PAWS Atlanta profile picture

PAWS Atlanta

About Me

PAWS Atlanta is a no-kill, non-profit organization establisted in 1966 to help benefit the humane treatment of animals.I am a STRONG supporter of PAWS Atlanta, a no-kill adoption center for animals. I am in no way directly related to PAWS, nor work affiliated with PAWS in any way. If you would like more information or would like to contact PAWS regarding adoption or any other needs, please do so by visiting are just a few of the animals up for adoption at PAWS: THE DOGS:Please visit the website for updated information on available adoptive animals.

My Interests

Everytime you search online, PAWS Atlanta earns more money to help animals!!

I'd like to meet:

Potential adoptive candidates.. THE CATS:

PAWS Atlanta-Special and Immediate needs for these pets!!! A special request from PAWS Atlanta – Help needed for injured and neglected animals!Few creatures are more vulnerable than homeless companion animals – these dogs and cats fall victim to starvation, illness, injury by other animal and sometimes even neglect and physical injury at the hands of people. Over the past two weeks five special animals in need of significant veterinary care have been brought to or abandoned at our shelter.Sammy Sue, a tiny FIV positive kitten whose eye had to be removed due to a traumatic eye injuryElvis, a small kitten with a broken pelvis who was left at the PAWS Atlanta gate.This is Beckham, a mixed breed puppy, who (30 pounds underweight) is suffering from mobility issues due to chronic malnutrition.Ramone, a mixed breed puppy who is suffering from burns on 25% of his back.This is Susie, a beautiful and gentle Shepherd mix who has suffered 31 bite wounds (with infection and joint swelling) from obvious use as a bait dog for fight trainingPAWS Atlanta is caring for these special animals - relieving their pain, feeding them, comforting them and preparing them for loving homes.At PAWS Atlanta we struggle daily to meet the seemingly endless needs of the thousands of homeless animals in our community. Sadly, we lack the resources to pay for the level of care needed by many of these animals. The animals I am writing about today each need special friends to help with the cost of their care. The money to pay for the needed x-rays, burn care, bandages, medications and overtime pay for veterinary technicians is not in our budget. Our ability to provide these brave animals with the care and love they desperately need depends on the generosity of PAWS Atlanta supporters. If you or your business can make a financial contribution to assist in the care of these animals please visit www.pawsatlanta.orgWish List:Newspapers, Dog leashes, Cat litter,Canned Science Diet Cat food, New cat and dog toys, Paper towels,Cotton towels, Bleach, Science Diet dog treats,Architectural services, Public relations/marketing services,Medical equipment-surgical lights, stainless steel tables, cabinets,Sewer line installation,Fencing company to redesign/work on the outdoor dog runs,Landscaping and Paving Company to pave our parking lot and redesign our walk up,Major renovations to our Cat Cottage and Dog Shelter,$500,000 to underwrite the current programs that PAWS Atlanta offers,3 million to build new facility that will enable PAWS Atlanta to assist more homeless cats and dogs. This new facility will include an isolation ward, administration, education facilities, community room and a room for potential adopters.



Wanna be a PET PAL? You can be a PET PAL to one or as many of these great animals as you want! All you have to do it donate at least $20 a month and you can sponsor one of these wonderful dogs or cats and have your name listed below the animal as their PET PAL! Your donation helps support the animals stay while at PAWS for adoption such as food, toys, bedding, etc. Visit to sign up!


Animals & those wonderful people who rescue and adopt them!

My Blog

Donations to PAWS Atlanta

PAWS Atlanta is a 501c3 organization and receives no federal, state or county financial support.  The organization is entirely dependant on fundraisers, grants and donations.  If  you n...
Posted by PAWS Atlanta on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:41:00 PST

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you fund PAWS Atlanta? PAWS Atlanta is a private, 501c3 organization and receives no federal, state or county funds.  PAWS Atlanta stands for Pets Are Worth Saving, and was founded in...
Posted by PAWS Atlanta on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:37:00 PST

PAWS Atlanta Newsletter!

5287 Covington HighwayDecatur, GA PAWS Atlanta Newsletter 2008 You can feel it can't you? It's the weekly offsite adoptions, the onsite dog training and all the pl...
Posted by PAWS Atlanta on Mon, 05 May 2008 07:23:00 PST