F-HOLES profile picture


that's a plate of bull poo that i'm not gonna eat!

About Me

"Whiskey and Coke" in Orangevale, CA! (at club retro)THE F-HOLES
.."Electric Couch" at The Joint, here in flagstaffThe F-Holes (Live)
.."Dead Aim" in Tuba City (not the full song, but close enough!)..................."Sue Zee" in Tempe @ big fish pub..............

My Interests


Member Since: 5/9/2006
Band Members: jeremy plays guitar and sings--- chris plays bass and yells every once in a while--- pauly plays drums and looks sexy all day---
Influences: ..
Sounds Like: toast
Type of Label: None

My Blog

and 9 months later, our tour pictures are born!

well guys, here i am...at work...thinking to myself "wow, we never posted ANY of our pictures from tour...that's dumb..." so, here is the first batch. these were taken by Jo...The Toe...hope you dig '...
Posted by F-HOLES on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:08:00 PST