Ædward’s Castle (4 Ron Paul) profile picture

Ædward’s Castle (4 Ron Paul)

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I am one of those Mad-As-Hell Republicans , a Goldwater-Reagan Republican...tired of the bait-and-switch ...tired of being taken for granted ...tired of voting Republican and getting Democrat (if i want Democrat, i'll vote Democrat)...tried of ALL of the Big Government Socialists, ALL of them!...My vote is for a Republican...not one that just talks Republican ...but for one that talks the talk, AND walks the walk! ...I want for myself and mine to live free within secure borders ...I want George Washington's Constitutional Republic ...... I want my Liberty ...I want my Constitution ...NOW! ~ ~ ~ "Government is not a solution to our problem, government is the problem" -Ronald Reagan ~ ~ ~ Restore the American Constitutional Republic - Support the Taft-Goldwater-Reagan wing of the Republican Party - Nominate Ron Paul
"There are 535 people on capital hill whose job it is; to write the laws that govern all of us, and he is one of them.
There are 535 people on capital hill whose job it is to preserve the Constitution, and he is one of them.
There are 535 people whose job it is; to preserve our liberties, and he is one of them, but
In his heart and in his head,
in his character and in his intellect,
in what he has done and in what he will become,
the Thomas Jefferson of our day,
Ron Paul is one of us."
--Judge Andrew Napolitano

analyst for Fox News Channel
(Speaking at Restoring the Republic: Foreign Policy & Civil Liberties June 2007)
Paul-Napolitano in '08!!!
There are indeed two Americas, Media America and Real America. For too long Real America has let Media America choose the decision makers. This time, we can change that.
Big Media, the Mainstream Media (MSM), the Media Establishment, the Controlled Media, by whatever name, they are pimping certain candidates and shoving them down out throats, telling us Ron Paul is not a front-runner, not a first-tier candidate - that he can’t win, even though Ron Paul has won more Polls that any other, even though Ron Paul has more grassroots support than all other candidates combined (Rs&Ds), etc., etc., etc.
So what do they consider a front-runner, a first-tier, a top-tier candidate anyway? Is it the campaign contributions? Is it the money? Well then, let’s give them contributions for a campaign they can’t ignore...
Remember, Dr. Paul does not accept money from special interest groups (big money, the fat cats), so this time, it's up to people like me and you
[hummm, i wonder - when was the last time a President was elected without special interest money?]
Pledge Now ~ Spread The Word ~ Be The Revolution

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A powerful global conversation has begun.
Through the Internet, people are discovering and inventing new ways to share relevant knowledge with blinding speed.
As a direct result, voters are getting smarter — and getting smarter, faster than the candidates, hired pollsters, and the media establishment.
Of these, there is one man alone on the cluetrain.
That man is Ron Paul.

Will you be on the cluetrain?

C'mon people, gather around him, he's got a message, of hope for us all,
Young and old folks, are gathered together, calling for freedom, calling for Ron Paul
Citizens all, join each other now, spread the message of freedom,
We make the call, shout it out now, we want the message of freedom
The golden age of truth is upon us, we're speaking out, no effort's too small,
We ready to fight, for our rights and freedom, we're on the same, side with Ron Paul
Freedom. We're talkin' 'bout Freedom.
Freedom. We're talkin' 'bout Ron Paul.

-by Steve Dore

Click here to check out
The West Virginians for Ron Paul Meetup Group!
(capital area)
Click here to see if there are already Ron Paul Supporters
and/or Ron Paul 2008 Meetups near you
speak now, while there is little risk


Short Version: (as per others) Fire Fighter Captain - Soccer Player - Renaissance Man - Romantic - Paladin - Rocker Dude - Runner - Amorous - Politically Correct Criminal - Realistic Idealist - Soul of an Artist - Unconventional Traditionalist - Passionate – Radical Conservative - Loyalist Republican (the political system) - an Enigma - Ageless - Musician - Conversationalist - Impassioned - Eccentric - Well Spoken - Compassionate - Adventurer, and (as per me) "There is nothing pseudo about me!" -

"Without honor, I am, nothing."

With Liberty and Justice for all, I, as my fathers before me, shall bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of these free, independent, and sovereign Republics of the united States of America, and the Constitutional Republic thereof, many nations under God, united in free association, and with a firm reliance on the protection of divine providence do I pledge my life, fortune, and sacred honor to support and defend them against all their enemies or oppressors, foreign and domestic. So help me God.
[My redaction from acts of the Continental Congress and the united States meeting in Congress]
I enjoy and am equally comfortable; at a symphony concert or a county fair, in a limousine or on horseback, at a reception or cookout, in a tuxedo or tee-shirt-n-jeans. I work hard and there is enough seriousness in life, so I’m always ready for fun, laughter, and adventures. Music is my areo-plane!
Some consider me intellectual – not sure about that, however it may be fair to say that I am philosophical. I do enjoy a good conversation of substance and am not afraid to be different – to stand apart from the crowd – think outside the box, and admire those that are knowledgeable or they that thirst for it.
I am compassionate and considerate, but am not into head games – this is a waste of time and energy. I find wasting time abhorrent and like to be accomplishing something all the time, unless it’s good quality downtime; a good movie, enjoying a fireplace or campfire, good conversation, relaxing with good company, but decidedly not a TV couch potato.
I play League Soccer year-round and am active in my Local Union (IAFF).
I hate to go out and eat by myself, a thing that occurs all too frequently living alone.
My parents raised me to be a gentleman and to treat women as ladies and to expect women to be genteel (well, publicly, most of the time anyway). ; ) I worship and adore women – a man is not truly a man without a woman. This has caused problems with those, as it turns out, who were not worthy of adoration – but c'est la vie – I am not quick to judge and give anyone the benefit-of-the-doubt. I believe any relationship of any kind at any level should be mutually beneficial. “...and in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.” (Bonus points if you know where that comes from).
Speaking of quotes – this is one of my favorites: “Last night you were unhinged! You were like some desperate, howling demon! You frightened me...do it again.” -Morticia Addams LOL
ConnectingSingles.com - A free service to the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the UK!
Some would consider me too old, some too young (although admittedly they would be fewer), but what is this? Age challenged? Tradition challenged? I once dated a woman my same age and this topic came up, to which she said of a certain couple, “What could they possibly have in common?!” I looked at her and said, “Well, for starters, the human experience...” It is an artificial thing that we have set up for ourselves in the last generation or so, this idea that one can only be romantically involved with another of one’s own age. (Humm. The divorce rate has gone up in the last generation or so, also.) Many-a great romance were between persons of divergent ages. Later it struck me, two shallow persons of several years difference probably would not have anything in common. Another used the word “creepy” to describe an advance by one older. If that is your opinion, then don’t look into your pedigree. You should know something of your family background. It is our heart and soul, the person we are, that matters most - not how many candles on a cake.
I don't care for the practice of those who censor their thoughts, opinions, and speech with a Politically Correct agenda or dogma ... nor allowing such to control their actions, deeds, behavior, and interaction with others.
"...I am homesick
After mine own kind that know, and feel
And have some breath for beauty, and the arts..."

my other page

my coffee

100% Nicaraguan Arabica

Listen to Ron Paul

Congressman Paul's consistent voting record prompted one of his congressional colleagues to say,
"Ron Paul personifies the Founding Fathers' ideal of the citizen-statesman. He makes it clear that his principles will never be compromised, and they never are."
Another colleague observed,
"There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles. Ron Paul is one of those few."
Dr. Paul’s message - Freedom, Peace, and Prosperity

My Interests

who counts your vote?

do you know?

listen to what people are singing about Ron Paul:

Q: Who is Ron Paul?

A1: Mr. Conservative 2.0

A2: a man that says what he means and means what he says
(when was the last time you could vote for somebody like that?)

interviews, speeches, and more
@ ronpaulaudio.com


This MAD-AS-HELL Goldwater-Reagan Republican says,
Neo Cons are not "new" nor are they "conservative"
Neo Cons are Democrats are Big Government Socialists
who want to run our lives and take our money to do it
No more Democrats in Republican clothing!

"...get the radicals out of Washington" - RP

The fire of freedom started by our patriot forefathers, never went out! Hard to believe, isn't it? But it's true. Today, that fire is being fanned by all kinds of people of various backgrounds, having different views about specific issues, so-called liberals, so-called conservatives, those "not interested in politics," etc., etc.

All of these people have a common ground - that common ground is the message of the campaign of Ron Paul for the nomination of the Republican Party for President...a choice, not an echo...the first p2p movement for a political campaign...a campaign by everyday people...

History is being made. What are you going to do?

Congressman Ron Paul...
* has never voted to raise taxes.
* has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
* has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
* has never voted to raise congressional pay.
* has never taken a government-paid junket.
* has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
* voted against the Patriot Act.
* voted against regulating the Internet.
* voted against the Iraq war.
* does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program.
* returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
Congressman Ron Paul introduces numerous pieces of substantive legislation each year, maybe more than any single member of Congress.


Remember, Remember, the 5th of November

Good evening, London. Allow me first to apologize for this interruption.

I do, like many of you, appreciate the comforts of every day routine- the security of the familiar, the tranquility of repetition. I enjoy them as much as any bloke. But in the spirit of commemoration, thereby those important events of the past usually associated with someone's death or the end of some awful bloody struggle, a celebration of a nice holiday, I thought we could mark this November the 5th, a day that is sadly no longer remembered, by taking some time out of our daily lives to sit down and have a little chat.

There are of course those who do not want us to speak. I suspect even now, orders are being shouted into telephones, and men with guns will soon be on their way. Why? Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth.

And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression. And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission.

How did this happen? Who's to blame? Well certainly there are those more responsible than others, and they will be held accountable, but again truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.

I know why you did it. I know you were afraid. Who wouldn't be? War, terror, disease. There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense. Fear got the best of you, and in your panic you turned to the now high chancellor, Adam Sutler. He promised you order, he promised you peace, and all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.

Last night I sought to end that silence. Last night I destroyed the Old Bailey, to remind this country of what it has forgotten. More than four hundred years ago a great citizen wished to embed the fifth of November forever in our memory. His hope was to remind the world that fairness, justice, and freedom are more than words, they are perspectives.

So if you've seen nothing, if the crimes of this government remain unknown to you then I would suggest you allow the fifth of November to pass unmarked.

But if you see what I see, if you feel as I feel, and if you would seek as I seek, then I ask you to stand beside me one year from tonight, outside the gates of Parliament, and together we shall give them a fifth of November that shall never, ever be forgot.


This one's for you, Universal Music Group!
leave MySpace alone - Drop The Law Suit!


Playing Soccer (or as the rest of the world says, Football!) - (www.swvasl.org) - played for WV Ãœber Soccer at the 2006 soccer nationals in Wilmington, NC

Backgammon @ dailygammon.com - it costs nothing and has no advertising - cool, huh? - i'm "Pendragon" there - invite me to a match

Le bas taux de natalité français les condamne à l'extinction. Ils nous ont donné marquis de La Fayette et je suis triste de les voir disparaître.

The International Association of Fire Fighters

343 - Bravest of the Brave
my brothers murdered on 11 September 2001
will justice be done, or will 343 murders be forgotten

Fostering and promoting, pursuing, the greater good...

The unbroken circle that is my family

Things ancient and historical

Governance and consent of the governed

Cooperative efforts that benefit the good and general welfare of the members thereof

Die deutsche niedrige Geburtenrate verurteilt Deutsche zur Löschung. Deutsche gaben uns viel und ich bin traurig, die Deutschen zu sehen zu verschwinden. Das Erbe von Amerika ist, mehr als andere, deutsch.



The chalice and blade

The Sumerians

Sitchin Studies

Discovering what the Knights Templar knew

I like; the aroma after a rain, stars in the night sky, warm baths (and sharing that warm bath even more), 1000/+TC sheets, Scottish Highland Games, Thunderstorms and the resonance of Thor’s Hammer, Beautiful Minds, Philosophical Conversation, Swimming after dark, Coffee brewed from fresh beans recently roasted and ground, The shadow play of a swinging light bulb ...


The number of people who signup at Alumz just continues to show that people want a free alternative to Classmates.com.... www.alumz.com

Animal Behavior and Human Psychology & Sociology:
The Milgram Experiment (conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, 1963)
The Third Wave (experiment by Ron Jones, of Palo Alto, California, 1969)
The Stanford University Prison Experiment (led by psychologist Philip Zimbardo, 1971)
The Strip Search Prank Calls Scam (~1994 - 2006)

_____ _____

Most Civil War History is untrue. Like most history, it is written by the victor. The story told is that millions of Southern men went to war over an issue that only affected six percent of the population. Such absurdity is readily refuted. The deception must not continue.

If you are an American and believe the so-called American Civil War was about ending slavery, I CHALLENGE YOU to support and join these organizations:

_____ _____

A government, whose character is marked by every act which may define a Tyrany, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.
[Whence does this come? Do you know?]

"My anger management classes really piss me off!"

"I may disapprove of what you say, but I shall defend unto mine own death your right to say it." -[me - ‘twasn’t the first to express the idea – that would be “Voltaire”]

"They that deny they have religion (of one kind or another) deceive themselves, and attempt to make themselves something less than human." -[me]

Dr. Paul is the ONLY candidate to talk openly and honestly about the IRS

"The real point of audits is to instill fear, not to extract revenue; the IRS aims at winning through intimidation and (thereby) getting maximum voluntary compliance." -- Paul Strassel, former IRS Headquarters Agent, Wall St. Journal 1980

...voluntary compliance?!? Yes. Three times has the IRS’s Central government Income Tax come before the United States Supreme Court and three times have they ruled the tax to be voluntary. Why? That tax is a "direct tax." A direct tax by the Federal government is prohibited in our Constitution.

We the people of the States - 3, Central Government - 0

However, for 140+yrs our Federal government of the States is being replaced by a Central government. If we do nothing, eventually the restraints on the diminishing Constitutional Federal government will not apply to the growing unconstitutional Central government.

"The IRS has become morally corrupted by the enormous power which we in Congress have unwisely entrusted to it. Too often it acts like a Gestapo preying upon defenseless citizens." -- Senator Edward V. Long of Missouri

"When all government ...in little as in great things... shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power; it will render powerless the checks provided of one government on another, and will become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1821

Dear Mister President Jefferson,
It has.Yours Truly,

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable. –President John F Kennedy, 1962

Urge "Those who make" to reconsider, before they bring about the inevitable...

if you are weak-of-heart or weak-of-stomach
or have high BP or are easily upset,

Anyone who requires you to disarm is not your friend - David Codrea

I'd like to meet:

Byron Dale formerly of South Dakota, presently of Minnesota
Elaine & Ed Brown, made to leave their home in Plainfield, New Hampshire against their will
Congressman Ronald Ernest "Ron" Paul of Texas
any descendant of Congressman Charles August Lindbergh of Minnesota
Joseph of Arimathea, or perhaps more accurately, Joseph the Arimatheian
Zecharia Sitchin
Father Guido Sarducci

Janie!!! wherever you are!!! come out tonight!!!

Mary Magdalene

"Shekinah" of Vancouver, British Columbia
m'Lady Ciara of Carolina (this is one smart woman)

Dolores Mary Eileen O’Riordan (of The Cranberries)
Elaine Pagels (née Hiesey) of Princeton University
Megan Martha White (of White Stripes)

smokin hot.

morganna of DailyGammon
Mary Boykin Miller Chesnut
Carole Klein aka Carole King
mon Xérès

Ann and Nancy Wilson (of Heart)
Janis Joplin
Alison Kraus

Brigitte Bardot (a woman of courage who risks government persecution (France); arrest, trial, and conviction to exercise her god-given right to speech, when pointing out an un-Politically Correct truth – a truth that others speak of privately, but she dares to do so publicly. Rapporter la liberté française !)
Laura Ingraham
Margaret of the City of Edmonton in the Province of Alberta
Leigh and her John Lennon’s Jukebox project

I used to want to meet Kate Tunstall (aka KT, aka KT Tunstall) but no longer
Jennifer E. Chan (aka Jennifer Tilly)
Pandora (Trisha Bowyer)

Amelia Earhart
Drew Blythe Barrymore
Marie-Joséphe-Rose de Beauharnais (aka Joséphine)
Grace Barnett Wing (aka Grace Slick)

Olivia Mary de Havilland
Amy Lynn Lee (of Evanescence) what musica! what an artist! what a voice! wha-ta woman!

Few have the ability to soothe that savage beast that is within me . . . . . . . . . . . she does.

Evanescence-Going Under
Add to My Profile | More Videos

Ann Coulter
Natalie Hershlag (aka Natalie Portman)
Amy of Lufkin, Texas who is known to be Perceptive, Passionate, Genuine, and Physically Fit
Joan Jett (of the Runaways & Joan Jett and the Blackhearts)
Bonnie Raitt (In addition to being an intelligent and creative soul, she is an example of ageless beauty.)

Gabriele Susanne Kerner (aka "Nena") Willst du mit mir gehn?
Cristina Adriana Chiara Scabbia (of Lacuna Coil) Voce bella con il suono ricco scuro

Vivien Leigh
Jennifer Lopez
Amy Grant

(Yep. I’m a romantic – I acknowledge and embrace it!)

I enjoy meeting women who are independently supportive. Women who compliment their partner – who are also comfortable being complimented, and do not make life complicated – women who freely give appreciation and freely receive and appreciate masculine attention. A woman who is comfortable with herself and knows who she is; all-grown-up , yet has the adventurous spirit of a girl, able to have fun in most situations and able to step beyond her "comfort zone."

Happiness is not found in the selfish pursuit thereof, therefore I am not actively seeking a serious LTR. If however, a casual relationship grows into a serious, or even that singular special relationship, then happiness is found. And, that's a good thing! If you are looking for a LTR ... it could happen.

I find interesting and attractive women of any age, who are are mature, well read, knowledgeable, and intelligent. And if English is the first language, can string together at least two complete sentences. (second language is a plus)

I do like women who are attractive and look like a real female, not the media’s boy-look image – not attracted to boys. It is only right and natural that a woman have a feminine shape, or as some say, curves in the right places. (physically active preferred)

Spontaneity and playfulness is alluring and I am enthralled by women who are comfortable with their body and not overly inhibited.

I am not age or tradition challenged – it matters not how many candles on a cake. Women that understand this and have a world view larger than ones self are most fascinating. What does matter is our heart and soul, the person we are. If your years, few or more, define you – this man is not for you. Appealing is a woman willing to explore and always ready to learn ever more – eager for enlightenment, illumination, betterment...

Siete la persona che desidero venire a contatto di, se siete una femmina simile a che cosa descrivo e potete leggere questo!

Vous êtes la personne que je veux rencontrer, si vous êtes une femelle semblable à ce que je décris, et vous pouvez lire ceci !

Du bist die Person, die ich treffen möchte, wenn du eine Frau bist, die ähnlich ist, was ich beschreibe, und du kannst dieses lesen!

Você é a pessoa que eu quero se encontrar com, se você for uma fêmea similar a o que eu descrevo, e você pode ler este!

_____ _____

"Guns are no more responsible for killing people than spoons are responsible for making Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah Winfrey fat."
Support Spoon Registration! Contact your law maker and tell them we need Spoon Registration Legislation! And remind them more people in America die every year by spoon than by tobacco and guns put together!
People don't make themselves fat, spoons do!

“And now for something completely different” Can you answer this question? Who is the Ocean’s Daughter? Or more precisely who is that person, that singular entity, known as the Ocean’s Daughter?

Who is that on the horse?


Say NO to Universal Music!

buy no Universal Music Group CDs until they drop their law suit against MySpace
check 'em, before ya buy 'em!

By this there is within me a savage, a beast, that is soothed and excited - I am moved by it.

I love and enjoy "good" music, quality music of most any kind, thus my interests are many and varied; Rock, contemporary Rock, Southern Rock, Alternative Rock, Goth Rock, New Wave, Rockabilly, Classic Rock, Progressive, Metal, Punk, Experimental, Classical, Bluegrass, R and B, Folk, Blues, Choral, Chamber Music, Jazz, Swing, Western Swing, Percussion (as in The Blue Man Group), Traditional Scottish and Irish tunes...and have a weakness for female musicians.

And now boys and girls, let’s all sing along ...

Keep holding on when my brain's tickin' like a bomb
Guess the black thoughts have come again to get me
Sweet bitter words unlike nothing I have heard
Sing along mocking bird yah don't affect me

That's right!
Deliverance of my heart
Please strike!
Be deliberate

[Chorus:] Wait!
I'm coming undone
I'm coming undone
Too late!
I'm coming undone
One looks so strong so delicate
I'm starting to suffocate
And soon I anticipate
I'm coming undone
One looks so strong so delicate

Choke choke again I thought my demons were my friends
Getting me in the end, They're out to get me
Since I was young I've tasted sorrow on my tongue
And this sweet sugar gun does not protect me

That's right
Trigger between my eyes
Please strike
Make it quick now

Trying to hold it together
Head is lighter than a feather
Looks like i'm not getting better
Not getting better

This is one of my all time favorite pieces of visual art (and the tune is pretty good too):

Lacuna Coil Live @ Graspop 23 Jun 06. notice, 1hr+

“A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward.” -Johann Paul Friedrich Richter (1763–1825)


Seachd: The Inaccessible Pinnacle - a Scottish Gaelic film
+ trailer player for your site | larger
...will go out once in a while and give money for a "good flick" - not much into the ones that have been hyped for record box-office sales. If it's a good movie, you'll want to see it again. If it's a really good movie, you'll want to see it again and again.
here's a few of my favs:
Gone With The Wind (1939) no, it's not just a chick flick
1977 Sam Peckinpah directed film: Cross of Iron
Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior (1981)
The Last of the Mohicans (1992)
America: From Freedom To Fascism (2006)
Sling Blade (1996)
The Da Vinci Code (2006)
Lawrence of Arabia (1962)
12 Monkeys (1995)
Shane (1953)
Chariots of Fire (1981)
Eric Liddell: "Then where does the power come from, to see the race to its end? From within."
Eric Liddell: "I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure."
Duke of Sutherland: "The "lad", as you call him, is a true man of principles and a true athlete. His speed is a mere extension of his life, its force."
Harold M. Abrahams: "If I can't win, I won't run!"
Sybil Gordon: "If you don't run, you can't win."
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Maltese Falcon (1941)
Der Name der Rose, (1986) aka "The Name of the Rose" in the US
Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003)
The Wizard of Oz (1939)
Dorothy: "Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore."
Bringing Out the Dead (1999) You’d almost have to be in the emergency services to appreciate this one – subject: emergency services burnout [a problem most prevalent in 3rd service EMS – just another reason EMS belongs in the Fire Service!]
Captain Corelli's Mandolin (2001)
Deadfall (1993)
Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)
The Passion of the Christ (2004)
The Deer Hunter (1978)
Apocalypse Now (1979)
Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
We Were Soldiers (2002)
Ride with the Devil (1999, Directed by Ang Lee)
El Cid (1961) (a story of el Cid Campeador, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar)
The War Lord (1965)
Tunes of Glory (1960)
Doctor Zhivago (1965)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
The Blues Brothers (1980)
Full Metal Jacket (1987) (1st half only)
The Blue Max (1966)
Dances with Wolves (1990)
Outland (1981)
A Bridge Too Far (1977)
Falling Down (1993)
Matwan (1987)
Police Chief Sid Hatfield [regarding the owner of the Baldwin-Phelps agency.]: "I've met 'em. I wouldn't piss on 'em if his heart was on fire."
"I take care of my people. You bring 'em trouble, and you're a dead man."
Few Clothes Johnson (played by James Earl Jones) [addressing the white union miners considering black miners for membership]: "I've been called nigger, and I can't help that's the way white folks is, but I ain't never been called no scab!"
Police Chief Sid Hatfield: [addressing the hired gun thugs, Hickey and Griggs]: "Either of you dogs lifts a finger in the town limits, an' I'll blow you away."
Danny Radnor: [addressing himself to Joe Kenehan while standing in a tent as he holds a rifle in his hands]: "...well we’ve had about all the help we can stand."
The Black Robe (1991)
A Fish Called Wanda (1988)
The Matrix (1999)
Monster's Ball (2001)
The Pink Panther (1963)
The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)
The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)
Zulu (1964)
The Wind and the Lion (1975)
"To Theodore Roosevelt – you are like the wind and I like the lion. You form the tempest. The sand stings my eyes. And the ground is parched. I roar in defiance, but you do not hear. But between us there is a difference. I, like the lion, must remain in my place. While you like the wind will never know yours. - Mulay Hamid El Raisuli, Lord of the Riff, Sultan to the Berbers, Last of the Barbary Pirates."
Sherif of Wazan: "Great Raisuli, we have lost everything. All is drifting on the wind as you said. We have lost everything."
Raisuli: "Sherif, is there not one thing in your life that is worth losing everything for?"[a hearty laugh]
Dune (1984)
The Man from Snowy River (1982)
The Crow (1994)
The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)
O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000) - The Coen brothers make good movies and this one is the best!
Das Boot (1985) aka "The Boat" in the US
Fiddler on the Roof
Joan Of Arc
Zulu Dawn (1979)
Léon (1994) aka "The Professional" in the US
Patton (1970)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
The General's Daughter (1999)
Papillon (1973)
Count of Monte Cristo (2002)
Khartoum (1966)
55 Days at Peking (1963)
A Streetcar Named Desire (1951)
The Sand Pebbles (1966)
and most all with Peter O'Toole.

To dream the impossible dream,
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow,
To run where the brave dare not go
To right the unrightable wrong,
To love pure and chaste from afar,
To try when your arms are too weary,
To reach the unreachable star,
This is my quest, to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,
To fight for the right, without question or pause,
To be willing to march into Hell, for a Heavenly cause ...
And I know if I'll only be true, to this glorious quest,
That my heart will lie will lie peaceful and calm,
when I'm laid to my rest
And the world will be will be better for this:
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach ... the unreachable star.

Evanescence - tunes and lyrics from their new CD The Open Door. notice, 56 min
who is Ron Paul you may ask. do not trust the major media, judge for yourself:
the Ron Paul Library is a collection of over 900 articles and speeches written by Congressman Ron Paul and is independently produced by Ron Paul supporters. To understand his ideas, just review what he has written over the past 10 years.


...don’t watch much, but when I do:

Rescue Me
Have Gun, Will Travel aka "Paladin"
The X Files
The Twilight Zone
Remington Steele
All In The Family
Star Trek
Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Anne of the Green Gables
Miami Vice
Get Smart
Buffy The Vampire Slayer
The early seasons of: Law And Order & e.r.
Jeopardy & Wheel of Fortune
Home Improvement
some programming on the Discovery, Learning, and History channels...


AH! so many, but here's a few:
Myths of American Slavery (et al) - Walter D. Kennedy (of Louisiana)
Facts and Falsehoods Concerning the War on the South 1861-65, 1904 (rare) - George Edmonds
"Imperialists always look on the people as sheep, to be deceived and driven" and "Despotism is a noxious plant, which hates the light and flourishes only in dark places."
People kept in ignorance of their past will offer no serious resistance to tyranny - as true in America today, as it ever was, anywhere and at any time.
Books by:
Zecharia Sitchin; Genesis Revisited, Divine Encounters, especially The Earth Chronicles: 12th Planet - The Stairway to Heaven - The Wars of Gods and Men - The Lost Realms - When Time Began - The Cosmic Code
a record 45th US printing - translated into 23 languages
CS Lewis
and Theodore Roosevelt (especially The Winning of the West).
The Forgotten Soldier – Guy Sajer
1984 - George Orwell
The Forgotten Monarchy of Scotland – HRH Prince Michael of Albany
The Gnostic Gospels, 1979
The Hiram Key, 1996
The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception, 1991
The Templar Revelation, 1997
The Death of the West – Patrick J. Buchanan
Free To Choose – Milton & Rose Friedman
Genesis of the Grail Kings (et al) – Laurence Gardner
Holy Blood, Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh, & Henry Lincoln

The Temple and the Lodge (et al) – Baigent & Leigh
The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown
the Bible and other ancient works, etc.
And from my “To Read” list:
Crimes of the Civil War – Judge Henry Clay Dean
The Cathars and The Trial of the Templars - Malcolm Barber
Gone With the Wind - Margaret Mitchell
Medieval Heresy - Malcolm Lambert
The Cathars and the Albigensian Crusade - Michael Costen
Gone to Texas: The Rebel Outlaw Josey Wales - Asa Earl Carter
and the writings of G. K. Chesterton
Few have the ability to soothe that savage beast that is within me – she does.
Evanescence - My Immortal
Ron Paul on the web:
Official Campaign Web Site:
Dr. Ron Paul’s Writings:
http://www.house.gov/paul - Official Site
Overview of Issues:
http://www.ronpaul2008.com/issues - Official Site
Voting Record:
Discuss and Organize:
http://www.myspace.com/ronpaul2008 - Official Site
http://ronpaul.meetup.com - Official Site
http://rlc.meetup.com/85/ - National Ron Paul Friends USA
http://groups.myspace.com/index.cfm?...id=1 06306273
http://java.freenode.net//index.php?channel=ronpaul - Chat Room
Calendar and Events:
http://www.ronpaul2008.com - Official Site
http://eventful.com/performers/P0-00...n_paul_180x150 - Official Site
Campaign Material- Signs, Stickers and More:
http://www.cafepress.com/RonPaul_2008 - Official Site
http://search.ebay.com/ (Type in “Ron Paul”)
https://www.ronpaul2008.com/donate - Official Site
News and Support Groups:
http://www.ihateronpaul.com (spoof site)
Cross-Party Support Groups:
http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=RonPaul2008dotcom - Official Site
http://www.youtube.com/ (Search “Ron Paul”)
http://video.google.com/ (Search “Ron Paul”)
Audio / Podcasts:
http://audiodropzone.com/home_rp.html - Podcast
http://ronpaul.libsyn.com/ - Podcast Version of Ron Paul’s Weekly Audio Message
City/State/Area Specific Support Groups:
http://www.NMForRonPaul.com - New Mexico
http://ccronpaul2008.com - Central Coast
In the News:
http://news.yahoo.com/fc/US/Race_200...TdrN2pde FuJF
Ron Paul Graphics:
Public Campaign Information:
http://ronpaulregistry.com - signatory declaration of support
2008 Election Links:
[takes a deep breath]...and many more
or just goto topronpaulsites.com
the Revolution is Now


All human beings have heroes , whether we recognize and acknowledge it or not – it is one of the things that make us unique on this planet. Being made aware of this at a very young age (thank you Father), I chose, as an act of my will, to select heroes carefully, and not have them chosen for me by others and not by the establishment media. My heroes and heroines are persons of achievement, who exemplify what is good and noble, who inspire us to seek greater things – to be more than we are. And, more often than not are, or were, willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good.
“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
George Washington -
"Government is not reason; it is not eloquence; it is force! Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." - speech of January 7, 1790
and Martha Dandridge Parke-Custis Washington,
Nathan Hale -
"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"
- New York, September 22, 1776
Thomas Jefferson -
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be." 1816
[Throw off the shackles of ignorance and educate yourself – become knowledgeable – learn the truth – be not so easily deceived by those who have neither truth nor honor in them. -me]
Robert Edward Lee -
"Governor, If I had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory, there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no sir, not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right hand." -to Texas Governor Fletcher S. Stockdale, who served until replaced in July 1865 by neo-USA Presidential Appointee Governor, Andrew J. Hamilton <[u>Yes, appointed. You know, like the ones we had before the revolution – the ones appointed by King George III. And, you should know this didn’t just happen to the people of Texas...]
and Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee,
Gilbert Du Motier, marquis de La Fayette,
Jefferson Davis,
Napoleon Bonaparte,
John Locke,
William Wallace,
Robert Burns,
Benjamin Franklin,
Congressman Charles August Lindbergh of Minnesota, and his son
General Charles Augustus Lindbergh "The Lone Eagle"
[Prior to the Japanese bombing of Peal Harbor (to America’s west) three groups were pushing America to go war in Europe (to America’s east): England, neo-USA President Roosevelt (FDR and his administration), and Jewish American bankers and Zionists. In a speech given at Des Moines, Iowa in 1941 he said,]
"Instead of agitating for war, Jews in this country should be opposing it in every way, for they will be the first to feel its consequences. Tolerance is a virtue that depends upon peace and strength. History shows that it cannot survive war and devastation. ... Large Jewish ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government constitute a great danger to our country."
[As it turns out he was right; everyday European Jews did suffer dire consequences, however he was also wrong to assume wealthy Jewish Americans had any affinity for commoner Jewish Europeans.]
Francis Bacon,
Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee III,
Bonnie Prince Charlie,

General Nathan Bedford Forrest,
[As for me ... I ride with Forrest.]

Comte de Saint-Germain,
Winston Churchill -
"Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened."
Dr. John Dee,
Caesar Chesneau Dumarsais,
Patrick Henry,
Lance Armstrong,
Jacques de Molay,
"Honest John" Letcher, Governor of Virginia 1860-64 -
[In response to Lincoln’s demand that Governors call up their militias and be placed under his command to pass through Virginia and North Carolina to invade South Carolina, Letcher wrote Lincoln, April 17th 1861:]
"I have only to say that the militia of Virginia will not be furnished to the powers of Washington for any such use or purpose as they have in view. Your object is to subjugate the Southern states and the requisition made upon me for such an object - an object in my judgment not within the purview of the constitution or the act of 1795, will not be complied with. You have chosen to inaugurate war ; having done so we will meet you in a spirit as determined as the administration has exhibited toward the South."
Bennett Ross Burgess,
General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson,
Adam Smith,
Francois Marie Arouet - nom de plume, “Voltaire” -
" We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilisation."
John C. Calhoun,
Samuel Adams -
"A general dissolution of the principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy.... While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.... If virtue and knowledge are diffused among the people, they will never be enslaved. This will be their great security."
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen."
Issac Newton,
Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu,
Judge Roy Stuart Moore,
the Kennedy Brothers of Louisiana ,
Martha Stewart,
Johny Cash "The Man In Black," Troubadour - I miss this man as much as any in my family
Jean-Jacques Rousseau,
Ronald Reagan -
"Government is not the solution to the problem, Government is the problem"

Denis Diderot,
Dennis W. Conner,
Sophocles -
"Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud"
Jean le Rond d'Alembert,
General Nguyen Ngoc Loan, RoV
Alexis-Charles-Henri Clérel de Tocqueville -
"The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money."
General Paul Emil von Lettow-Vorbeck, Order Pour le Mérite

John Adams,
Thomas Paine,
Immanuel Kant,
Anders Chydenius,
Francis Hutcheson,
Thomas Hobbes,
David Hume,
James Burnett,
Adam Ferguson (aka Ferguson of Raith),
John Millar of Glasgow,
William Robertson,
James Hutton,
James Watt,
William Murdoch,
James Clerk Maxwell,
Lord Kelvin,
Sir Walter Scott,
Henry Home (Lord Kames),
Thomas Reid,
Dugald Stewart,
James Mill,
Hugh Blair,
Alexander Campbell,
James Boswell, 9th Laird of Auchinleck,
James Burnett (Lord Monboddo),
Sir John Leslie,
George Campbell,
Wilhelm von Humboldt,
Maria Antonia Josefa Johanna von Habsburg-Lothringen,
Kapitän Manfred Albrecht Freiherr (Baron) von Richthofen, Order Pour le Mérite

Lothar-Siegfried Freiherr (Baron) von Richthofen, Order Pour le Mérite

Imperator Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus,
Dr. John Garang de Mabior, PhD
(a Sudanese George Washington)
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli,
Edmund Burke -
"What ever disunites man from God, also disunites man from man."
Johann Wolfgang Goethe,
Friedrich August von Hayek,
Milton Friedman,
Claude Frédéric Bastiat,

Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Caritat, marquis de Condorcet,
Governor Ventura of Minnesota
Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises,
William Penn Adair "Will" Rogers -
"The difference between death and taxes is death doesn't get worse every time Congress meets."

Police Chief Sid Hatfield

[publicly murdered on the steps of the McDowell County Court House, unarmed – the 4 known murders never brought to justice, never charged, never arrested, never a trial. to-wit: 10,000+ citizens fought allies of the murders at the "The Battle of Blair Mountain"]
Rep. Ron Paul, MD -
"When one gets in bed with government, one must expect the diseases it spreads."

_____ _____

I hear the drums echoing tonight
But she hears only whispers of some quiet conversation
She’s coming in 12:30 flight
The moonlit wings reflect the stars that guide me towards salvation
I stopped an old man along the way
Hoping to find some long forgotten words or ancient melodies
He turned to me as if to say, hurry boy, its waiting there for you
Its gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had
The wild dogs cry out in the night
As they grow restless longing for some solitary company
I know that I must do what’s right
Sure as Kilimanjaro rises like Olympus above the Serengeti
I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become
Its gonna take a lot to drag me away from you
There’s nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do
I bless the rains down in Africa
Gonna take some time to do the things we never had

Get your own countUP at BlingyBlob.com
While I really like Goldfinger’s version, I still prefer Nena’s...in German!
Nena - 99 Luftballons

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Goldfinger - 99 Red Ballons

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to those who seek my annihilation:
do not tread on me

My Blog

Why Evangelicals Should Support Ron Paul...But Probably Won’t

[a worthwhile read]Why Evangelicals Should Support Ron Paul...But Probably Won't According to a WorldNetDaily report, evangelical "leaders" are not sure wh...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 12:19:00 PST

Halliburton/KBR/Government Cover Up Gang Rape

We need President Ron Paul to terminate ALL these contacts with these war profiteering corporations.  No one else will.  The neo-cons (Rockefeller Wing of the Republican Party) and the Democ...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 11:40:00 PST

in their own words - what is the New World Order?

"For more than a century,ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:19:00 PST

Ron Pauls message is the direct descendant of Barry Goldwaters

lib"er"tar"iann. 1. a person who believes in the doctrine of the freedom of the will2. a person who believes in full individual freedom of thought, expression and action3. a freewheeling rebel who hat...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 01:59:00 PST

trust the government? - trust the FDA?

thnx, Sandra PadjanDate: 26/11/2007Wal-Mart Milk                                ...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 12:51:00 PST

Empty Holster Protest

moved:No More Massacres! show your support for college students participate in their Empty Holster Protest - October 22-26i did participate - and found the experiance to be very interesting - did reci...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Sun, 28 Oct 2007 11:57:00 PST

the political spectrum

what is this spectrum they always refer to? i'm not sure there is any place there for me - for George Washington - for Ron Paul, Thomas Jefferson, etc., etc.methinks it is a Big Government Socialist s...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 03:51:00 PST

The Famous Neo-Conned Speech by Ron Paul (Transcribed & Video)

holy smokes! for me, this more than anything else, answers the question, who is Ron Paul?it also answers the questions, who are the liberals, who are the neo cons, who is in charge, and what is happe...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 04:45:00 PST

the "Amero" coin is being minted to replace the "Dollar"

Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Wed, 17 Oct 2007 06:56:00 PST

of sharing books and files

how many times do you pay for a book? how many times do you pay for music? Stephen King nor his Publisher sue people for sharing his intellectual property - neither should the Recording Corporations...
Posted by Ædwards Castle (4 Ron Paul) on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:51:00 PST