Nothing is impossible for those who have faith.....
Baffling to many
yet understood by all
"The angel thought frantically about what he would do, not knowing if his choices had been right.
How it got this way was a complete mystery to him, and to everyone else as well.
In any event, the rising corruption of a city in silence was beginning to play with his brain, and that was why he had left the last land in the first place. Even though he knew that the last place wasn't half as bad as this one, he had no intention of letting the past repeat itself and serve to drive him crazy a second time.
The people around him had often called him foolish. Foolish and stupid for letting the cruelty of others' desires bend him to their will instead of his own. The strange part was, he never really cared about their petty desires at all. Which is not to say that he didn't love people. He did, and would often do whatever he could to help them.
To him, a big part of the world was nothing more than one big lie designed to fool people into having a sense of security that was never really there in the first place, and surely wouldn't be there when they were ready to die. As for the other half, well, he was sure that the world itself had its positive side to offer everyone. Everyone that wanted it, anyway.
Truthfully speaking, he preferred to look on the bright side, but could never seem to ignore the dark, even though he hated to admit that he was so tuned in to it.
However, he never cared for the endless debate about the light and the dark, the God and the Devil, the wrong and the right, or any of the worlds beautifull chaos in all of its myriad forms.
All he ever really wanted was the comfort of his bride, who had somehow gone astray amidst a world that was transforming.
Not knowing if he will ever find her, he searches endlessly across the lands, waiting to see her once the lonely light of darkness threatens to possess his soul."
But Razlin cares not for these foolish things....
(A sample of my temptations) Most people go with what they know. I on the other hand see life from a different point of view.
A point of view that thinks freely for the self, while holding the common good in mind. Suppose for a moment you were stuck inside a dream - Would you change the fate of nations? Or suffer your own demise?
If not for these questions, who would ever succeed? MyGen Profile Generator
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