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The Dude

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My name is Ron Palmer. I go by "The Dude", Dude, or Hohenheim (don't ask). I try to be funny, even if I'm serious, someone is always cracking up. I want to know one thing, how come Superman can stop a bullet with his chest but always ducks when someone throws a gun at him? I work for the Tribes, the water treatment plant to be exact. I used to play in the band Damage Overdose (DOD), now I just play with myself. And yes that last part was a joke. I get no credit, except for time served. Likewise for my buddies. Merlin Tom is by best bud since forever. No really, forever. His is the muscle to my brain. The bullets to my gun. The dollar to my stripper. Etc. If he has a body to bury, you know I helped bury it. Or at the very least, brought the duct tape, garbage bags, and shovels. If you don't find something about me on this profile, ask. I ain't shy, and I'll usually answer you back. Unless you're a total F'ing muppet. Then we'll probably be friends.74%

Give it a try.

My Interests

Generally speaking computers, cell phones, music, movies, friends, family, cooking, chicks. Other things. I am a total DVD collector. My personal collection is at last count over a thousand movies. It's totally sick, I know. I also have a few cell phones to my name. The are unlocked so I can use them all with my one service provider. My latest I just got in November is the RAZR2 V8. I know it's not the latest (V9), but I like it.

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who I find interesting. And anyone who finds me interesting.


Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Classical, Pop, J-Pop, Some Country (Mainly Older), Foreign (I love Taiko Drums). Of course I love indie, of any genre. Examples would be: Of course, my boys, DAMAGE OVERDOSE (who by the way have their own Myspace, I'm just too lazy to link them); Pato; Disturbed; Slayer; Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata; Nani Kitade; Cool Joke; Sowelu; Hank Williams Sr., Jr., and III; George Jones; etc. A really new fav is Eyes Set To Kill, they have a myspace too. Check them out.


Horror. I am a big Horror fan. Big time. I don't know everything about Horror, but I'll spend the rest of my life learning. Foreign and Indie Films. I have quite a collection of foreign films (Yes, mostly horror). My collection of indies are growing too. A little of others depending on my mood. Examples would be: Phone, One Missed Call 1 and 2, A Tale of Two Sisters, Thriller: A Cruel Picture, Green Street Hooligans, Layer Cake, Boondock Saints, Video X, The Last Horror Movie, Haute Tension, etc. My all time favorite is Battle Royale!!! (And no, it's not a wrestling movie.) And comedies. OK, I'll admit it, I like the Notebook.


24; Battlestar Galactica; Man Vs. Wild; Survivorman; Stunt Junkies; Mind Of Mencia; CSI; CSI:Miami; A Lot of History and A&E Channel stuff; Mythbusters; Southpark; Spongebob, of course; Family Guy; Futurama; Now on the IMF Channel - The Worlds Best Music & Journey To The Center Of The Rock. Mostly though I'm a DVD guy. And I have a lot of television shows on DVD.


One of my early favs;And who can forget this one;I know I couldn't.Now I like Battle Royale.


Only one, FULL THROTTLE. A.K.A. Mick Dexter, The Samoan, M&M, Mr. X, Big Daddy Merl Dean, Mr. Muscle, Capt. Spaulding, The Erector Set, Playdoe Man, North-End Invader, BoP (Bringer of Pain), This Island Merl, Rub Burn, Rug Stain, Forearms, Blue-collar Exec., Millwright, Mr. Suckface Jr., Boophbar, Midnight Scholar, Ear Ringer, Scar Tissue Breaker, Mr. Thumbs, Doc Bomber, King Krappa Killa, etc. It's sad, he's still my hero. And always will be.

My Blog

Unitas trithemii

Today Merlin got married. By the three (he, me, she), eliminated the second (me), now unified to one (he,she).Thus have I labored through these nights, shouting til my throat was hoarse."Who is he tha...
Posted by The Dude on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 09:58:00 PST

Fel draconis

Sometimes you look out to the world and see the storm coming. You look at the treasures gathered and the merits earned, waiting for the ultimate symbol of triumph. All only to show others. But sometim...
Posted by The Dude on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 10:15:00 PST

How the hat gained life.

A traveller lost his hat. It was blown off his head by the strong wind which often prevails here. It flew away and it came to a halt in a valley below the road. Looked at from a distance, it seemed...
Posted by The Dude on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 09:10:00 PST

Concert. Tired.

Well went to a concert with Merlin last night. It's been the first one in a long time. Well maybe not that long, but it's been really long since I went to one with Damage Overdose playing.It's always...
Posted by The Dude on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:55:00 PST

Valentine: Take One

So Valentine's Day is rolling around again.  When I was a kid Valentine's Day was about the act of you know, giving Valentines. As I've gotten older it just seems to be about stuff. Candy, flowers, je...
Posted by The Dude on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:09:00 PST

Another Christmas on the books.

Let's begin with a quote:"It is within my power either to serve God, or not to serve Him.Serving Him, I add to my own good and the good of the whole world.Not serving Him, I forfeit my own good and de...
Posted by The Dude on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 09:36:00 PST

Two Amazing Stories

STORY NUMBER ONEMany years ago, Al Capone virtually owned Chicago. Capone wasn't famous for anything heroic. His exploits were anything but praiseworthy. He was, however, notorious for enmeshing th...
Posted by The Dude on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 11:49:00 PST

Merl Dog!

Finally, that guy got himself a Myspace account.  It's ok. Could use some more work, but you get the jist.He has been with the same woman for some time now.  He may go the distance this time.  They ac...
Posted by The Dude on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 04:15:00 PST

Some fake Haiku. Crazy.

pale effervescenthorsefly reconsiders, sunsnapping serpent lurksdrab eccentric caskslumbers quickly tiredly, wetblameless villainoushomicidal foolresonates, mellowing sleekdark lanky fires oozedeceitf...
Posted by The Dude on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:50:00 PST

Some fake poetry. Passing time.

All violet before the vaporsQuite cold within the landYou grasp musty hooks behind the lightAwake! The sin keeps goingStrangely glowing beside the vaporsYou grind dream-like snakes about the mudAlass,...
Posted by The Dude on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:32:00 PST