Writing, filmmaking, drinking. I guess drinking should have come first. Creating something that will change the world again, only this time for the better. Who says I don't learn from my mistakes?
Everyone, in this order: Marcus Pinn's dad first. Women who don't relate to the characters on Sex in the City. People who want to work on something good together. Scientist/monsters on the lam from society.Everyone else please queue up in an orderly fashion.
Way too many to list but here's the short list of recent favorites: Network (holy shit! time machine?), the American Astronaut, Head (w/ the Monkees), Flash Gordon (1980), Requiem for a Dream, the Thin Man series (superb dialogue and comic timing), anything with Bogart (especially 40s noir), anything with Caroline Munro, anything with Vincent Price (especially the Corman/Poe collaborations and, yes, even the really shitty jokey stuff in the later years. I hate you, Monster Club!) a ton of recent comic book movies, old westerns, shitloads of bad movie enjoyment and I'll think of more later.
Yeah... not so much TV. Current, Adult Swim (but I don't have cable), the Office and 30 Rock are pretty good. Then there are the old stand-bys, the Simpsons, King of the Hill and whatever else I'm not around to watch anymore. Let's not forget the dearly departed: News Radio, Arrested Development and Mr. Show.
Any and all Raymond Carver. Skinny Legs and All- Tom Robbins, Ishmael- Daniel Quinn, The Coyote Kings and the Space Age Bachelor Pad- Minister Faust, anything by Hunter S. Thompson...and others. I don't know... anyone interested in filmmaking should pick up Make Your Own Damn Movie by LLyod Kaufman and Rebel Without a Crew by Robert Rodriguez. Good shit all around.
Bill Hicks. Bill Fucking Hicks.