mp3s above are:
• 'ruler of my heart' - wurlitzer on Marianne Faithfull 's rendition of the Irma Thomas classic
• 'pt barnum' - my super-clever edit of 2 versions of the Celia Chavez / Hilary Gardner song. toy xylophone meets piano trio!
• '9:45' - B3 and wurlitzer with Mieka Pauley . this song will be on her upcoming album "Elijah Drop Your Gun"
• 'pretty ears' - i wrote this with the talented London singer/songwriter Joe Cang . that's him singing and Thad DeBrock playing electric guitars. i played acoustic and made other noises
• 'i'll wait for you' - lots of programming on this one, co-written with Nancy Magarill (vocals), Dave Eggar (cello), and Lucia Micarelli (violin). it's on Nancy's new album entitled "Down Below The Rodeo"
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