14, she was already performing her original songs in school shows.
As time went on though, she became increasingly removed from the outer world. High School became a place of alienation for her because she was already driven for a musical future and depression was slowly becoming part of her everyday existence. She knew she needed to do something or she would explode. At age 16, Happy left school and got her G.E.D.
For the next two years, she wrote and made some Open Mic Night appearances at a legendary cafe called Cafe Lena in Saratoga, NY. During this time, she met up with Pat Tessitore, a co-owner of Cathedral Sound Studios in Rensselaer, NY. She approached him with the idea of becoming an intern of sorts, just so she could learn the basics of audio recording. "I knew I wanted to be a professional musician, but didn't really know where to start. So I decided I'd learn how to MAKE records first, get my foot in the door and then figure the rest out later."
Happy never really got the full recording education she was looking for because as soon as Tessitore heard her sing, he insisted on recording everything she'd written up to that point. "She played and it absolutely blew me away. And I had heard a lot of voices in my day", recalls Tessitore. "She brought tears to my eyes."
Soon, Happy met up with another musician and mutual friend of Tessitore's, Kevin Bartlett. Bartlett had been writing his own instrumental music for years and had a small, cassette-only label, called Aural Gratification. He heard Happy's work and asked if she'd like to release her music to the public on his label. She accepted. One of these cassettes made its way to a woman named Vickie Mapes, who at that time, was doing an all-female-artist radio show in Kansas City. She began to play Happy's tapes and circulating samplers to unsuspecting music-lovers. From her efforts, a small fan-base was forming. They organized themselves into what is now known as ECTO, a Happy Rhodes Mailing List. This is a forum through which, music lovers can discuss Happy's work, as well as other "Ectophilic" artists.
Happy released approximately 9 CD's on the Aural Gratification label. In 1997 however, Happy decided that it was time to seek out a different kind of record label. A good friend recommended her to a newly forming label called, Samson Music. Founded by Norm Waitt Jr.(co-founder of the Gateway Computer company), this was a label that Happy felt would take her music to the next level. She signed with them and released "Many Worlds Are Born Tonight" in August of 1998. "I went through a lot of darkness to make that album. It was also the most fun I've ever had making a record." Happy and Samson Music parted ways in early 2000.
Happy lives on a farm in upstate New York with her husband, musician Bob Muller. She currently spends her days building pro-audio equipmentfor Dangerous Music, a job she likes and finds very satisfying.
She self-released her 11th album, Find Me, in September 2007.
== End auntiesocialmusic.com biography ==

I am transparent
An open book
There's no choice in the matter
But the breath from my mind
Is living air
And the notes from my heart
Are what I share
Words weren't made for cowards
There's not much to hide behind
We can see for a mile
Without our eyes
I can see through a smile
To any lie

If people speak in my stead
Do not trust everything that is said
When my thoughts come from me
You will know that it can be believed
I say

If you feel suddenly cool while lying in bed
Open your eyes, I'll be over your head
Now don't be afraid, don't reach out
Just be glad that I exist
I'll be here, I'll be ecto
I'll be here, but I'll be ecto

Happy was the inspiration for the creation of the ecto mailing list and the Ectophiles Guide To Good Music . Ecto the mailing list has been going strong since June 1991 (born from a KateBush mailing list) and, while still a marginal home for Happy's fans, it mainly encourages discussion of other arists, especially female artists (maleartists are NOT excluded).
Back when ecto first started we designated the term "Ecto music" as a genre to encompass people like Kate Bush, Happy Rhodes, Jane Siberry, Peter Gabriel and others who didn't quite fit into the Rock/Pop/Alternative/whatever categories. Hence the "Other" genre, which isEcto.
Go here to read an article about Happy and the Internet that appeared in1993.

REGARDING COMMENTS: All Comments are read, appreciated and saved but I do not accept html on Happy'spage. Also, generally, Comments that don't contain a mention about Happy or her musicare not posted (except for the Welcome Back Comments, or unless they're from Dot Allison...who in their right mind could delete a Comment fromDot Allison, Happy-centric or not??). I don't mean to be rude, but I really want to keepthe page Happy-centric. Blame the fan, not the artist.

My ears are lucky to hear
These glorious songs
Of inspiration
And voices crafted from
The power of life

Happy's Friends list, consisting of those who have Happy on their front page, is over to the left. Not all of them will fit into this area, so I decidednot to pick and choose. They're ALL wonderful!

My Interests


Member Since: 5/11/2006
Band Website: auntiesocialmusic.com
Band Members: Happy Rhodes: vocals, keyboards, guitar.

On an "as needed" basis: Bob Muller: drums, Bon Lozaga: guitar, Hansford Rowe: bass

Happy Rhodes? For real?: Yes, it's her real name!

Note: There is a male Canadian Country-Western singer nicknamed "Happy Rhodes" (real name: Jack Chapelle). He owns www.happyrhodes.com, but doesn't use it.

Who's that guy?: One of the most common questions (after "Is that her real name?)" is "Who's that guy singing with Happy?" That's Happy singing with Happy! That astonishing range is all her and it's not done with studio trickery. Anyone who's not convinced should watch the live videos on this page and on YouTube.

Worked with:Happy has also worked with: Kevin Bartlett, Carl Adami, David Torn, Jerry Marotta, Mitch Elrod, Kelly Bird, Rob Taylor, Martha Waterman, Dave "Blaze" Sepowski, Chuck D'Aloia, Monica Wilson, Dean Sharp, Peter Sheehan, Ray Jung, Andy Wyman, Mark Foster, Bob Van Detta, Paul Huesman, Jamie Edwards, Elizabeth Jones, Matthew Guarnere (M.D.G.), Teddy Kumpel, Rob Schwimmer, Jon Catler, Trey Gunn, Fab, and Michael Seifert. (If you've worked professionally with Happy and your name is not listed, please write me and let me know).

Collaborations: Happy has collaborated with (provided vocals for) Bon Lozaga and Project Lo, Will Ackerman, Bob Holroyd, Samite and Jeff Oster . Visit Jeff's MySpace page to hear more Happy vocals.

Covers: Happy has covered Peter Gabriel ("Mercy Street"), David Bowie ("Ashes To Ashes") and Yes ("The Yes Medley") on album releases and various other songs live, and Kate Bush, Duran Duran, Queen, Crowded House, Genesis, the Bee Gees and Annie Lennox in live performances only.

Aside from fan endeavors, Happy has only been covered live twice that I know about. Charlotte Martin performed "100 Years" at shows in Chicago and Philadelphia in 2005. Thank you Charlotte! A live cover of a Happy song ("I'm Going Back") was recorded in 1992 by Matthew D. Guarnere and his duo project What's Real.

Happy Rhodes
Pages:For those fans looking to put music on their page, here are other Happy Rhodes pages with some more songs, listed under each photo (the songs are subject to change).
All of the pages were put up by me

Find Me
One And Many
She Won't Go
Here And Hereafter

Collective Heart
All Things (Mia Ia Io)
Glory (radio mix)
I Say
100 Years
Feed The Fire NEW!:

Serenading Genius NEW!:
Ra Is A Busy God
The Wretches Gone Awry
Suicide Song
Temporary and Eternal (live acoustic) NEW!:

Mother Sea
Til the Dawn Breaks
The Yes Medley
In Hiding

Happy Interviews: A recent (pre-album release) interview at Michael Foster's Cutting Edge Voices web site:

Cutting Edge Voices

Various web sites: Happy Rhodes Song Samples
(Vickie's Place)

Happy Rhodes Rarities
(non-album goodies)

Ecto Home Page
(THE place for HTR lyrics)

(Happy live)

Happy at Wikipedia

Happy at mp3unsigned

Happy at IAC

Ectophiles' Guide To Good Music

Album Discography:

Many downloadable songs from most of these albums can be found at wretchawry.com

Find Me

Many Worlds
Are Born Tonight

The Keep
(compilation of acoustic tracks and rarities)

Building the Colossus


(compilation including live versions and rarities)




Rhodes II

Rhodes I

Why monsters?: She loves monsters. They were her friends while growing up (see lyrics to He's Alive ) and she loves painting them. When she needed covers for her early cassette-only albums she took paintings she'd already done as a teenager and used them. She refused to change the artwork when they were released on CD in 1992 (though they were changed slightly), and good for her. The Rhodes I monster was originally painted on the saddlebag of a motorcycle that's probably long since been trashed or painted over. I (Vickie) now own the original painting that was used for Rhodes II. It scares the cat. Ha.

Podsafe Music:

Many of Happy's songs are Podsafe. Visit the Podsafe Music Network for a list.

If you know of a Happy song not on the PMN list (that isn't a cover) that you would like to play on your Podcast, it will almost certainly be ok. Just send me a message to ask about specific tracks.

Finding Happy's Music:
Unfortunately Happy has no label or distributor, so you're probably not going to be able to walk into a store and find Happy's music, not unless it's a used record store and someone decided they didn't like her (in which case, please buy it and give it a good home), or it's a mom&pop store and they really really love Happy.

The CDs of Find Me, Many Worlds Are Born Tonight, Building The Colossus and The Keep are available via CD Baby .

Find Me, Many Worlds Are Born Tonight, The Keep, RhodeSongs and Rhodes II are available as digital downloads from CD Baby. (Building The Colossus coming soon, I think)

Find Me, Many Worlds Are Born Tonight, The Keep, Building The Colossus, RhodeSongs and Rhodes II are now available via iTunes . (For some reason RhodeSongs wasn't showing up on my last search of Happy Rhodes, but when I typed in RhodeSongs it did show up.

Warpaint an..o are coming to CD Baby (and then iTunes) at some point too.

You'll often find the others used on amazon.com at sometimes outrageous prices, and though you regularly see Happy on ebay, the money is not going into her pocket.

HOWEVER, you can go to Happy's web site and order them directly from her. Since it is directly from her, she gets all the money, you get to feel good about yourself. Some of the CDs that were close to being, or were, out of print are being re-pressed.

Influences: Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, Yes, Queen, David Bowie, Wendy Carlos, Genesis

Sounds Like: Fans say her high voice is very similar to early Kate Bush, and her low voice calls to mind Annie Lennox or Julia Fordham.

In any event, Happy's a living, breathing Jigsaw Puzzle.

(broadband is recommended)

KATE BUSH on MySpace:

THANK YOU!:These are people who have one or both of Happy's profiles on their front pages (ok, the animals had help from their humans). Mouseover for who they are.

If you have Happy on your front page and would like to be shown here, please write me. Thank you, it's an honor, and greatly appreciated!

A big thank you too to those who have Happy's music playing on your page!

Moment:If you like female vocals, please visit my (Vickie's) podcast page

Suspended In Gaffa

Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

"Waking Up to Obama" video (Happys music)

This was my first attempt at a YouTube video from scratch.  It has closed captions/subtitles with the lyrics but you have to turn them on (only available on the actual YouTube page, I think). It'...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 08:52:00 PST

This is why I do what I do

I just love reactions like this. It's what I live for. It's why I do what I do, all the fan pages, trying to expose people to Happy's music in any way I can. Thank you Hande Burdg (from The Prog Files...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Tue, 20 May 2008 05:27:00 PST

Strange but interesting! (Happy featured artist at IAC!)

Update Saturday, May 17: Thanks everybody! For those who missed it, here's a screen shot. Note the nice blurb, and "Charlie" on the KIAC Hitline. A bigger version can be found here (original post belo...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:44:00 PST

Delicious Agony interview now up at my Rarities site

Update: Now that the re-broadcast has aired, I put this radio special is up on my Rarities site There are various versions to choose from. The entire interview in 4 parts, the enti...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Thu, 25 Oct 2007 08:30:00 PST

Interesting stats about the fan pre-release sale of Find Me

I deleted the blog about the pre-release sale, now that the album's on CD Baby (though, wow, they keep selling out), but for anyone new to Happy's page, here's the scoop: Happy unveiled her 11th ...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 05:19:00 PST

Find Me CDs/MP3s now at CD Baby, and on iTunes

Update November 4, 2007: Find Me is now on iTunes. Update October 27, 2007: Find Me **MP3s** now for sale at CD Baby Happy's back from vacation and  will send CD Baby more CDs on Monday, so ...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 01:24:00 PST


(Ok, so it's not exactly "new" considering it was recorded in 2001, but...) Find Me, Happy's 11th album and her first since 1998's Many Worlds Are Born Tonight, is all finished and back from the press...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 10:39:00 PST

*UPDATE!* Happys Boston show is SOLD OUT!

Here is a wonderful article about Ectofest07: http://www.theprogfiles.com/happyrhodes.php   =================================================   Vickie here (for new people who might be confu...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 12:25:00 PST

How the Internet helped save Russia from a coup (yes, Happy-related)

Text from YouTube (written by my husband): This is a clip from a 1995 program called "The Internet Show". Most of it is pretty painful to watch now, but this bit is fascinating. In 1991, a bunch of ol...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 12:38:00 PST

If you have Happy on your front page...

Vickie (of course) here. I updated the Thank You list, and added all the people I've been very lax about adding (blame a combination of laziness and convenient holiday excuses) so I apologise to those...
Posted by Happy Rhodes on Sat, 20 Jan 2007 04:58:00 PST