Icarus Down was forged in 2004 with musicians of a long-ranged musical experience. Alternating from one musical genre to another, the band has decided to let loose and experiment to find their own sound and style, not to be unique, but to be strange in a good way.
A Demo with 10 tracks was released in 2005 just to find some attention in the overcrowded music scene which was recorded and promoted by Icarus Down themselves.
A year later a three track EP called "Soundtrack Of A Weekend" was released and a video for "Push Me... And I'll Let You" was created. The video is based upon its songs lyrics and describes a man on his life path, its temptations and choosing between right or wrong. The main character at the end does the right thing which is shown with the jump of his alter ego from a cliff.
In summer 2007 the band started recording their debut album with its never ending title "Contortions, Mood Swings And The Inevitable Decay Of Relationships" with 13 new songs. The album is designed to be a one whole whose title wraps everything together describing its main themes. It's also based on mythology as it flows with the story of Icarus and his father who tries to Escape from their prison by creating their own wings. The Flight becomes a reality as they surf the winds through the open ocean but tragedy is inevitable as Icarus crashes into the ocean letting his father watch The Fall while being unable to help. The album was released
on 10.12.2007 at CPZ Records along with the second video for "Minus All".
Our New Video - Venus
A story of Icarus...
...the vast shore answered with no consideration to ones feelings.
The escape is useless and nature’s beauty is a prison with no bars, walls, backstabbing inmates, but the boundary comes with a pleasant lick of salt water that with distance becomes a dark, seemingly unending abyss of sea. A father and son use it to cool themselves, for the lack of shade make this island a living hell, more then a place of no exit.
A day like any of the past ones but the burning sun could not outshine the spark that today is the day the island is starting to lose and like every prison guard it has a flaw and knowing it, is the most invigorating rush that the father and son had during the time of their imprisonment. It offered itself in a form of an everlasting human envy towards any living being – a bird. Their bickering noises were the only companion to their own voices which kept them sane and the feathers, which they were not in need of anymore, made an appealing layer that hid the dull, jagged, grey rocks. What was expandable suddenly became of use for someone and the non functional took form and with it a use, a hope to two men who started to dare to picture themselves unbroken with their spirits whole and intact.
With sees less toil they gathered materials to bind the feathers till the puzzle came into completion of a path to their freedom. Through hasty work wings took shape and like some self enhancing loop it gave them more and more energy to spread their new elongated and transformed limbs, to take their desire to run to the point where their legs become obsolete because the way of moving far from a living nightmare would be realized through the flight - the symbolic deed which has always been considered as the unattachment of a person and is an essence of freedom itself.
The boost was such that neither of their similar flesh and blood was at ease the night before their long awaited journey, which none of them dared to question. Silently they both lay still not knowing that their courage was decaying under the pressure of the ever present thought of failure. The dusk swallowed the stars, the light chased away the dark of the night and sunbeams gave even more grace to the newly crossbred humans and their shadows frightened the sparks, the seeders of the idea, like they were saying: “Morning has broken and though you were the first to dominate the skies above, you are masters no more. This morning is our own!â€
the mocking bird is up now
its turn is now
we are the ones to rise
to move towards desire
to stretch the crooked neck
so that the head is held high
because the path is in our reach
with the wings flap
with muscle contraction
I set the winds in motion
Together as never before, father and son detached. The silence and the stillness of the new poetic movement shift them into an almost comatose state, though they never felt more alive, the progressive pumping of their hearts let them know that this is as close to fulfillment as they have ever been.
Intoxicated in his rapture the son soared into higher and heavier air streams. The improvised limb extensions could take no more. They started to fell apart as they wanted to put him into his place, with his feet on earth. Father gazed helplessly as his son fell in a spiral towards the sea, but the mist below revealed the goal they were striving for. With a numb expression on his face the son’s eyes said goodbye and father closed his as he did not want to accept the final farewell.
A feather to feather...and another...A lead to his son took him to a group of rocks, which basked in their new lively color and revealing a fresh member in their midst. Joined into their motionless club, his son laid. The fall did not rob him of his reward. Though his face was frozen, lifeless, the father knew because he could taste it, smell it and want it more so he could relive every second of their journey together. Nevertheless they arrived, the freedom they met flying, left them both dead on the ground.
Buy our full lenght debut album Contortions, Mood Swings And The Inevitable Decay of Relationships online at CPT Store:
Or order our album promo t-shirts at [email protected] .
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