Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
People interested in being my Friends, who want to work on a campaign to unite our country and bring trust to the White House and its administration.
And more people willing to donate fan art!
Anything I can dance to, but I especially like Jazz music.
Films with Steve McQueen or Marlon Brando get my adrenaline flowing. I also adore films directed by Kevin Smith, Woody Allen, Stanley Kubrick, M. Scorsese, Francis F. Coppola, Wachowski Bros., Hitchcock, M. Mann, Sophia Coppola, Michel Gondry, Julie Taymor, Spike Lee, Akira Kurosawa, and pretty much everyone except Orson Welles.
Small Wonder, Transformers, Robot Chicken, Taxi, Welcome Back Kotter, Seinfeld, Facts of Life, Knight Rider, and anything with Gary Coleman or Michael J. Fox.
Despite the fact that I have no thumbs, and as result, can't hold a book, I do like reading a wide range of genres.
I admire the working citizens of this country, that lay the foundation for the land we use, the resources we consume, and the care we need. Nurses, fire fighters, police officers, librarians, and teachers are just some of the people supporting our patriots and population. Furthermore, the artisans and artists that expand our culture through their expressive means play an integral part in our identity. We need more NEA grants, not less.