Final Summation - Overcome (Music Video)
Burned out and over saturated are the first things that come to mind when thinking of music today. Hard work has been replaced by friend lists and bullshitting technique. Passion is close to extinct. Evolution has taken its toll in both good & bad directions. Ignorance is still as predominant as it ever was. Cliques rule, drama remains and everyone’s hometown sucks for one reason or another. Negativity and apathy shadow the landscape with no real signs of fading. Is it possible to create a new style or original piece non-comparable to something that came before? Is playing it safe the smart move? We don’t think so. We like to have fun, tour constantly & write the best songs we can that feel will stand the test of time to age well into forever. Whether that happens is up to your ears. Keep an open mind, hold no grudges & have a sense of humor because life is too short to let anything really get to you. With seven years down and many more to go, hard work will always prevail over fame junkies. "This family has got the distinction of doing what they say they're gonna do. So whether you like it or not, learn to love it. Because we're gonna be here for a long, long time." - Ric Flair on The Four Horsemen