Assalamu alaikum profile picture

Assalamu alaikum

During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell

About Me

Jesus Wept

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My Interests

Music is a passion & i'm working on becoming better at guitar. Writing is a hobby. i love animals and my friends... graffiti, and other sorts of art. polotics and pilosophy are my greatest intrest ...comedy....causing trouble....and breaking as many taboo as i can.Shows I've been to- Rob Zombie Anti-Flag 2x Casualties The Unseen A.K.A.'s Gwar Misfits 2x U.K. Subs The Adicts Social Distortion Juicehead Balzac Blitzkid Dead End Drive Dicky and the Jerkoffs Henry Rollins Spoken Word Paint It Black Fruit Punch

I'd like to meet:



Morning Glory, The Freeze, The Ashers, american lesion, against me!, anti-flag,bad brains, bad religion, Team Spider, subhumans,Submarine Screendoor, SSCP, the ghouls, the fuct, INDK, F-minus, Necro, No Ca$h, Dicky and the Jerkoffs, black flag, leftover crack, choking victim, Balzac, misfits, blitzkid, Rambo, municiple waste, circle jerks,dead kennedys, jello biafra and the melvins, cake, samhain, danzig, gorgueous frankenstein, a global threat, violent femmes, whatever it takes, unseen, uk subs, social distortion, Dr. Chuds X-ward, Deranged Mad Zombies, Zodiac, cramps, casualties, Dead Milkmen, Swallowing Shit, Descendents, Smiths, Distillers, paint it black, NWA, Minor Threat, Inquisition, the clash, the code, propagandhi, i spy, juicehead, mission of burhma, iggy and the stooges and a bunch more


Any thing by Dario Argento & Alfred Hitchcock, Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou,Hedwig And The Angry Inch, Un Chien Andalou, Soylant Green, Wild Zero, The Hills Have Eyes (the original of course), Bowling For Columbine ,Cecil B. Demented, S.L.C. Punk, Velvet Goldmine,Zombie, Toolbox Murders,Dead Leaves, Pulp Fiction, Intruder, Donnie Darko, Ichi The Killer, Fight Club, Battle Royale, Party Monster, and so on...


what's on t.v. pretty much sucks...i do like FLCL, Boondocks, The Daily Show, behind the serial killer shows, surgoury shows,scrubs, and a few others...and FUCK 700 club to hell


1984, Animal Farm, Napalm & Silly Putty,The Alphabet of Manlyness, When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops, Real Ultimate Power, Huanted, Frankenstein.



My Blog

fox news hates black people

i'm pretty sure now that O'reily is the new McCarthy. At first i thought it wasn't to bad becuase the American people are to smart for that kind of social blacklisting. hmmm....i guess not.
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 06:22:00 PST

God damn De-evolving bastards

  If your to stupid to order a grande, you’ll like.... Dunken Donuts....America runs on ignorance
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Wed, 02 Apr 2008 10:43:00 PST

have some fun

next time your walking down the street, try doing this. walk by someone and whisper in there ear. but not just any bullshit. something that will bother them. heres a list of things to say... 1. w...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 03:39:00 PST

Death Of Concern

I've become displeased with halmost all of humanity. The lack of caring and the lack of action is almost as depressing as the war itself. At once ones opinions would oscilate from one to another, but ...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Sun, 20 May 2007 11:34:00 PST

why more peotry? becuase i'm bored, sick, and angry

  No more jokes and beautiful poetry Only chants of hate and bigotry No more sitting under a cooling shade Unless tied with chains, bound to a tree   No more jobs with luxury Knowing the ...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 12:04:00 PST

no, this time i am serious

Phlegmatic songs played over the Smokey sky Are these the days you pray to die Days caught on lifeless yawns Lying on the planets lawn Pages of a Dystopia are written and thrown away People's screams...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Tue, 06 Mar 2007 04:24:00 PST

Me & Eric ( fuck grammer )

SexxualPredatorx: so chris cried when telling me i was leaving???SexxualPredatorx: hahahaSexxualPredatorx: i luaghed at herSt Syphiliticus: HAHSt Syphiliticus: she fakes her emotions, I thinkSt Syphil...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:50:00 PST

are lives as banks

Lately I've been recieving panflets in the mail from the navy, the army, and all that shit. Even at 16 i've been asked when i'm recruiting. They put their money into us, as if were a bank. money into...
Posted by Assalamu alaikum on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 06:13:00 PST