My mother says I'm lazy because I only have seven jobs instead of ten.
I was born in Bridgeport, CT. My family background is African American and Jamaican (Chinese & Black).
My Jamaican family name is Lee of Robins Bay, Saint Marys Parish, JA.
However, I grew up with Belizeans in Los Angeles, so I consider Belizean as my second culture. But I am proud to say that I am a Black American and a descendant of the slaves who truly built the American dream for everybody.
I have lived in Bridgeport/New Haven, CT; Washington DC, NE; Philadelpia, PA,; NYC; South Central Los Angeles and Inglewood, CA.
My primary hometowns are New Haven and Inglewood, but I still have fond memories of Southside Bridgeport and Roosevelet Elementary School on Park Ave. I attended the following high schools: James Hillhouse High School in New Haven, CT.; Morningside High School, Inglewood, CA; and Inglewood High School, Inglewood, CA.
My Associates of Arts is from El Camino College in Torrance, CA; Bachelors & Masters Degrees from California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA.
Presently, I am the founder of two corporations that I operate, Chamber of Commerce Journal, Inc. ( and and a nonprofit, Black Chamber of Commerce of Los Angeles County ( &; I teach criminal justice at University of Phoenix Southern California campus; and I have a California real estate license. My specialty is entrepreneuralship, or small business and corporation/limited liability company development, as well as real estate.
Through C.O.R.E. (, I am an inspirational speaker at the Los Angeles County juvenile hall for delinquent Black youngmen (Hispanic too). I teach the young brothers to plan before making babies, and for those who got them, to spend 99% of their time and monetary wealth on their child's future. Since I survived without making babies out of wedlock, I figure I could share the knowledge.
Oprah, 1988, Expert on Los Angeles Streets-gangs (Crips & Bloods)
ABC World News, "Person of the Week", 1988, Expert on Los Angeles Streets-gangs (Crips & Bloods)
Congressional Black Caucus Convention, Wash DC, 1988, Expert on Los Angeles Streets-gangs (Crips & Bloods)
Geraldo, 1995, Expert on Los Angeles Streets-gangs (Crips & Bloods)
For fun, I travel, wine and dine.
Through myspace, I want to make friends with ambitious people. So let's share information and positive experiences and have fun.
Enough about me. So tell me something about you.