Whats the scoop?
Ok, here it is, What are we trying to achieve... Well anything really, we have no expectations as long as someone somewhere likes it (but more importantly, we like it). We are surrounded by various musicians and tried to think of a way where we could bring all the musical talent of our extended circle of friends to one virtual place and record and produce something we can give to our kids/friends/family/ourselves to enjoy. ANYTHING ELSE IS A BONUS!!!Aims and Goals
It's all pretty simple, we wanna do some good music, have some good times with alot of good people... there's not enough love in the world. Fuck me! we sound like hippy's! (Not that there's anything wrong with that, each to their own!).Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
So how does it work
At the moment, guests come in and record a few tracks over each song. We then sit and listen to each bar/riff and find good loops cut them and discard the shit! Sorry peoples, but even Hendrix hit a bum one from time to time. Then it is time to position each loop to get a good progression through the song, add some drums, vocals, keys and effects, some twiddles, some cuts, chops, chains, whips, dips and hits, flips, nips, twigs, and cripsHEY PRESTO
Like a flame from the proverbial phoenix' ass, a golden egg of song debauchery, redefining the word and phrases "mixamotosis", "lick my love pump" and "do you wear black?"Special thanks to Steady, who, without his efforts building the studio,none of this could be possible.Cheers Dude