Shang-A-Lang profile picture


Makers of unfortunate decisions

About Me

High praise from Mitch Clem at
The internet is a magical place sometimes. Take two days ago, for instance. While slowly wasting away an empty husk of a human in front of my computer, I stumbled upon Shang-A-Lang. This is exactly the type of band that makes me wish I was together enough to have my own label. But what can you do. Listen to the song "Friends Grow Up" and tell me it isn't the best song you ever heard in your fucking life. No lie.
High prainse from Razorcake
SHANG-A-LANG - ERROR: You Cannot Add Yourself as a Friend 7"
Even though I'd never heard Shang-A-Lang before this 7", I felt like saying, "Hello, old friend." They come across as a comfortable quilt of bands I already enjoy muchly. The good news is that they don't remind me too much of just one band, nor do I suspect they've got musical photocopy machines tucked away in their back pockets. Their musical radar blips in the storm front populated by Scared of Chaka, The Bananas, ADD/C, and Dead Things (and it's a toss up if they've ever heard of those bands). It's not as straight ahead as initial listenings would indicate, easy-to-sing along to DIY punk, that's as fun to listen to, I imagine, as it was fun to make. It's also super easy to smile along to. 300 made. Hand numbered. Good news. -Todd (Dirt Cult)
More high praise from Razorcake:
DIY, melodic punk that rocks the fence and every asshole sitting on it. So magically poppy and gritty at the same time it must be listened to repeatedly, if not for enjoyment than simply for conformation. For fans of the Bananas, Hickey, and shaking fences. Contains ex-members of The Answer Lies. Hand numbered at 300.
Or send $4 to:
Chris Mason
713 Stagecoach Drive
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Upcoming Releases:
1) A Full Length CD (on Dirt Cult)
2) A 4-way split seven inch with Dan Padilla, Grabass Charlestons, and Gordon Gano's Army (on Fast Crowd/Dirt Cult) this fall!!!
3) A four-way split seven inch tribute to Husker Du with The Arrivals, The Marked Men, and The Ergs out someday!!!
4) Dirt Cult Tape Comp Vol. 1

My Interests


Member Since: 12/15/2006
Band Members: Andy Pants- drums
Tommy Davis- bass/vocals
Chris Mason- guitar/vocals
Influences: DIY, Hickey, Tiltwheel, and The Bananas
Sounds Like: you're probably listening to it right now
Record Label: Dirt Cult
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

A list of our past shows...because you care

2006 Dec 16th @ The University House (Las Cruces, NM) w/ Swing Ding Amigos 2007 Jan 5th @ The House of Rock and Roll (El Paso, TX) w/ The Applicators, Brand New Direction, and The WristbandsJan 7...
Posted by Shang-A-Lang on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:10:00 PST