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issizle my shizzle

If I wanted to send you flowers-- wait, let me rephrase that-- if I let you suck on my tongue, would

About Me

my ultimate fantasy involves petting a sloth while eating a papaya and listening to classic rock on the beach. what's yours?

My Interests


This portfolio is based on friends and family.

These are random assortments of collages and images I've worked created over the years.

This body of work deals with inner conflicts and negative patterns.

This series is about my grandparents, and their experience in WWII

This body of work deals with my inner demons and the inherent fragmentary nature of memory.

I took these while at my father's pool. To me, they are calming, and infer a kind of mental equilibrium that I attempt to attain on a daily basis.

These are dark images from the inner part of my shadow self. I find them disturbing, and provocative.

I'd like to meet:

long ordained in the ancient heretical scrolls as the herald of pithy delights, i rise to walk among the slumbering beasts, nodding in noble repose, all requisitioned before the god of splendor. my vertical leap transcends the most irrevocable trivialities, and my huge and stunning eye shines forth with a feverish wit, never wilting in the presence of the profane and sacred dicophonies. wise men spoke of the day when the prophesy would be fulfilled, well, i am here to speak upon that very tenant, for i am but a messenger of languish, to punish the foul mouthed pious upon the twin talons of chastity and reprise. depart oh foolish vixens and ornery men, retire to your tiny dwellings and paltry treats, for the tasty words that spring forth like a river from my loins are but the gifts of yesterday, do not question their rigid premises. who among the most meek and somber dare to dwell upon that sacred tenant, that bastion of eternal servitude? doth he who dares not be named dwell in each and every insignificant and supplicant outstretched hand? with tiny wrist and bloated knee does he, the challenged, the usurper, sweep down from on high and renounce his kingdom? i ask for only one regret, that i may sleep the tortured relish of my confines until i am devoured in mourning. seriously, i had no idea what else to write. what, you could have written something better?


beware the simple fool who doth retire to slumber in the bed of beasts. he will betray his own kind at the end of all things, for few know but what they never say. behold! from it's poisoned loins shines a frothy light that doth bring the world to it's fleshy knees, trembling with the arcane pleasure and servitude of a fresh and tender babe. i have seen the darkness and emerged triumphant, as long ordained, for the prophecy has come, fulfilled in the simple act of plunder, and those that have but kept their council now give up their meager pleasure and take from the cup of that beast. i like all kinds of music. it's kinda fun to drive and listen to redneck country.


oh that most subtle of puerile recourse, that which yearns for ultimate and flagrantly hedonistic release. that fountain of filth which spews from the nose and loins of the returned and chastised, is incongruent with more flagrant violations of the sacred word. who doth but in his spite, yields before the beast of temptation, proving once again the sheer and numbing temporality of this banality? well, 'until the end of the world' is still my favorite movie. really, though, i'm a total sucker for any movie with time travel or treasure.


beware that which returns, does so to rise amongst you. it sows the seeds of destruction, yet it bares a heart of gold in it's flaccid chest, offering it's wasted carcass as a final recourse from the tortured and betrayed end of acrimony. i like hbo a lot. they have some of the best writers out there. and battlestar galactica! and 24, oh, and law and order! i don't know what it is, i hate cops and i love cop shows. can someone tell me why?


the scrolls, those ancient and heretical texts through which the prophecy dost flow, is never more enamored with it's own languish than through the withered eye of chastity. wow, i just reread that sentence five times and i seriously think it's the most mind-blowing thing i ever wrote. i'm still trying to figure out what it means! i was raised in a bookstore, so i love books. they're great with a little soy sauce and sauteed for about twenty minutes 'till tender


derrick jensen, amy goodman, immortal technique, schafer the darklord, chomsky, zinn, caeser chavez, robert kennedy, malcolm x, martin luther king jr, ghandi, dylan, springstein, michael moore, bell hooks, mumia, bill hicks, ayn rand, vonnegut, all the nameless people that stood up against the tide of bullshit armed only with an umbrella and their wits and courage, and gave the man the finger in the face of it all.. that shit turns me on..

My Blog

The most baddass dream ever!

It's 8:26am on Sunday morning. Approximately four minutes ago, I had time traveled back to 1965 and was hanging out with Bob Dylan and his friends in someone's apartment. One of my friends, I'm not su...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 08:46:00 PST

Stupid Fucking Death Machines

So I'm at work and the Blue Angels (henceforth to be referred to as Stupid Fucking Death Machines, or SFDM's) are flying today and everybody is so excited, and, gosh, isn't it wonderful? Heads up peop...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 11:29:00 PST


Three thirty slump. I head out of the office and down to Pikes Market to grab some Belgian chocolate. Three blocks down I hear a sound I have not heard in a long time. Spoonman. The first time I saw h...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 04:03:00 PST

Sometimes the world makes me sad

I get off the number ten bus at second and pine. Walk down to Pikes Market, get my little privileged decaf and maple bar, walk down another two blocks. At the door to my work, down the street, the day...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 08:52:00 PST


It's five in the jet-lagged morning. For the last five days I've been stricken by a little something I affectionately refer to as the New Delhi Surprise: a near lethal dose of food poisoning that feel...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Tue, 29 May 2007 01:49:00 PST


The other day we were introduced to a small sample of Ladakh humor. Tundup, our travel arranger queried the following, "A female pigeon is flying. She really has to lay some eggs but she can't stop to...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Mon, 14 May 2007 02:00:00 PST

The Perfect Shave

This morning around 11:00 am, Ladakh time, I became a convert. It's not hard to understand how or why, what with the ancient monuments, rich buddhist culture, desolate landscape, and piercing blue sky...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Fri, 11 May 2007 08:50:00 PST

Robocop in India

Finally, a reprieve! The 'other' was briefly dispelled as darkness from a flame by the most welcome discovery that lo and behold(!), DVD rentals were available on a limited and extremely pirated basis...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:38:00 PST

Ladakh: a journey into intestinal fortitude

Yaque has eloquently summed it all up, "Every time I come to India, I have one continuous fart. And it's fine when I go home but I don't know if my ass will ever be the same." Truly, much more can be ...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:42:00 PST

The two hundred dollar conversation

Our second to last night in Japan: our friend Shin took us to a hostess bar, which a place for lonely single men to talk to girls. Period. For two hundred dollars an hour. Just. Talk. If you're not pa...
Posted by issizle my shizzle on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:07:00 PST