Fetisha debut album "Better Than Pain" now available!!!
...to order it, click here
Fetisha is formed in February 2002. In the summer of that year, the band records their first demo tracks, which are goth-orientated and starts penetrating into local music scene. The band and recordings are well accepted by the critics and the public so new opportunities follow. They soon appear as guests in a video of a famous Slovenian band Tabu, which presents Fetisha to the national public. After a successful gig on the Vampirya event, a German record company offers Fetisha their promoting services, but due to departure of the drummer, the band has no other choice but to refuse.
In the beginning of the year 2003 founding members Luka, Maja Grilc and Matej Makovec team up with a new drummer Rok Ple--nar and a few months later, the keyboards are replaced by programming which is done by Mitja Cerkvenik. The occurring changes prove to be a turn for the better for Fetisha, because they expand the band's musical expression with agitated groove of the rhythm section and programming that does not tolerate any restrictions. Fetisha grows into a stronger band that gains new foundations, but preserves the goals- prolific music activity, live shows and recordings.
The first step is the recording of the track Addiction in a home studio, for which Peter Penko makes the final mix and is published on »Od Oluja Mrzitelja VI« compilation in Croatia. Then, in November of 2003, Fetisha works with Dejan Radicevic in studio Tivoli and makes demo recordings for the debut CD, a part of which can be heard in audio section of this page.
Lyrics exist in Slovene and English language and deal with wide varieties of human experience. They explore and dissect human soul to its deepest zones, where normality is, as a reflection in latex, dimmed and more horrifying than any deviation