Danceradio.gr gives individuals and organizations a "voice" to be able to reach a global audience, while offering radio listeners an unparalleled choice in music and other audio content. Through easy-to-use tools and services, anyone with a computer and an Internet connection can listen their favourite DJ's. As a result, danceradio.gr offers the most diverse array of high-quality radio available today, with many listeners joining in from 60+ countries.
Launched February 2006, danceradio.gr won the preferences of on-line radio users with its remarkable and unique playing list and its service pluralism. With interesting and updated news of the best DJ's of the World dancing radio delivers high quality music as it is being supported by highly sophisticated streaming equipment and expert personnel.
It is completely legal to create, broadcast and listen to danceradio station. All broadcasting activities adhere to rules set forth in the AEPI from which danceradio.gr was granted the right to broadcast. It has licenses with the Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, Broadcast Music, Inc. These licenses allow broadcasters to stream licensed music on our stations.
Based in Athens, Greece, danceradio pays royalties to labels, artists, songwriters and publishers. The Program format of danceradio.gr is varied depending what time of day and what day of the week. The strategic plan is during the week the station will play dance music. During the day the Target Audience (TA) is people mainly aged between 15-40.
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