Generally speaking computers, cell phones, music, movies, friends, family, cooking, chicks. Other things. I am a total DVD collector. My personal collection is at last count over a thousand movies. It's totally sick, I know. I also have a few cell phones to my name. The are unlocked so I can use them all with my one service provider. My latest I just got in November is the RAZR2 V8. I know it's not the latest (V9), but I like it.
Anyone who I find interesting. And anyone who finds me interesting.
Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Classical, Pop, J-Pop, Some Country (Mainly Older), Foreign (I love Taiko Drums). Of course I love indie, of any genre. Examples would be: Of course, my boys, DAMAGE OVERDOSE (who by the way have their own Myspace, I'm just too lazy to link them); Pato; Disturbed; Slayer; Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata; Nani Kitade; Cool Joke; Sowelu; Hank Williams Sr., Jr., and III; George Jones; etc. A really new fav is Eyes Set To Kill, they have a myspace too. Check them out.
Horror. I am a big Horror fan. Big time. I don't know everything about Horror, but I'll spend the rest of my life learning. Foreign and Indie Films. I have quite a collection of foreign films (Yes, mostly horror). My collection of indies are growing too. A little of others depending on my mood. Examples would be: Phone, One Missed Call 1 and 2, A Tale of Two Sisters, Thriller: A Cruel Picture, Green Street Hooligans, Layer Cake, Boondock Saints, Video X, The Last Horror Movie, Haute Tension, etc. My all time favorite is Battle Royale!!! (And no, it's not a wrestling movie.) And comedies. OK, I'll admit it, I like the Notebook.
24; Battlestar Galactica; Man Vs. Wild; Survivorman; Stunt Junkies; Mind Of Mencia; CSI; CSI:Miami; A Lot of History and A&E Channel stuff; Mythbusters; Southpark; Spongebob, of course; Family Guy; Futurama; Now on the IMF Channel - The Worlds Best Music & Journey To The Center Of The Rock. Mostly though I'm a DVD guy. And I have a lot of television shows on DVD.
One of my early favs;And who can forget this one;I know I couldn't.Now I like Battle Royale.
Only one, FULL THROTTLE. A.K.A. Mick Dexter, The Samoan, M&M, Mr. X, Big Daddy Merl Dean, Mr. Muscle, Capt. Spaulding, The Erector Set, Playdoe Man, North-End Invader, BoP (Bringer of Pain), This Island Merl, Rub Burn, Rug Stain, Forearms, Blue-collar Exec., Millwright, Mr. Suckface Jr., Boophbar, Midnight Scholar, Ear Ringer, Scar Tissue Breaker, Mr. Thumbs, Doc Bomber, King Krappa Killa, etc. It's sad, he's still my hero. And always will be.